

Well-Known Member
Are your neighbours cool? Not are they cool with you growing. Loose lips sink ships we all know that, but are they cool nice people in general? I got home from work and drank some beer and shot the shit with 3 of mine for an hour. Haven't really done that too often. It got me thinking that I'm pretty lucky to have such nice down-to-earth neighbours. Then I got curious as to whether or not you guys have nice neighbours. Well answer as you please. Toodles.


Active Member
I haven't really lived here long enough to know my neighbors on a personal level. I think the dude below me is crushing on me a bit as he's always opening doors for me and giving me compliments. He once helped me carry up some groceries. I think the dude who lives five doors down is a stoner because he's always flashing a peace sign and uses the term "far out" a lot. I should take him some brownies.

But the old couple who live directly across from me must hate everyone in the building. They have permanent scowls on their faces and the woman clutches her purse to her body like she's afraid you're gonna mug her something.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i live in the 3rd worst neighborhood in the city. not exactly the deepest bowels of the ghetto, but close enough. a practice ghetto if you will.

my neighbors are either fistfighting, making drug deals, getting drunk on the porch, riding dirtbikes up and down the (narrow, thickly-settled with cars parked on both sides) street, having drama on the phone, bumping crappy music while they detail their car for the 4th time this week, or getting arrested.

i do have new neighbors and i think their son is a little slow because he keeps coming over to ask me if i need help landscaping and whatnot. i know it sounds nice but this is just not the type of place where you walk up to strangers and ask them to invite you onto their property. it's generally a "no eye contact" zone and it doesn't take long to figure out. in his defense he gets picked up by a short bus for school and he's about 17. i think his dad is afraid to call him away. the kid's already mixed up with shady characters and they've only been here since april. he's doomed.

i do get the occasional cool neighbor, but getting too social with certain people is a good way to find one's self in a world of shit, and not just about a grow. i have a few people i say hi and bye to, but only because i knew them before i moved here.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, my neighbors are the shit. I live in a real tight little area, the next house is like, idk, 10-15ft away, maybe even less (not much wider than a car, however wide those fuckin things are).

Either way, since everyone is so close I feel like I have, about 12 different sets of neighbors, and they're all really chill. The young groups are always having parties and inviting me over. Then there's some Pakistanis across the way that stay up till 3am smoking out of their hookah. Bad ass neighborhood all together, i feel really lucky to live where I do.

Oscar Zeta Acosta

Active Member
I'm currently listening to psycho woman next door having another break up. So not always good.

Oh dear god it's getting really bad. I should really record this and sent it into Jerry springer....