Anyones Dog steal your stash?Brownies? I got some stories haha,Post em


Active Member
Anybody had there dog steal your goods while you were sleeping or at work? Haha,I know there's gotta be some good stories out there. I got a couple,same damn dog.
One weekend I came home after working in the mountains for 2 weeks straight..I get home and I track down some killer weed..I took the bag home,left it on the coffee table and left to go do a few things...When I return home I head straight for the coffee table,just excited as hell haha..Its no where to be found,then all of a sudden I see a baggy on the floor...empty,not even a stem haha he licked the bag clean. I go downstairs and hes passed out on the couch,on his back with his head on a pillow snoring his ass off. He would wake up and his head would just bobble. Priceless but expensive ha.
1 more,1more...Same dog haha,I had a buddy who claimed he had the best brownies ever,said they were like nothing we've ever of course I dig in my pockets and say hell yea I want 2 ha. $20 bucks each for a brownie about the size of a deck of cards..I got to eat it and My buddy says No,just eat a 1/4 because that whole brownie will F*ck you up,way to much haha. So I took a 1/4 with my buddy...went home and I was just loaded. I have never eaten a brownie that strong. Ive been to Amsterdam and there goodies didn't compare to these...Anyways..My buddy and I came back to my place,and of course I set the brownies on that stupid coffee table..yep same table dog earlier in the year stole my weed of of... So My buddy and I sit on the couch and start browsing the internet with a spot between us...All of a sudden my dog was stumbling around like a zombie...its like he was half asleep and struggling to walk..I honestly thought something was wrong we watched him,he was slowly staggering like a drunk guy headed for the exit...My dod finally wobbled to the couch and kept staring at the open seat between my buddy and I...He slowly climbs up,kinda rolls but fall back and is sitting on the couch just like we were...just like a human haha..his back of his head was pressed into the headrest of the couch and his feet were wide and dangling over the seat just like us haha..He passed out snoring like that. haha during this time I noticed 1 of the full brownie wrappers was on the floor. haha he ate a whole brownie...I ate only a 1/4 and was fucked haha. Crazy, he hates weed lol
I know there's some good stories like mine,post fellas..ladies


Active Member
HAHA .... well my damn dog into a P (in a drawer vacuum sealed twice!) and he ate 43 grams of it. He was puking up whole buds in his cage. It looks like broccoli!! The rest of the P was strung all over the house! Same dog jus goes around the house eating whatever smoke is laying out.. he will eat blunts....j's its doesnt matter! I was doing better since the P incident so I left him outta his cage while I ran out to the store for a min and came back and he devour the WHOLE 24in headband!! roots and all... Fugger stays in the cage now when i go!!

brewing up

Well-Known Member
my friend feeds his dog the twigs and stems off the buds it loves them, if he bins the twigs n stems the dog will dig them out

smoke doubt

Active Member
my fav is when someone that's had far too much to drink, demands i make them a spliff. ''don't put too much in, just a little one to give me a bit of a buzz''. I love that line. You know the fireworks will be about 20 minutes. After 15 mins of uncontrollable laughter it all goes quiet-the face goes grey, then the restlessness, then the panic. By 20 mins, the famous question, ''where's the toilet?'' Within 30 seconds of that question, the technicolour yawn will indeed happen


Back years ago when I had roommates I had a buddy who always kept like a half pound of dro around at all times. One day we come home and the bag is in the middle of the living room, tore open, with buds scattered everywhere.

Once we found the dog, it could barely walk, running into walls, etc. I have never seen a dog so faded in my life. It was so bad we debated taking it to the vet. But what do you say? My dog ate my weed?

Well we never wound up taking it to the vet and the next day the dog was fine. After that experience though, you could leave weed right in front of it but it wouldn't dare eat it again lol.


Well-Known Member
when my pit was a puppy he ate a quater little fucker i had it on my desk he was lil as shit to he must climbed on the computer chair then the desk he ate like 6 grams at lest he left me enough for a dutch lol he didnt have a name yet so i named him buds


haha reminds me when I was up in humboldt working for a commercial grower... They had 2 guard dogs that would eat the trimmings every once and awhile and ptfo all day with stomach aches. They did this every month like clockwork. lol. good times!


Well-Known Member
my pitbull has got into my nugs many times.. mostly more when she was a puppy.. one time i left her out front, was testing her to see if she wouldnt run away, i dont have a fence or anything. i cruise out about 30 mins i see her munchin on the last part of the blunt i left out there the day before.. there was about half left, probably an 8th rolled into it.. so she ate at least a gram and a half, plus the blunt wrap lol, 25 pound puppy.

so i set her up all nice in my bed to kick it, go in awhile after to find her covered in her own piss on my bed.. i wake her up to get her to move so i can clean up, she stands on the floor, wobbling back and forth and just letting off this long high pitch cry for help.. haha i felt so bad, i almost took her to the vet. the whole week she was acting funny after that lol i thought she was perma-fried or something.

shes not the biggest fan of getting high now, kinda bummed i ruined that.
my friends dog (as a puppy) got into a full tray of freshly baked brownies, she ate 5 of them!!!!!! they tookj her to the vet to see if it was ok she had chocolate xD everything was fine but they had to try and hide the puppy from his parents for like 3 days cause the dog was trippin so hard, it was fucked up but that dog had to be BLITZED
Back years ago when I had roommates I had a buddy who always kept like a half pound of dro around at all times. One day we come home and the bag is in the middle of the living room, tore open, with buds scattered everywhere.

Once we found the dog, it could barely walk, running into walls, etc. I have never seen a dog so faded in my life. It was so bad we debated taking it to the vet. But what do you say? My dog ate my weed?

Well we never wound up taking it to the vet and the next day the dog was fine. After that experience though, you could leave weed right in front of it but it wouldn't dare eat it again lol.
this is completely unrelated but i totally have your profile picture signed by her in my smoking room lol


Well-Known Member
well i had a dryer that was gutted and i was growing in in the basement at one point.. well anyways the back was sealed up with plastic, but somehow my dog (at the time, ended up giving her away) managed to get her head in there and eat 20 plants. needless to say i was about ready to kill the dog. i personally think she was just jealous of them and at them out of spite.
polyarcturus:7538385 said:
well i had a dryer that was gutted and i was growing in in the basement at one point.. well anyways the back was sealed up with plastic, but somehow my dog (at the time, ended up giving her away) managed to get her head in there and eat 20 plants. needless to say i was about ready to kill the dog. i personally think she was just jealous of them and at them out of spite.
Damnnnnnn. Gutting a dryer sounds like a sick idea!


Well-Known Member
LAughed my ass off about the dog sitting on the couch like a human, haha lol, Your dog is cool. Im going to feed mine a brownie to see how shee likes it. She likes the scond hand smoke.


Active Member
I used to grow Angels trumpet, tree Datura for the big trumpet shaped yellow flowers it had. It's a very powerful hallucinogen. One night my Border Collie ate a bunch of the leaves and I never seen him do it.

I had just smoked a big joint and was just sitting in front of the computer and he went into convulsions, pissed everywhere and went totally stiff as a board. I thought he was dead. He stopped breathing so I grabbed him and started pushing on his stomach to get him breathing again. This isn't cool when you are really really high. Well he snapped out of it and I thought he was ok. My other dog a German Shepherd was freaking out and was trying to bite the other dog to protect me.

The collie starts foaming at the mouth and try's to bite me and the other dog. His eyes were red as fire so I locked myself and my German shepherd in the bedroom and called the emergency vet cause I thought he had rabies. I was going to get my pistol and shoot him if I had to. I open the door every 5 minutes or so to check on him till he recovered. Took about an hour.

Well My collie went and started drinking water so I thought he was ok so I put both dogs outside. The stupid dog went right back to the datura plant to eat it. That's how I knew he was stoned off that shit.
I tossed the plant right away.
Not something you want to go through when you are really high.


Active Member
My lab stole 2 brownies that were extra potent. She stumbled around the house for 2 days, rolled on her back and pissed every were, would not go out side and had a general look of terror on her face.


Well-Known Member
I was dog sitting for a friend a while ago. This little 4 pound pug ate a cookie that put 200lb dudes in the fetal position for hours. It made from a super stony white russian plant. Not that great sativa pheno, the stony cement you to the floor one. The butter strength per cookie was 3 grams material. Shit wrecked a seasoned stoner.

I had no idea she found this cookie, I was freaking out, didn't know what was wrong. She was rocking back and forth like a pendulum up side down. She rolled over and peed all over herself a few times. She was a fucking mess.

I took her to an animal hospital and waited in the waiting room with her on my lap. She peed on me several times, but i felt so bad i didn't want to just sit her on the floor as she was dying (or so i thought)

The tech came out and took one look at her and asked a series of questions. The answer to every question was yes.

He came back 10 mins later and told me that she had ate marijuana, she'll be fine. No charge.

He said he get's 3-4 "dying" dogs brought in a week.

So I sat her on a soft pillow and turned on Europe 72' for her. She was back to normal after a few days.