piercing plant stems ;-)

God damn it. People leave her alone. Pics have been posted and nobody believes it. So here why don't you show your face infront of your grow? Also add a sign that says fuck it.

i don't think thay will post pics there like you as well.......... ;-)
i don't think thay will post pics there like you as well.......... ;-)

the only reason I don't post pics of me is I'm on probation and all my tats are in the US database. If there is anything eles I can do I'll post it. Just don't want or need anymore jail time. Hope you understand.
She ain't gonna post pics of herself that proves she's a girl. It's official, she's a dude. She has a dick. Now then.. How could you think piercing stems would help your grows? Like who or where did you hear that crap from?
I haven't been following the thread that much, but why does her sex even matter? Is she flaunting the fact that she's a female or somethin?

Yes. She's always flirting with dudes and tricking them into sending her cock pics. We're giving out fair warnings. It doesn't really matter though. Whether she's a girl or a guy, the idea of piercing your plants is just so dumb lol.
Yes. She's always flirting with dudes and tricking them into sending her cock pics. We're giving out fair warnings. It doesn't really matter though. Whether she's a girl or a guy, the idea of piercing your plants is just so dumb lol.

Give 1 post unlucky asked for a cock pic. And don't make it a sarcastic post.
Give 1 post unlucky asked for a cock pic. And don't make it a sarcastic post.
She asks for pics and she throws in alot of winks. I'd assume she wants nude pics... I'm not about to go digging through her posts to find proof. And she doesn't seem to dislike the pics. Even if she doesn't ask for dick pics, I still feel like I should warn the guys that send her pics.
I mean...that's just stupid though...Why would you send someone a pic of your cock online...who you've never met and never will meet...That's like blaming the driver for hitting someone who ran into the street. This isn't even a dating website...If anything it just derails whatever the thread topic was about.

On topic though: I think it's dumb too, but if she's going to do a somewhat proper test(she should be using clones, but w/e work with what you got) then there's no harm in the discussion of it.
lol.......................tut tut tut :roll:

hhhmmmmmmmm no thanks i don't want cock pics there is pornhub for that....... ;-) yes i have at times said if you post your pics then i will post my pics...if you think im going on about your cock then thats your hard​ look not mine.............;-)
what shit, don't you be telling your bull :wink:................. i don't take it the wrong way only the right way...........ok ok lets just back track a tad....what makes you think i need to prove who i say i am and at the end of the day what does it matter if i am a fat man with boobs ? will it make you wanna get a shower lol.......tut tut same old shizzzzzzzzz :wink:

you dont NEED to prove anything but you would think YOU WOULD WANT TO prove your not a troll...

omg....................shut the fuck up.........................i don't give a fook what any of you think.............well ok some but i don't get shizz off them now as i sent my little pics and you never got any...oh well. next muppet please.

ok post your pics on here not in a pm with your cock out with a card saying unlucky and i will go full out nude...if the mods will let me post a full nude pic....hows that knobhead

never thought i would ask this but.... someone show her your shit lol!
you dont NEED to prove anything but you would think YOU WOULD WANT TO prove your not a troll...

never thought i would ask this but.... someone show her your shit lol!

Even tho I would like to see a nude pic of her. I am a guy after all. Nudity isn't allowed here. And I wouldn't recamend her doing it anyways. She has posted pics (if not her she found alot of a very cute girl) it's people that stalk her wanting pics that are making a big deal out of it. So I'm gonna try and flip it alittle. Instead of everyone saying prove she is who she says she is. Why don't you prove she isn't? And I said prove not your opinion.
if someone else could prove that they would warlock lol. thats why they have been telling her to post pics. but i was just joking around about the nudes. i mean hell all she has to do is take a pic of herself holding something with her username on it like said before. its not a nude just a simple picture. come one women love taking pictures of them selfs.