Seems to be a lot of "Trolling" lately

Just a thought.

Why do people insist on being such assholes to one another on a site that's meant to bring us together and share vital information? I really like the idea of being able to anonymously socialize with like-minded people since i can't go telling anyone else the things i very openly say on here. But DAMN, half the shit i sift through lately is politically driven garbage or people just being straight up douchenozzles to one another. Can't we all just get along? Seriously, smoke a joint and fucking RELAX!! :joint:
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Well-Known Member
I was about to say... as of lately? Where you been? This shit is an epidemic. It just is, like the sky being blue. Stay high.


Well-Known Member
I was about to say... as of lately? Where you been? This shit is an epidemic. It just is, like the sky being blue. Stay high.
true...true... trolling is sky rocketing. just like the debt crisis.

but, what can we do? only take it and ignore them.


Well-Known Member
I'm not a troll, but I can appreciate a good troll. Yes there are good trolls. Sometimes they are referred to as troll slayers. But in order to kill one you must become one.

jessy koons

New Member
Someone got Rick rolled. Lol. Stay high
Man that is a cold thing to do to somebody. I've been able to avoid Rick for years and all of the sudden there he is and I'm shattered. Kush guy you looked like such a nice guy in your photo with the plaid shirt and all. Cold Cold Cold.

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
depends on what you consider trolling. from what i see on this site you have groups of people that think they set the tone in whatever thread they decide to part take in and if you are not in agreeance with them you are made out to be a troll. prime example would be this thread.

  • Why do people insist on being such assholes to one another on a site that's meant to bring us together and share vital information?​

if you really felt like that respect others opinions and keep it moving. not everyone is going to come to a consensus based upon how you think, or feel about a situation.
the key is to hear all sides unbiasedly and respect each others opinion. we all come from different walks of life, and i am pretty sure we all break things down in our mind differently, so to post up a thread like this is senseless and serve no real purpose. shit if you ask me u seem like more of a troller to me more than anyone by starting this thread and inciting unnecessary drama. but on the other hand you don't think so, so does that make you a troller or not?
I was mostly referring to pissy back and forths between losers with too much time (and semen) on their hands :) IDK it's funny to watch people go so far off topic to prove their mental capabilities (or lack thereof)
depends on what you consider trolling. from what i see on this site you have groups of people that think they set the tone in whatever thread they decide to part take in and if you are not in agreeance with them you are made out to be a troll. prime example would be this thread.

if you really felt like that respect others opinions and keep it moving. not everyone is going to come to a consensus based upon how you think, or feel about a situation.
the key is to hear all sides unbiasedly and respect each others opinion. we all come from different walks of life, and i am pretty sure we all break things down in our mind differently, so to post up a thread like this is senseless and serve no real purpose. shit if you ask me u seem like more of a troller to me more than anyone by starting this thread and inciting unnecessary drama. but on the other hand you don't think so, so does that make you a troller or not?
Yeah sure I'm a troll because I said other people are trolls. That makes a lot of sense. And i wasn't "inciting drama" just stating opinion. And i'm pretty sure you knew what the thread was about before you read it so wtf are you doing here?
This place is full of assholes with nothing better to do but talk shit to other people for no good reason. Get a girlfriend, or at the very least a hobby.

You have affirmed my hatred for this site and I will be deleting my account now, so thanks for being a fuckhead. :)

I sincerely hope you rot in hell.