Big night tonight

lol im fine im just away from the computer talking to them. not feeling anything yet.

Probably weak single stacks.. what were the designs. If they were legit.. maybe you should try them again tomorrow.. could be like cocaine.. Gotta do it twice for the full effect !
Uh...fuckin why? All thats gonna do is fry your brain and make you less smart than you already are for wanting to take it..

The come down of extacy is annoying, you feel like an idiot and either want A) the high to come back or B) the shitty high to go away all together..

The comedown of Shrooms is worse,, you simply feel like a retard & that your brain has slightly melted.
budski man.. Your posts, they are just.. So.. So wrong lol

Save yourself the trouble on the cough syrup though urca I dont know if youve seen my chronological posts
Oh and legal weed and valium. I wouldnt do those either.. Well opiates I would say, but come on your only human rihgt
One day soon ... I can feel it ... promotion to masterAlpha. ~evil cackle~
