Larry OG vs. Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (2nd Scrog)

Hey, Tiffany lovers. You're welcome.


I have two confirmed (Chrissy and Carly) for June and July. I'm looking to fill a third slot with a third professional model, but I have room for more and decided, "Why the hell not? You never know who could be reading this journal."

So think you're hot enough to be my fourth girl?

Serious inquiries only -- as I am dead serious in this.

Edit: Also, if you're gonna dare to submit a photo of yourself or your girlfriend, be aware that I detest fake tits and flat asses. And I'm quite merciless as I've been shooting professional models for some years... so leave your feelings at the door.

Get high, play this song, and look at my photos. Oh, you're already doing that.
ahhhhhh, after 30 mins of staring at those beautiful soft breasts! I'm now lost, and i wrote this 4 hours ago. i passed out on honey oil hehe
Here, buddy. Just for you. Here she is without the jewelry.

This photo required next to no retouching btw. Awesome.

Awww thanks Jin! Man.... sigh.... the only re touching i see is the need of a ring on her left ring finger from being my wifey! Lol maybe in my dreams...
tiffany is looking smashing as always ... any plants or plans for em in the near future?

Thanks, Curls. Yes! Very near future. Like next week or so. Or as soon as my water-cooled light comes in.

ahhhhhh, after 30 mins of staring at those beautiful soft breasts! I'm now lost, and i wrote this 4 hours ago. i passed out on honey oil hehe

Stick around, madman. Things are gonna get interesting real soon.
A little bondage action:



Spreadin' that bitch out! I've been wondering where you were.

Wow. I can't tell you how good I feel since my super-annoying roommate left. I just finished enjoying my second weekend without her, and I'm looking forward to working on my little pet projects completely free and at ease! Lotsa' really cool things to come!

I really want to get a Jeep Wrangler convertible at some point so I can take girls on location shoots! Nature photography! Whoo hoo!
So someone in my office just burned the shit out of their croissant. I mean seriously burned it.

Our whole office filled up with this noxious microwave smoke (worse than regular smoke), and it floated out to the entire floor when we desperately opened the doors to our suite. Gross!

Please be careful when using microwaves, people.

Thank you.
Hey, so you guys heard of Rudy Eugene, the Miami man who got naked and chewed off a homeless man's face?

Well it turns out that the Miami "cannibal" wasn't one at all (he spit the pieces of the homeless guy's face out), but he was on this new over-the-counter, very dangerous new drug called "Bath Salts."

I'm telling you, we're all far better off smoking pot. Kids in the midwest and elsewhere wouldn't be getting fucked up on all this synthetic shit if we had saner pot laws.


Hey, come on, Gaga. Why not come clean and be honest? It's clear that everything you do is a copy of Madonna. Why can't you just come out and say what everyone already knows?

And hey, I'm no great fan of Madonna these days, but back in the day it was a different story.

Now remember, I'm only posting a Lady Gaga video in my journal for demonstrative puprposes:
Note that the hyped up production values cannot make up for the fact that it's a poor song compared to the one it's trying to imitate... see below.
Medical Marijuana Patient At Cedars-Sinai Denied Kidney Transplant

From the article:

Trujillo has been using medical marijuana as an appetite stimulant since she first came to California two years ago. In doing so, she's managed to increase her protein levels, a critical concern for dialysis patients. In April, after waiting for a transplant for six years, she learned she had been delisted for "substance abuse."

I would have rewritten the headline as follows:
Prejudice Developed Through Misconception Of Cannabis Leads To Inhumane Treatment Of Patient At Hospital
But Mickey Mantle and David Crosby can get new livers! They should get dinged for that. I need to write a letter to Feinstein.
Hey, so you guys heard of Rudy Eugene, the Miami man who got naked and chewed off a homeless man's face?

Well it turns out that the Miami "cannibal" wasn't one at all (he spit the pieces of the homeless guy's face out), but he was on this new over-the-counter, very dangerous new drug called "Bath Salts."

I'm telling you, we're all far better off smoking pot. Kids in the midwest and elsewhere wouldn't be getting fucked up on all this synthetic shit if we had saner pot laws.

wow, i had never heard of anything like that. Holy Fuk. hallucinogens?? bath salts!!?? that's soo bad. glad it's banned, but they say it could be back on shelves is they dont have a permanent ban. yuuuuk