PROOF that GOD Exists......

Condition. Your trying to straw man but you've seldom encountered an Atheist, and can tell by your arguments, you have no idea how an Atheist feels. You assume an Atheist rejects God. You keep using the word God, not Gods, or Allah, or even Qi.

Folks have been polite, because they are assuming you are ill equipped for a scientific debate. Don't shoot the messenger. To say you have faith is one thing. But to try to support faith with science is Laughable. Then you state dinosaurs were being witnessed by man. Then you accuse me of using a "What to say" site as a source. Written by a man at a university who studies behavior. In a team. Of other scientists. Please understand.

Well, thanks for the nice pat on the head, and being politely condescending. Who was taking about dinosaurs? I've got nothing against atheists or seculars, zealots, or name callers, but, you need to go and peruse the science and tech section, here if you think I'm ill equipped.

What is your stance on the natural state of man, again?
Atheism is not a religion. It is merely an act; the act of deciding that there is no proof of a "god". Atheism would not exist without religion, it is completely counter to the concept. It makes no sense to call it a religion. A religion requires belief in a god. A belief that an adult had to force upon me as a child. I never conceived the idea of god on my own. I would still not beleive in a god, even if the idea was not brought up. I believe in a higher power just as little, regardless of my awareness of the concept of it. Atheists care, because religion has, and continues to, perpetuate ignorance and atrocities throughout history. I don't see atheists claiming a divine power says that "god hates fags".

It crosses the line to me due to the fervor, passion, zealotry, to proclaim as FACT, the basic understanding of all mankind is wrong. Smarter than the Pope I guess, since he sees it the opposite. So, yet another religion. A pagan expression. Perhaps thought leaders for persecution if the tables were turned, based on the comments I see here.
Well, thanks for the nice pat on the head, and being politely condescending. Who was taking about dinosaurs? I've got nothing against atheists or seculars, zealots, or name callers, but, you need to go and peruse the science and tech section, here if you think I'm ill equipped.

What is your stance on the natural state of man, again?

I apologize. I must have mixed you up with another poster. He was claiming dinosaurs were around with mankind. :lol:
It crosses the line to me due to the fervor, passion, zealotry, to proclaim as FACT, the basic understanding of all mankind is wrong. Smarter than the Pope I guess, since he sees it the opposite. So, yet another religion. A pagan expression. Perhaps thought leaders for persecution if the tables were turned, based on the comments I see here.

It will grieve you sir, to learn we are only aware of 6% of our universe then. Everything we've just debated is probably wrong. "?" is better than fantastical stories...Of which I have no good reason to believe, unless doctrines command so.
The question who created the creator is answered as follows

For you to believe in a creator you must believe he has been around forever. Eternity is a hard thing to imagine but to understand religion you must realize that for a god to exist it must be this way. If you believe something cant come from nothing and a god couldnt always be around then how to you explain the universe. Has the universe just always been around or what came before that? to me it makes more sense believing an all powerful creator has existed for ever than to believe a universe has.

To the dinosaur question, it is not even a known fact when dinosaurs existed. Some scientists believe they existed around the same time as humans and if you believe that then they were created for our enjoyment along with every other aniaml on the planet. he created this world for us and everything on it was created for us to expierience and view. The good as well as the bad.

Thousand pardons. My mush melon mixed up posts. I did. My stoned ass. How's that for a sig?
I'm quite sure you were proposing, just very recently that, a-the-ism is a natural born condition of humans. Are you starting to realize how impossible that is? Any -theism is a result of cognition. "Don't know anything" is how we are born. Not an -ism it's a condition of ignorance. A -tic. Ag-nos-tic.

oops, missed this one. Please don't mod me for my money shot all over this thread...

I still contend. Atheism is no belief. Do you believe in ghgxdfhjkohgo;dfh;ouidhsdio;ufighriodjg'spgrji[serouty890seriogjaio'j[0uhehbvgo[isdrsdrsdrsdremh9gth 9seh????? Huh? Do ya? Are you rejecting ghgxdfhjkohgo;dfh;ouidhsdio;ufighriodjg'spgrji[serouty890seriogjaio'j[0uhehbvgo[isdrsdrsdrsdremh9gth 9seh?????

No. You have no knowledge of what that is. So it doesn't concern you. This is the "Innocent Atheist". I was raised secular with every religion trying to recruit me. You have no idea how CRAZY people seem when they all "KNOW" that XXXX is real, and that without doing XXXX that XXXX will happen, but if you XXXX, then you'll get XXXX. It illustrated the entire situation in about 9 months, at age 12. and 13,14,15,16,etc.
Doer, Atheism is not a religion.

When you are born, you are classified as an Atheist. For you hold no belief in a supernatural power or god/gods. If you have no belief... you are an Atheist. If you have no belief, it cannot be religious.

Religion- The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, esp. a personal God or gods. Details of belief as taught or discussed.

Atheism- Disbelief in the existence of God or gods.

This is elementary thinking in philosophy, and is extremely simple to understand if you take the time to.

If you do anything BUT believe, you are an Atheist. If you have the capacity to choose, and choose neither, you take an agnostic position about the subject... but this agnostic position falls short as to be classified as philosophical suicide.
It crosses the line to me due to the fervor, passion, zealotry, to proclaim as FACT, the basic understanding of all mankind is wrong. Smarter than the Pope I guess, since he sees it the opposite. So, yet another religion. A pagan expression. Perhaps thought leaders for persecution if the tables were turned, based on the comments I see here.

Fervent support of a position in no way makes that position a religion. Just because the majority believes it, doesn't make it right; so that's a flawed argument. I wasn't aware that the pope was the leader in intellectual affairs, thanks for the heads up. I'm sure his deep and fascinating insight on condoms, AIDS, abortion, and women's rights shall be informative.
As for proof that god exists, what's your position again?

Well, if you read back, you will see I never offered any, but I've repeatedly asked for your proof, FACT!!!, etc that atheism is what you've said it was. The natural state. If we were un-sullied by
religiousity we be athiests. Not thiest. We would certainly be rejectosr of theism. Did you read the puzzle I propose?. I try to refrain from make bald statements that I can't back up and I reist your attempts to bully the conversation. So what?
Well, if you read back, you will see I never offered any, but I've repeatedly asked for your proof, FACT!!!, etc that atheism is what you've said it was. The natural state. If we were un-sullied by
religiousity we be athiests. Not thiest. We would certainly be rejectosr of theism. Did you read the puzzle I propose?. I try to refrain from make bald statements that I can't back up and I reist your attempts to bully the conversation. So what?

In order to reject something, I would have to believe it exists. I don't, and can't, reject things that are not real.
Fervent support of a position in no way makes that position a religion. Just because the majority believes it, doesn't make it right; so that's a flawed argument. I wasn't aware that the pope was the leader in intellectual affairs, thanks for the heads up. I'm sure his deep and fascinating insight on condoms, AIDS, abortion, and women's rights shall be informative.

Athiesm is not yet an organized religion. Call it a cult. And we can certainly sense the superiority and sometimes, outright violence of thought, that's common in cult formation, when the intellectuals succed in motivating the minions. A certain type of second class viewpoint is already forming from the "First Class." of Truth. A true intolerance brewing if you ask me. A blame and guilt game to make Religion as the culprit for our moderm ills. The ignorance of some the basic fact of history, show me the dumbed dowm mob is getting ahold of the idea.

It's something to be feared as any religion, to me. So, the little a-theist, like Mr. H and mPhk, beware the mob secular anti-globalists. For me any label beyond Self is a power game.
Click on Doer's quote. Is it out of context, or did he really refer to Atheism as a religion? (Jeopardy music please)

This personal attack stance is just showig what a punk you are. I'm proud of what I said.
Lowly sarcasm, how base we stoop.
In order to reject something, I would have to believe it exists. I don't, and can't, reject things that are not real.

That's the usual wiggle and it's pretel logic, attibutabe to cults. You say you aren't rejecting the concept of diety, but you are.
You claim the concept is false.