brewing up
Well-Known Member
good luck n post pics asap unlucky
ya lil cock tease lol
well i am going to do it and if on my last 2weeks i stab one of my plants and in 2/3 days i see things not looking to good then i will bring the plant down and smoke it.....what is the loss ?
dont get me wrong. I do want the best for you. Just from experience this isn't the way to go. Try it and post that I was right. I've been there done that. 20 years of growing showed me some off the wall shit. Ever Hurd of putting a 1960 penny under the plant to get better alkaloid water? That dosnt work ether. I do wish you the best of luck but hope you take my warning. It dosnt work.
Ok read this post beginning to end and I have to say some of the bantering against unlucky is just plain bs.BUT I am not saying this piercing bull will do jack cept stress the girls.this form is a place to ask questions and gain knowledge. Read what is here leave your answer to the best of your knowledge and leave it at that don't attack ppl who don't know any better. Remember we were all there at one time or another.
feck off back to stany land you .....unlucky, you have got to be the most retarded person on this forum lol...
I kid.. Nice thread lol.