Did i get a good deal? and a funny story..

As long as I've smoked I've never came across any "low grade" shit but I have smoked a lot of mids with a good bit of seeds in it but honestly who hasnt? It could be mids(which is a not soo high quality but not soo shitty either) cuz I can get an eighth of mids for $25 which is about the same price as your weed and it's actually some good weed in large amounts... It sounds like mids cuz if it was low grade it would be brownish and littered with seeds and stems and not smell piney like you described it...
lol you guys are funny.
but yeah it might be crappy mids.
ive gotten 1 gram of beasters for 10$ same dude and that shit was pretty dank.
but im 18 and i dont have a job lol so i kinda just buy dime bags.
as soon as i get a job bam first paycheck gonna buy a O of dro
this is almost exactly what it looked like except little darker green

I'm serious.
It's been a long time, but my buddy only had the brown, mexican, brick weed.

Yeah op, you defenitely don't have schwag. That's mid-grade for sure. Schwag usually has like 5+ seeds and isn't so dank. And if it's brick, you'll be able to tell.
well im guessing mexican brick is like brown this stuff was dark green

And it peels apart like compressed cardboard.

You also end up with more seeds and stems than what's smokable. I'd rather quit smoking than touch that stuff again.
I get the feeling from this and many other threads that the shittiest weed I've ever found in Tasmania beats the shit out of Mexi Brick...