Athiesm is not yet an organized religion. Call it a cult. And we can certainly sense the superiority and sometimes, outright violence of thought, that's common in cult formation, when the intellectuals succed in motivating the minions. A certain type of second class viewpoint is already forming from the "First Class." of Truth. A true intolerance brewing if you ask me. A blame and guilt game to make Religion as the culprit for our moderm ills. The ignorance of some the basic fact of history, show me the dumbed dowm mob is getting ahold of the idea.
It's something to be feared as any religion, to me. So, the little a-theist, like Mr. H and mPhk, beware the mob secular anti-globalists. For me any label beyond Self is a power game.
It will grieve you sir, to learn we are only aware of 6% of our universe then. Everything we've justdebated is probably wrong. "?" is better than fantastical stories...Of which I have no good reason to believe, unless doctrines ]command so.
I am not understanding how a cult can be formed around the lack of believing a proposition, especially when that proposition has a number of reasons, some at odds with each other, for being rejected. Not all atheists, by far, play the blame game. This cult would also have to include those who have never even heard of theism. This is what you choose to indicate when you choose the word atheist. Perhaps skeptics would be a better title, as it at least indicates the the rejection came about for similar and agreeable reasons, and that all participants are aware of the arguments. Even then, skepticism is simply a method for judging truth value. I think you are speaking of anti-religious groups.
Yes, we are sceptics and that is why I chose the little "a" form. I believe you suggested it. Let's use sceptics to distance our selves from the -isms. We are born sceptical. I agree there is a big differnce in the sceptism of the value of organized religion and the anti-religious zeal of Atheists. That to me is becoming a cult, with all the bullying, etc that goes with it. That cult will claim all the wrongs of history are to be blamed on Religion. If the freedom of Religion was not guarnteed I'd fear a secular govt where religion was outlawed in the name of FACT.
A cult is, by definiton, a religion. So now you're just trying to poison the well further against atheist individuals by branding us a "cult". Could you provide me with some examples of what you call "outright violence of thought"? I'm not sure I follow you.
You are rejecting the concept of diety and have a bit of contempt perhaps?
Yes, we are sceptics and that is why I chose the little "a" form. I believe you suggested it. Let's use sceptics to distance our selves from the -isms. We are born sceptical. I agree there is a big differnce in the sceptism of the value of organized religion and the anti-religious zeal of Atheists. That to me is becoming a cult, with all the bullying, etc that goes with it. That cult will claim all the wrongs of history are to be blamed on Religion. If the freedom of Religion was not guarnteed I'd fear a secular govt where religion was outlawed in the name of FACT.
Athiests are 400% more likely to be gay than christians.
In the same way I reject the concept of santa, yes, I reject the concept of a diety. Contempt? Where do you get that idea? You didn't show me any of this violence of thought that you allege, by the way.
If freedom of religion was not guaranteed, I'd be more afraid of a state church.
It's all here, you can look it up. Much in this thread. If you are skeptical about the views of religion, OK. So am I. But, you did deny rejecting God, and I guess you do. God is the concept of Deity. No more no less. Omni this and that, unknowable except thru Self. Outside of religious limitations. So, you reject religion but not God since that doesn't exist, but the concept of Deity. Got it. So, contempt for the concept of diety?
Roger that, kp, it's the venom in the words that I refer to as violence of thought. Not the threat, though one was vaguely implied, at some point, not by you, of course.
Can you see how a deep experience via drugs or war chanting, or whatever can be so overwhelming to be attributed to diety?
And that luck favors the prepared and so the hand of Providence guides our Nation?