not another teen shooting!

People die.. We cant stop death. All we can do is embrace the life that we have and make it count. This was the way they died, tragic yes, but this is just how it is.. Cant stop tragedy and cant stop death
People die.. We cant stop death. All we can do is embrace the life that we have and make it count. This was the way they died, tragic yes, but this is just how it is.. Cant stop tragedy and cant stop death

Yes grasshopper. Rama Rama, Hairy Hairy, Krishna, Krishna
as of march 25th 2012 in philly, 85 murders.. still looking for info more up to date... but shit, that's almost one per day average...
you should check out philly or camden... more people killed there then i know what to do with..

whats fucked up is new orleans is at 80 murders and has a population of just under 350,000 an thats just in the city. phillys got 1.5 million. needless to say i have my gun or knife with me at all times.
whats fucked up is new orleans is at 80 murders and has a population of just under 350,000 an thats just in the city. phillys got 1.5 million. needless to say i have my gun or knife with me at all times.

yah, that's why even with a high murder rate, they don't usually rank very high on the most dangerous city list as the murder rate per capita is pretty low..
camden on the other hand is super small for a city, and has a very high murder rate.. they seem to top the most dangerous city list every few years..
sounds more inline with say new orleans, but i'd think n.o. probably has more people.. stay staggering numbers either way you look at it imo..
sad shit but damn these school. off campus shooting are getting more and more fucked up

To be honest, I'm not even sure that the shooter is a student. For some reason, I don't think he is (I haven't heard reports saying he is, and it seems like something they should report on).
yah, that's why even with a high murder rate, they don't usually rank very high on the most dangerous city list as the murder rate per capita is pretty low..
camden on the other hand is super small for a city, and has a very high murder rate.. they seem to top the most dangerous city list every few years..
sounds more inline with say new orleans, but i'd think n.o. probably has more people.. stay staggering numbers either way you look at it imo..

you right there aint no reason for all this shootin. you feel played off some shit someone did why you gotta instantly grab a gun. i got guns, but if i get mad ima fight you and let you live so you remember that shit. these kids dont understand life an thats why they quick to grab an ak an spray a block up. fuck thats the only reason why i got weapons me all the time so i can take it to any level you want. its all due to poverty i feel cause if you wasnt hurtin for money you wouldnt be goin out shootin dealers for their drugs just so you can come up.
You could say it thins out the herd far as sociopathetic, violent fucks. But innocent folks get caught up in it and suffer too
you right there aint no reason for all this shootin. you feel played off some shit someone did why you gotta instantly grab a gun. i got guns, but if i get mad ima fight you and let you live so you remember that shit. these kids dont understand life an thats why they quick to grab an ak an spray a block up. fuck thats the only reason why i got weapons me all the time so i can take it to any level you want. its all due to poverty i feel cause if you wasnt hurtin for money you wouldnt be goin out shootin dealers for their drugs just so you can come up.

yah, i'll never understand why so many people are so willing to throw their lives away over something that usually ends up being some bs..
i mean, if you shoot someone, more then likely you know sooner or later you're going to get caught and end up in prison for many many years.. it's just not worth the time imo, not to mention killing people is wack, lol..
i had a cousin who got murdered because he owed some dealer like $300 or so.. dude stabbed him over 50 x's, and yes, he got caught.. what a waste of two lives imo..
I was reading this thing about he correlation between willingness to commit violence and depression. It wasn't the most objective thing I ever read and I'm no expert so I don't know how much of it was bullshit and how much (if any) was legit, but it seemed like they may have been on to something, and it would make some "sense" of the amount of violence in impoverished areas. Some of the people in the community don't think it can ever be better (whether you're talking about their life, their living conditions, their community, their society, whatever), so they're willing to accept things as "the way things are", and even convince themselves that violence is ok because again, "that's just how it works", but basically that whole mentality that things can't be better has a lot to do with being in a depressed state.

Again, idk if it's true or not. I have no idea but it was interesting.
In London, it's kids stabbing eachother. There are shootings, but can you imagine if the kids here were as easily able to find a gun? The chances of you getting in the situation + range in which to think about stabbing someone/being stabbed are slim, but it happens. If they could pop eachother off at close range more often, it'd be even worse.

It's really sad. The kids here will threaten to or actually kill over the most stupid of things. It is a waste of life and further taints the view on this generation.