How much protection do you think the new rulings give us?


Well-Known Member
I am too simple to look at that viewpoint also, til you bring it up anyway.
I see your viewpoint. I still think that you are completely bass akwards though. I think the little guy is tired of getting fucked by those corporations you are talking about and the government. Our government and the big corporations fucking kill little guys for sport. If you want to go there, couldn't there be a debate on white collar crime being a much bigger problem at a local, state, national, and global problem? Corporations and governments run EVERYTHING. I stand with others and say those motherfuckers cross the line trying to fuck with my medicine! If I supply other patients, testing is necessary. (Hopefully at 'reasonable' rate) Inspections, not so much. Or certainly not random or often, if ever - after an initial walk though.
I think you paint the picture of the average caregiver very poorly. And then for being as intelligent as you are, it's almost weird how niave you are being about corporate corruption and our entire political system. Do you really honestly believe that caregivers pushing limits is a bigger global problem than the questionable and often illegal practices of corporations and governments?!? That is absolutely ludacris to me. Am I high and paranoid? Oh, maybe not all I need to do is turn on CNN or any other news channel.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
I am too simple to look at that viewpoint also, til you bring it up anyway.
I see your viewpoint. I still think that you are completely bass akwards though. I think the little guy is tired of getting fucked by those corporations you are talking about and the government. Our government and the big corporations fucking kill little guys for sport. If you want to go there, couldn't there be a debate on white collar crime being a much bigger problem at a local, state, national, and global problem? Corporations and governments run EVERYTHING. I stand with others and say those motherfuckers cross the line trying to fuck with my medicine! If I supply other patients, testing is necessary. (Hopefully at 'reasonable' rate) Inspections, not so much. Or certainly not random or often, if ever - after an initial walk though.
I think you paint the picture of the average caregiver very poorly. And then for being as intelligent as you are, it's almost weird how niave you are being about corporate corruption and our entire political system. Do you really honestly believe that caregivers pushing limits is a bigger global problem than the questionable and often illegal practices of corporations and governments?!? That is absolutely ludacris to me. Am I high and paranoid? Oh, maybe not all I need to do is turn on CNN or any other news channel.
No, I don't belive cannabis is a bigger problem than all the other bullshit. I think it has to be dealt with as a SEPARATE problem.

The little gut is tired of getting screwed. But as a whole, the little guy kinda screws himself by not accepting the big guys rules.

Unfortunately, the big guy has the bats, balls, gloves, and bases..right or wrong, if you want to play ball...he has the stuff. You have to play along with his rules, and slowly get your ideals mixed with some point he will allow you in.

If ya stand on the sideline, screaming about how unfair the game is..he's not going to let you play. Cannabis is just another business like any other. It's mostly illegal right now, but as it becomes more accepted, more business men will get involved. By business men, I mean guys who could care less about cannabis, other than there is money to be made. They will play the game the big guy gain the big guys approval. They will put cameras everywhere, allow inspections, keep accurate books...and make a ton of money.

Little guy should be trying to gain that approval first..not pissing the big guy off.


Well-Known Member
I disagree.
We run this shit. How have I gotten high for the last 20+ years then?

They have the bats and gloves, but we all like football better. They said we can't play football we have to play baseball. We said Fuck you and fuck baseball. Then we kept playing football. Then they kept trying to break up our football games. Then even though it was illegal, football still became the biggest sport. Now the government says, "hey I got an idea for a new type of football", and we said "hey how about you go fuck yourself."

bob harris

Well-Known Member
I disagree.
We run this shit. How have I gotten high for the last 20+ years then?

They have the bats and gloves, but we all like football better. They said we can't play football we have to play baseball. We said Fuck you and fuck baseball. Then we kept playing football. Then they kept trying to break up our football games. Then even though it was illegal, football still became the biggest sport. Now the government says, "hey I got an idea for a new type of football", and we said "hey how about you go fuck yourself."
Glad, I can see your viewpoint. Lots of people agree with your line of thought. Though I understand it, I just think I can get stuff done with my approach.

You have anger and conviction..both with good reason. I've simply let go of anger as a useless emotion. By eliminating anger, I focus better on the oppositions moves. Just how I work.

I'm thrilled we have gotten this far...many are pissed we haven't gotten further. I see rapid improvements...many see a snail's pace.

It's not about right or wrong..simply perspective.

Me..I say "let me see that new football" maybe it is better...hey I like this and that...but can we do something about that other thing? I want to keep the game...but I'll let them think they are in control.

they are bigger kids. Right or wrong they can kick our ass. I don't want my ass kicked. So, I simply keep trying to get them to accept my input. just that I know if I start a big enough fight..they are gonna kick my ass...I simply can't win in a fistfight....hence, I'll fight with logic and compromise.


Well-Known Member
I can talk tough. But I don't break the law much. I am mad about shit, but not mad enough to go back to prison. Look at this guy, I just found this. Belle must know him alot of her family is from engadine and most people out there burn.

Bob, that is bullshit. People have gotten less time for manufacturing meth and sucking baby dicks all the time in the UP. Time to time I go to that site and the court ruling hardly ever make sense.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
I can talk tough. But I don't break the law much. I am mad about shit, but not mad enough to go back to prison. Look at this guy, I just found this. Belle must know him alot of her family is from engadine and most people out there burn.

Bob, that is bullshit. People have gotten less time for manufacturing meth and sucking baby dicks all the time in the UP. Time to time I go to that site and the court ruling hardly ever make sense.
see, I read 400 plants, and think wow..he got off easy. Now, it's not that I'm happy he got arrested. And it has nothing to do with my ideology with cannabis laws.

Simply that at 400 plants..the guy had to know he was in deep. He made a choice. I'd love to see it be ok mto have all the plants you want. Don't think it will happen, but would love to see it.

Everybody knows how the federalizes are about grows over 99 plants...If some one feels they have a right to grow more..God bless them....but don't be surprised when they do time.

With 400 plants, do you really think the guy was concentrating on how much he could help others? or was he looking to make bank?

I don't know the answer to that. But I can guess what the cops were thinking...


Well-Known Member
400 plants is a lot. But my back is killing me and Im laying here with news on for Marquette. Dude got sentenced to 365 days in county jail for using facebook to try to get nude pictures of 13 year old. Se what I am saying. That dude should get 10 years and then be eligible for release if they take his cock and/or balls.

The dude with the plants. The feds watched him for awhile obviously. What is they waited till harvest and then took the buds and sold them in one of the dispensaries they terrorized.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
400 plants is a lot. But my back is killing me and Im laying here with news on for Marquette. Dude got sentenced to 365 days in county jail for using facebook to try to get nude pictures of 13 year old. Se what I am saying. That dude should get 10 years and then be eligible for release if they take his cock and/or balls.

The dude with the plants. The feds watched him for awhile obviously. What is they waited till harvest and then took the buds and sold them in one of the dispensaries they terrorized.
If it's any consolation, Parkinson's is kicking my ass today. Meds got me ok mentally, but I got nuthin physically. I guess that I'm fortunate that it is not pain that keeps me down. But the the "can't do anything" part is the same..frustrates me.

been in the grow room 3 times today out of boredom...all I've got energy for. Guess I'm paying for the last two days of cat fish...but at least I was out by the river.


Well-Known Member
Ya I have walls to build. Every time the pain lets up I go do shit and I may have to go to the spital tomorrow if this keeps up. They shot me with something last time and the pain left for like 3-4 days.


Well-Known Member
I think even with all the court rulings and I've read a lot of them and new changes in effect and trying to make things more strict, seems to be whatever they want to do, You could be legal or not, It's really up to the court that's in front of you to decide, if your within your legal limit you should be fine and everything dropped, as they say now your weed can't be seized so let's see about that. Plain and simple the law is too vague and many things need to be clarified in order for US patients to be protected and not have to worry about ANYONE including the DEA/GOVERNMENT harassing us, as long as were within our legal limits.

Reminds me of this new detroit law they are trying to pass that makes it so 1 oz is not a criminal offense only a ticketable offense, yet it's illegal by state/federal law, why waste time making a local law? Beyond me, It makes me feel like there trying to trick people into believing it's legal until they are caught, arrested, charged, and sent to prison yet they did everything legal.

Just my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
federal is irrelevant, we cant change federal, but we can, and have in the state. The law is not vague or poorly written, that is just the propaganda bill schuette wants to profess.

the law is very clear. Does anything in the Law allow for Dispensaries? Imo, No, but it does allow for Pts and Caregivers, to help other Pts, and Caregivers that have at the minimum a Drs recommendation, and on the maximum, a registry card. This also extends to help Visiting Patients with proper Dr Recommendation or Their Home State issued card, if applicable.

a Pt or a CG that is a registrant, can hold and maintain up to 12 plants, and 2.5 oz of dried usable material at any point in time (not every 60 days, not every 60 minutes, not even every 60 seconds, ANY POINT IN TIME) is allowed to be possessed. A pt or a cg or a visiting pt, can have any amount reasonably necessary to provide an uninterruptible supply.

no where does it say anything about co op grows, BUT it is un reasonable to think a husband or wife, or room mates, or people that share domicile, were intended to keep everything in completely separate areas, fully devoid of any other Pt or CG, regardless of that Pt or CG being a Registered Pt of a Registered CG.
The Act clearly states, any Pt or CG can help any Pt or CG in the Medical Use of cannabis. Period. Stop. END OF POINT.
The Act clearly states, manufacture, delivery, possession, transfer ect. are all clearly allowable actions as part of the act. As every one of those Actions are Exclusionary from Prosecution, and if you are a registrant, even arrest so long as you are in compliance with the limits set forth...

Nowhere does it say anything about a dispensary. The reason is the Michigan Voter (myself included) didnt want a bunch of dispensaries throughout the state. for myself mostly out a tact and good taste, but also because I was not particularly fond of the idea of Big Money coming into the State, and Gouging the patients as we had happening. I dont Have a problem with shutting down the dispensaries ect, that were taking advantage of Patients...

But after realizing the volume of Pts and CGs that got great help from some of them (yes more that a few were full on SHIT), I realized the need for a "dispensary" TYPE establishment. This, in my personal opinion is exactly where the Farmers Market model Shines at it's best. The cost for the Patient is lower and will remain lower, quality will be higher than it can be most anywhere else, which was part of the Intent of the Act. Low Cost and higher quality medicine for patients.

When you read the Act from top to bottom, and put all its pieces into the proper place, it is very black and white, and a solid piece of legislation. Don't be fooled by those that want you to THINK it is poorly written. IF it was so Poorly Written, why did the Michigan Supreme Court just uphold every word, comma, and period of the 2008 MMM Act, in Its entirety, and Unanimously?

Fact is, the upheld it because of 2 reasons, It was very well written, thought out, and prepared, and it was Passed by a Peoples Initiative with a Large Majority Vote by Michigan Voters.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
federal is irrelevant, we cant change federal, but we can, and have in the state. The law is not vague or poorly written, that is just the propaganda bill schuette wants to profess.

the law is very clear. Does anything in the Law allow for Dispensaries? Imo, No, but it does allow for Pts and Caregivers, to help other Pts, and Caregivers that have at the minimum a Drs recommendation, and on the maximum, a registry card. This also extends to help Visiting Patients with proper Dr Recommendation or Their Home State issued card, if applicable.

a Pt or a CG that is a registrant, can hold and maintain up to 12 plants, and 2.5 oz of dried usable material at any point in time (not every 60 days, not every 60 minutes, not even every 60 seconds, ANY POINT IN TIME) is allowed to be possessed. A pt or a cg or a visiting pt, can have any amount reasonably necessary to provide an uninterruptible supply.

no where does it say anything about co op grows, BUT it is un reasonable to think a husband or wife, or room mates, or people that share domicile, were intended to keep everything in completely separate areas, fully devoid of any other Pt or CG, regardless of that Pt or CG being a Registered Pt of a Registered CG.
The Act clearly states, any Pt or CG can help any Pt or CG in the Medical Use of cannabis. Period. Stop. END OF POINT.
The Act clearly states, manufacture, delivery, possession, transfer ect. are all clearly allowable actions as part of the act. As every one of those Actions are Exclusionary from Prosecution, and if you are a registrant, even arrest so long as you are in compliance with the limits set forth...

Nowhere does it say anything about a dispensary. The reason is the Michigan Voter (myself included) didnt want a bunch of dispensaries throughout the state. for myself mostly out a tact and good taste, but also because I was not particularly fond of the idea of Big Money coming into the State, and Gouging the patients as we had happening. I dont Have a problem with shutting down the dispensaries ect, that were taking advantage of Patients...

But after realizing the volume of Pts and CGs that got great help from some of them (yes more that a few were full on SHIT), I realized the need for a "dispensary" TYPE establishment. This, in my personal opinion is exactly where the Farmers Market model Shines at it's best. The cost for the Patient is lower and will remain lower, quality will be higher than it can be most anywhere else, which was part of the Intent of the Act. Low Cost and higher quality medicine for patients.

When you read the Act from top to bottom, and put all its pieces into the proper place, it is very black and white, and a solid piece of legislation. Don't be fooled by those that want you to THINK it is poorly written. IF it was so Poorly Written, why did the Michigan Supreme Court just uphold every word, comma, and period of the 2008 MMM Act, in Its entirety, and Unanimously?

Fact is, the upheld it because of 2 reasons, It was very well written, thought out, and prepared, and it was Passed by a Peoples Initiative with a Large Majority Vote by Michigan Voters.
Outstanding...the law clearly allows delivery.

So it's perfectly fine for me to go buy a used police interceptor at it with a huge neon pot leaf on top..a catchy slogan like "speedyweed" written on the side and go in business? I'll even get cop sun glasses and a hat..briefcase hand cuffed to my wrist....will carry munchies too..side I can sell lots of hot pretzels. Or, we could stop at any place you'd like take out from on the way over...lots of patients would appreciate that!

I can even drive down the street doing that thumb by mouth, pinkie by ear "call me" sign..the phone # is on the car.

Wave down service too...just wave..i got time for a cab...I could give rides to hookers! All the ones I know have cards....

No problems, right Timmah? the law clearly defines delivery.

Man, I hope I can get one at auction that has the obvious decal peel off marks...Nice big stars on the door maybe...


Well-Known Member
now your just showing your ignorance.

but if thats what floats your boat. Perhaps a pink cadillac will suit the new venture better for you. OH OH I Know, a Rolling Paddy Wagon Pot Dispensary. lol dolt.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
now your just showing your ignorance.

but if thats what floats your boat. Perhaps a pink cadillac will suit the new venture better for you. OH OH I Know, a Rolling Paddy Wagon Pot Dispensary. lol dolt.

I'm not showing my ignorance at all. I mean..that's no problem, right? sure, I'd be an asshole...but no one could mess with me..because the written..allows delivery, right?

I mean..I wouldn't do that. But someone would..lots of crazy catz out there.

look how well we handled dispensaries...

No problems with problems at all....the law as written is crystal clear.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
now your just showing your ignorance.

but if thats what floats your boat. Perhaps a pink cadillac will suit the new venture better for you. OH OH I Know, a Rolling Paddy Wagon Pot Dispensary. lol dolt.
Im sticking with the crown Vic...those bad boys are built to take an 8" curb at 40 miles an hour. Dual cooling systems in case one fails..made to take a bullet! There is a reason the cab companies buy them...Fuckers are hard to get at auction. Cab guys will bid you out in no to 5 grand on a dented up 150,000 miler last time I went...brutal.

Plus, I like the irony.

I'm just glad our law "as written" gives me the well defined and protected right to do so if I wish....thanks again...I never knew it was so simple!


Active Member
federal is irrelevant, we cant change federal, but we can, and have in the state. The law is not vague or poorly written, that is just the propaganda bill schuette wants to profess.

the law is very clear. Does anything in the Law allow for Dispensaries? Imo, No, but it does allow for Pts and Caregivers, to help other Pts, and Caregivers that have at the minimum a Drs recommendation, and on the maximum, a registry card. This also extends to help Visiting Patients with proper Dr Recommendation or Their Home State issued card, if applicable.

a Pt or a CG that is a registrant, can hold and maintain up to 12 plants, and 2.5 oz of dried usable material at any point in time (not every 60 days, not every 60 minutes, not even every 60 seconds, ANY POINT IN TIME) is allowed to be possessed. A pt or a cg or a visiting pt, can have any amount reasonably necessary to provide an uninterruptible supply.

no where does it say anything about co op grows, BUT it is un reasonable to think a husband or wife, or room mates, or people that share domicile, were intended to keep everything in completely separate areas, fully devoid of any other Pt or CG, regardless of that Pt or CG being a Registered Pt of a Registered CG.
The Act clearly states, any Pt or CG can help any Pt or CG in the Medical Use of cannabis. Period. Stop. END OF POINT.
The Act clearly states, manufacture, delivery, possession, transfer ect. are all clearly allowable actions as part of the act. As every one of those Actions are Exclusionary from Prosecution, and if you are a registrant, even arrest so long as you are in compliance with the limits set forth...

Nowhere does it say anything about a dispensary. The reason is the Michigan Voter (myself included) didnt want a bunch of dispensaries throughout the state. for myself mostly out a tact and good taste, but also because I was not particularly fond of the idea of Big Money coming into the State, and Gouging the patients as we had happening. I dont Have a problem with shutting down the dispensaries ect, that were taking advantage of Patients...

But after realizing the volume of Pts and CGs that got great help from some of them (yes more that a few were full on SHIT), I realized the need for a "dispensary" TYPE establishment. This, in my personal opinion is exactly where the Farmers Market model Shines at it's best. The cost for the Patient is lower and will remain lower, quality will be higher than it can be most anywhere else, which was part of the Intent of the Act. Low Cost and higher quality medicine for patients.

When you read the Act from top to bottom, and put all its pieces into the proper place, it is very black and white, and a solid piece of legislation. Don't be fooled by those that want you to THINK it is poorly written. IF it was so Poorly Written, why did the Michigan Supreme Court just uphold every word, comma, and period of the 2008 MMM Act, in Its entirety, and Unanimously?

Fact is, the upheld it because of 2 reasons, It was very well written, thought out, and prepared, and it was Passed by a Peoples Initiative with a Large Majority Vote by Michigan Voters.
What law are you reading. The one I voted for in Michigan was pretty vague and wide open lacking definition and leaving nothing but room for interpretation to be spun or added via the standard law amending practices which do not require a vote of the general public. I am glad the courts have held up the law as it is for the time being however I have also saw a lot of those judges nearly begging our law makers to add better definition to the law so they have guide lines and rules to uphold.

Here is what the law does say about what cg and pt my do and it is nothing at all like what you claim it to be. Period. End of story.

As for visiting PT The law is also clear on this and they are offered NO protections under the law. Please get off your soap box sir it is full of manure just like you.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
What law are you reading. The one I voted for in Michigan was pretty vague and wide open lacking definition and leaving nothing but room for interpretation to be spun or added via the standard law amending practices which do not require a vote of the general public. I am glad the courts have held up the law as it is for the time being however I have also saw a lot of those judges nearly begging our law makers to add better definition to the law so they have guide lines and rules to uphold.

Here is what the law does say about what cg and pt my do and it is nothing at all like what you claim it to be. Period. End of story.

As for visiting PT The law is also clear on this and they are offered NO protections under the law. Please get off your soap box sir it is full of manure just like you.
So..can I have my delivery service? I don't thinks so...but Timmah says it's ok..


Active Member
Yes according to the law that I read you can have your delivery service so long as it only delivers to Patients you are the named care giver for under the MMMJ program. The rest of the idea would be illegal or at least as of yet undefined and would likely come under heavy fire quite quickly