What is the most altered state of mind you've ever had?


Well-Known Member
split a vile between 4 people with me and a friend taking the most of it so 30+ hits at reggae on the river... barrington levy started shooting gold reeds and fire out of his mouth instantly igniting the crowd like they were dry grass. made it back to camp after before it really kicked in, when we got there our friend stopped moving so we thought he died which started a panic at that point i was so far from reality that i started to see a news report about me and my friends saying we all died by overdosing on acid and i watched the whole festival drain into some sewage pit after that it was like the whole world was being sucked into a black hole and i had to navigate an intense maze with wierd movements to avoid being sucked in but i couldnt keep up and just compressed into a ball resembling cartilage. at this point a blacked out and apparently me and two other friends in the same boat got strapped to stretchers (they dropped me on my face) and brought to the med tent, i came to a little inside there and believed i was being sacrificed by nymphs and elves to some arcane god really they just gave me a huge shot of Thorazine i believe in my ass. dont remember the rest of the night. woke up the next morning and our whole camp was covered in crystals and there were strange ships with huge drums that i could control and make crazy sounds with and there was some crazy japanese commercial with characters that looked like muppets dancing really trippy. my friend who didnt partake in the doses rolled over in his sleeping bag, looked at me and said holy shit your alive then talked to me enough to make sure i wasnt perma fried. then before we even got out of our beds we snorted some molly, this for some reason made the Thorazine instantly wear off and the trees from the hillside moved closer to us took huge spiders and placed them on the fire road and they started making webs on everything and each spider had a different color web. at this point i hear a comotion stand up and immediately get punched in the face, turns out some random guy we let camp with us had been stealing tons of shit from everyone and got caught was basically about that high for 5 days after, the first night was terrifying to say the least but i saw more beauty in that trip than i ever thought possible, the other guy who took as much as me definately changed a little from it and never got back to his old self so be careful with the L guys can be the greatest or worst thing imaginable.


Well-Known Member
split a vile between 4 people with me and a friend taking the most of it so 30+ hits at reggae on the river... barrington levy started shooting gold reeds and fire out of his mouth instantly igniting the crowd like they were dry grass. made it back to camp after before it really kicked in, when we got there our friend stopped moving so we thought he died which started a panic at that point i was so far from reality that i started to see a news report about me and my friends saying we all died by overdosing on acid and i watched the whole festival drain into some sewage pit after that it was like the whole world was being sucked into a black hole and i had to navigate an intense maze with wierd movements to avoid being sucked in but i couldnt keep up and just compressed into a ball resembling cartilage. at this point a blacked out and apparently me and two other friends in the same boat got strapped to stretchers (they dropped me on my face) and brought to the med tent, i came to a little inside there and believed i was being sacrificed by nymphs and elves to some arcane god really they just gave me a huge shot of Thorazine i believe in my ass. dont remember the rest of the night. woke up the next morning and our whole camp was covered in crystals and there were strange ships with huge drums that i could control and make crazy sounds with and there was some crazy japanese commercial with characters that looked like muppets dancing really trippy. my friend who didnt partake in the doses rolled over in his sleeping bag, looked at me and said holy shit your alive then talked to me enough to make sure i wasnt perma fried. then before we even got out of our beds we snorted some molly, this for some reason made the Thorazine instantly wear off and the trees from the hillside moved closer to us took huge spiders and placed them on the fire road and they started making webs on everything and each spider had a different color web. at this point i hear a comotion stand up and immediately get punched in the face, turns out some random guy we let camp with us had been stealing tons of shit from everyone and got caught was basically about that high for 5 days after, the first night was terrifying to say the least but i saw more beauty in that trip than i ever thought possible, the other guy who took as much as me definately changed a little from it and never got back to his old self so be careful with the L guys can be the greatest or worst thing imaginable.
Wow, that's an intense story.


Well-Known Member
That sounds like some shit not to be fucked with! lol "It'll launch you into another universe!" that's pretty intense! lol! I have some reasonable expectations of DMT, but idk if I'm ready, maaaan!
Dude just put on your space helmet and wear a BIG ass smile. You can't go wrong. When you trip just get that good vibe.. you know move around a little bit, "get in the groove" lol. And just have a blast. I promise if you just sprinkle (just a little bit) you'll still be in this world. When I first started smoking it I hit a very small dose and I was able to attempt to play football. My friend threw the football and said catch, I looked up as it was coming down and I swear the ground swooped up and the football got huge. I swatted that bitch down and was so glad I wasn't squished I fell to the ground laughing my ass off. It's a very fun drug at the right amounts.. like a mini acid trip. I tripped 10 small times that day to prepare myself for a large dose trip. It's all about mastering the overwhelming "swoosh" feeling when it hits you (upon exhale).


Well-Known Member
That sounds like some shit not to be fucked with! lol "It'll launch you into another universe!" that's pretty intense! lol! I have some reasonable expectations of DMT, but idk if I'm ready, maaaan!
if you dont quite feel ready try and find some thats a little darker amber color wont be other universe intense you can still see the objects around you for the most part then try and find more pure (clear) stuff later

and since many people will probably bring up dmt on this if you havent already check this movie out


Well-Known Member
if you dont quite feel ready try and find some thats a little darker amber color wont be other universe intense you can still see the objects around you for the most part then try and find more pure (clear) stuff later

and since many people will probably bring up dmt on this if you havent already check this movie out
Dude I love you.. as one DMT brother to another lol :hug:


Active Member
Ok dudes.

I was waiting in my car for my dealer to come out. He was gonna sell me to xanex and two xos. He got in my car and we smoked a blunt and he gave me my shit. I was high as fuck cause it was good weed and I had a girl at home so I took what I thought was one xo and one xanex but it turned out to be to xaxex. I had to park my car once they kicked in. I sat in the car in a zone for like two hours with my music blasting. I'm going to take the xos in a little bit.


Well-Known Member
Jesus, I just saw a cow hit by a train and I eeeeeek'd at impact! That's awful! Sorry you had to experience that, man!

Do you think there was anything positive to gain out of that experience?
there wasn't any impact. they were moving the engine around, maybe 2 mph if that. more like slow pinch of her between the wheel and the track.
thanks pad, i wouldn't wish seeing anything like that on even my worst enemies.
i gained much from the experience. the most important being the realization that life is short, make the most of it, tell the ones you love that you love them every day. she went to work that day like any other and died a horrible death. we could all go at any time, have no regrets :peace:


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
there wasn't any impact. they were moving the engine around, maybe 2 mph if that. more like slow pinch of her between the wheel and the track.
thanks pad, i wouldn't wish seeing anything like that on even my worst enemies.
i gained much from the experience. the most important being the realization that life is short, make the most of it, tell the ones you love that you love them every day. she went to work that day like any other and died a horrible death. we could all go at any time, have no regrets :peace:
I am so sorry you had to see that. But you certainly made it into a positive life lesson instead of allowing it to eat you up. I'm impressed by you. I wish I could do that even 1/2 as nicely as you did.


Well-Known Member
Ok dudes.

I was waiting in my car for my dealer to come out. He was gonna sell me to xanex and two xos. He got in my car and we smoked a blunt and he gave me my shit. I was high as fuck cause it was good weed and I had a girl at home so I took what I thought was one xo and one xanex but it turned out to be to xaxex. I had to park my car once they kicked in. I sat in the car in a zone for like two hours with my music blasting. I'm going to take the xos in a little bit.
wth is a xaxax?
After a car wreck where our old toyota corona wagon got rear ended by a big rig & I hurt my back, neck, arm, leg & ribs pretty well, for some reason they gave me codeine at the hospital for the pain. I started trippin like crazy, looped out of my mind. I had never been, nor since, so out of my mind goofy, spacey, having mathematical epiphanies (math is my worst subject, flunked algebra lol) & conversations with persons that were not physically there (not sure if they were spirits either) for about 2 hours. I think they gave me too much, or maybe due to my metabolism & aggitated state it affected me so intensly-dunno. My fiance' at the time picked me up from the hospital & when he came into my room he said I was laughing & conversing to the wall, then when I finally saw him (about 5 minutes later he claims) I was all giddy & loveydovey & introduced him to 3 or 4 people in the room that weren't there to his eyes....the hospital people were pretty apethetic to him & said I'd had a 'pretty rough day & needed to obviously get some rest". LOL I thankfully remember only the very begining of the tripping, the rest just bits n pieces of weirdness rivaling Alice in Wonderland funky mental imagery & colorations. I recall leaving the hospital, nearly inhaling a Double double cheeseburger & soda, then laying in bed & that's it til I got up in the am, sore as a muthafunster...back & neck have not been good since.


Well-Known Member
I am so sorry you had to see that. But you certainly made it into a positive life lesson instead of allowing it to eat you up. I'm impressed by you. I wish I could do that even 1/2 as nicely as you did.
thanks curious. none of us know how we would handle such a situation. thankfully not many will ever have to find out. i try to enjoy every day knowing it could be my last. makes my fishing spot that much sweeter ;-)


Well-Known Member
Aww damn.. I thought that vid you posted was gonna be the full vid dubalchemist. I've been trying to find it everywhere.


Well-Known Member
split a vile between 4 people with me and a friend taking the most of it so 30+ hits at reggae on the river... barrington levy started shooting gold reeds and fire out of his mouth instantly igniting the crowd like they were dry grass. made it back to camp after before it really kicked in, when we got there our friend stopped moving so we thought he died which started a panic at that point i was so far from reality that i started to see a news report about me and my friends saying we all died by overdosing on acid and i watched the whole festival drain into some sewage pit after that it was like the whole world was being sucked into a black hole and i had to navigate an intense maze with wierd movements to avoid being sucked in but i couldnt keep up and just compressed into a ball resembling cartilage. at this point a blacked out and apparently me and two other friends in the same boat got strapped to stretchers (they dropped me on my face) and brought to the med tent, i came to a little inside there and believed i was being sacrificed by nymphs and elves to some arcane god really they just gave me a huge shot of Thorazine i believe in my ass. dont remember the rest of the night. woke up the next morning and our whole camp was covered in crystals and there were strange ships with huge drums that i could control and make crazy sounds with and there was some crazy japanese commercial with characters that looked like muppets dancing really trippy. my friend who didnt partake in the doses rolled over in his sleeping bag, looked at me and said holy shit your alive then talked to me enough to make sure i wasnt perma fried. then before we even got out of our beds we snorted some molly, this for some reason made the Thorazine instantly wear off and the trees from the hillside moved closer to us took huge spiders and placed them on the fire road and they started making webs on everything and each spider had a different color web. at this point i hear a comotion stand up and immediately get punched in the face, turns out some random guy we let camp with us had been stealing tons of shit from everyone and got caught was basically about that high for 5 days after, the first night was terrifying to say the least but i saw more beauty in that trip than i ever thought possible, the other guy who took as much as me definately changed a little from it and never got back to his old self so be careful with the L guys can be the greatest or worst thing imaginable.