Portland area greenhouse grow

Growing is easy enough, these guys im sure are lazy fucks. Having to saw through a board will probably enough of a deterant to keep your shit safe. At least you'd hope to think so. If you put that chicken wire up right, they'll have a fucked of a time tryin to saw through that wood if they actually do go that far.
Growing is easy enough, these guys im sure are lazy fucks. Having to saw through a board will probably enough of a deterant to keep your shit safe. At least you'd hope to think so. If you put that chicken wire up right, they'll have a fucked of a time tryin to saw through that wood if they actually do go that far.

good point.

it's hard to get a good cut with a saw if you can't actually use the saw.

+rep even though you just cost me an extra $60 :bigjoint:
picked up about $125 worth of lumber today and go 3 sides done. the only side not complete is the one i can watch from my seat here at the kitchen table.

once it's all complete, the only way in will be through the top, which i hope to god happens, honestly. if they go in through the top, motion sensor goes off and they have no easy way back out and will be face to face with a man wielding an axe.
Eventually they may get smart and arrive with backpacks and bud clippers a week or so early,
perimiter alarm would be cool unless you were gone and the cops arrived. shitty
Eventually they may get smart and arrive with backpacks and bud clippers a week or so early,
perimiter alarm would be cool unless you were gone and the cops arrived. shitty

i'm already sleeping out there, probably will be all summer.

it takes a long time to clip branches and fill up backpacks. even if they were out there for 20 minutes they could only get a small portion of it. but that won't happen.

the slats i put up today, which are 7'' apart, don't allow for entry unless they saw through them. it will be tough to saw through them because i will have chicken wire lining the whole damn thing.

and just for good measure, i'll probably put in the electric fence before harvest, it's only about $100 or so and easy to install.

so, if they can get past the 6' fences, slats, chicken wire, and electric fence, they still have to beat the motion sensors and an angry man with an axe.

i'm so done fucking around.
That really really sucks. Is calling the police completely out of the question? I know for me after a home invasion the presence of the police made a big difference in how the local kids viewed my property. Congrats on putting up more defenses but I might recommend razor wire or a camera over an electric fence - hell even fake cameras can make a big difference. Most electric fences made for keeping livestock in are pretty weak and only pulse. I've never seen a livestock fence that I couldn't grab and hold onto with only mild irritation.

I wish you the best of luck.
That really really sucks. Is calling the police completely out of the question? I know for me after a home invasion the presence of the police made a big difference in how the local kids viewed my property. Congrats on putting up more defenses but I might recommend razor wire or a camera over an electric fence - hell even fake cameras can make a big difference. Most electric fences made for keeping livestock in are pretty weak and only pulse. I've never seen a livestock fence that I couldn't grab and hold onto with only mild irritation.

I wish you the best of luck.

the police are already aware, they have some of my plants actually. after the first break in, the kids left the plants somewhere and a city worker found them along with a to do list i scribbled on the back of an envelope. but they are not my friend in all of this, whatever they claim. i'll leave them out.

a 10 mile fence energizer attached to a quarter mile of wire should be good, but my only goal is to provide deterrent after deterrent after deterrent.

was thinking of doing a fake camera with a little led light that blinks at the apex of the GH where they can't reach. would be easy enough. i'll probably end up adding that in one of these days.

every little deterrent is good in my book.
lol, was just discussing fostering a german shepherd with my wife.

not gonna happen though. i don't have the heart to keep a big dog cooped up in the GH and he can't roam the yard with all of our ducks and chickens.
Fishing line strung around the inside of the GH with loads of fishing hooks attached might catch you a ripper,it cheap and you never know it may work.
Fishing line strung around the inside of the GH with loads of fishing hooks attached might catch you a ripper,it cheap and you never know it may work.

with the amount of time i spend in there, it's more likely to hook me.

i've been making it my 24/7 job to guard the thing. i can rest a little easier with my work today and especially when i finish it up tomorrow.

the girls in the ground are getting bigger, pics to follow tomorrow.
i slept in until 10:15 this morning. it felt good.

will finish with the slats today. for now, just some progress pics. the girls are all enjoying themselves.


they can still saw through, but that's extra time and noise they have to make. more deterrents will be added as the season goes on.




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That really really sucks. Is calling the police completely out of the question? I know for me after a home invasion the presence of the police made a big difference in how the local kids viewed my property. Congrats on putting up more defenses but I might recommend razor wire or a camera over an electric fence - hell even fake cameras can make a big difference. Most electric fences made for keeping livestock in are pretty weak and only pulse. I've never seen a livestock fence that I couldn't grab and hold onto with only mild irritation.

I wish you the best of luck.

I'm sorry but I don't know about down there in paradise California, but I gurantee ya if you grab on to an electric fence around where I live it's likely to knock you on your ass. "Grab and hold onto with only mild irritation", give me a break. That makes me laugh.
got to bed around 5:30 am last night as the sun came up. got too hot to sleep in the GH by 10 am. took my pillows and crashed outside on the lawn under the shade of the maple tree. slept another 2 hours. it's actually pretty fun. it's like camping out.

had the neighbors over to look at the baby chicks who we brought out to the yard for the first time. the matron neighbor offered proactively to look after the place anytime we want so that we can actually go out together without worry of the thieves. her son (who is hard up for work) offered to sleep in the GH.

we've been good neighbors for a while now, but this is a relief. i thought that i would be tethered to this place and sleeping outside all summer long, but it looks like i'll be able to spend a few nights sleeping on my own bed and go out with my wife every once in a while. such a relief.

life is good with good neighbors :)
I'm sorry but I don't know about down there in paradise California, but I gurantee ya if you grab on to an electric fence around where I live it's likely to knock you on your ass. "Grab and hold onto with only mild irritation", give me a break. That makes me laugh.

depends on the fence energizer and how much line you run, how well it's insulated, how well it's protected from weeds and so on. if you do a 2 mile fence energizer that's not well insulated and let weeds grow into the lines, it's not going to be much of a deterrent.
another good night of harvesting until sunrise, crashing in the GH, and moving out to the lawn to sleep some more once it got too hot.

being "trapped" anywhere is not awesome, but having to be trapped in my little slice of heaven is actually pretty fun.
got to bed at 5:30 am after another night of harvesting, slept like a rock until 11:30 am. was raining so i never had to leave the GH.

i did get up some time to piss and set off the motion sensor alarm, and to my relief my neighbors were peeping over the fence with a hungry look in their eyes making sure everything was OK. i do believe they are just as eager to catch the thief/thieves as i am. :)
Not the oh dayum just you look. lol good people

the wife is making a quiche for them right now, made with eggs from our backyard flock.

i guarantee that they will return the plate with something just as delicious. we've been locked in a niceness contest like this for about a month. :)