Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
hey dweezie, just swinging by as usual to wish you a nice weekend again. It goes by so fast. Its been a rather rough one for me. Im seriously rethinking my life.
My career, growing, how i spend my time. . I think its time to redirect my energy. Thanks for all your love and support. take care pops.


Well-Known Member
whuts goin on ma you all right
erryting allright for you
you seem in turmoil wit self an who you are whut you are doin
i hope things get sorted out by you -for youu
whutever it is i dont even need to know
dig down deep ma find the path you are meant to travel
you know whut it is
no one can advise
get things sorted out soon ma

good karma yo way
much luv
an abig hug ( a tight one )

get back on track
find whuts causing this and get rid of it
cant keep sumtin in yo frig dats makin you sick

Luv Ya


Well-Known Member
im glad to hear from you an d i wish you agood week end
an i wish you to find peace withen or fix whut it is outside

I an I

Irie Ites

much Luv Ma


Well-Known Member

damm that fkn molasses shure does stink
that an that einstien oil phew
worst then dog farts im smellin oneof them now


Well-Known Member
not much today wife dragged me around shoping now home chillin

im waiting on a riu bud from west cost might stop by if time permits to blaze a few
gona start wrestling wit the pool opening later

i thought outlaw gens had gotten busted
if its true shure not as publicised as elites

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
whuts goin on ma you all right
erryting allright for you
you seem in turmoil wit self an who you are whut you are doin
i hope things get sorted out by you -for youu
whutever it is i dont even need to know
dig down deep ma find the path you are meant to travel
you know whut it is
no one can advise
get things sorted out soon ma

good karma yo way
much luv
an abig hug ( a tight one )

get back on track
find whuts causing this and get rid of it
cant keep sumtin in yo frig dats makin you sick

Luv Ya

thanks dweezie, i will eventually get things sorted. I appreaciate your love and support. I look up to you so much as a wise caring friend.Guess what???
im germin the sweet peyote purple!!!
have a terrific week.


Well-Known Member
Hey bro hows things?.....enjoy the meet up. i did once was with a cool lad had a beer an smoke an exchanged goods lol
what you got ready to blaze? id go for sumthin upliftin like the slh.


Well-Known Member
Ambie -rots of ruck wit da PPlooks great taste and smell great head very goog

an wit issues on your plate seems to be stacked up at the moment
we must find a way to nutrulize there impact on our day yo day
till we get them sorted - you can handle it

im -deff a caring friend not sure how wise
much luv

PB-no meet up -did not show yet still might i think -but i dont know
im still puffing on the old fire bx,buda tahoe , an peyote purp

none of the new is ready yet
AG-wk 7.5 to go 10 to 11
SLH-wk 7.2 to go 9 to 10
RD- wk 7.2 to go 9
Dest - wk 6 to go 8 to 12 (like saying i dont know or must be lots of phenos )


Well-Known Member
when this batch is done i might do sum autos cause
son to graduate Pilot Training Sept 26 gona be in Texas to share it wit him
for a week and i think id rather leave erryting off


Well-Known Member
health is good
family is good

life is good
finance is good
gardening is good
all things are good

in my hood

an i wish the same to all
for all to be good in your hood

i wish the same
for the bad and the ugly
but mainly for good

do right
live right
an walk in the light

Irie Ites


Well-Known Member
health is good
family is good

life is good
finance is good
gardening is good
all things are good

in my hood

an i wish the same to all
for all to be good in your hood

i wish the same
for the bad and the ugly
but mainly for good

do right
live right
an walk in the light

Irie Ites
i can dig it.