clear your inbox sexy i just tried sending you a pic
clear your inbox sexy i just tried sending you a pic
right back at you. *licks lips and takes a bite*
Are you a pirate unlucky?
right back at you. *licks lips and takes a bite*
i need to log out and lay down...its to dam hot.....i will be back lol....................... chow for now hun
ps where do you live ?
get lost................. its past ya bed time ggrrrrrrr
Run!!!!!!!!!!Florida but i could use a trip and change of scenery
Nooooo!!! She's a dude bro. She just posts the same pics of some random blonde girl. If you ask her to take a pic that is original (like standing on one foot) she'll say "I've been there and got that shirt".. I mean he/she is cool and all, I just thought I should let you know.
well lets hope shes not a dude for my benefit lmao. ill let you know if shes a dude when im pounding that shit doggy style and bustin on her back HAHA
High stress training.
Busting on his back. If she is a girl, you better send pics. lol