Well-Known Member
serino was ready to charge him with manslaughter right then and there, citing that zimm's story was full of holes and did not add up.
wolfinger, who oversees a jurisdiction of over a million, and who has stepped down due to a conflict of interest, left his house late on a sunday evening to meet in person with the (historically corrupt) police force that zimm and his daddy were trying to make zimm a part of. it was only then that wolfinger, who again has resigned due to conflict of interest in the case, said to cut him loose.
they were ready to charge him with manslaughter before any political pressure whatsoever existed.
good night. don't forget your depends, gramps.
Red is correct. Neither Serino or "they" have the authority or ability to "charge" anyone with anything. He or "they" can have an opinion, but it ain't "their" or his job to charge people. It was about a month after the shooting that Zimmerman was charged with anything. Whether it was because of political or public pressure is certainly debatable.