The UK Growers Thread!

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haha i came from where the palm trees grow. nice pit in the pic btw he looks diesel. i gotta get me a blue to protect my garden. the husky is big but he isnt enough lol

Pit??? Na lad its a staffy!!
Your a lucky fucker if u can get a palm tree to grow through our winter lol!!
Yes, no problem.

i got a bit of a randon question. can i put a plant ive got in a small pot of soil into a bigger pot and use coco to fill it in? so it will be soil on the inside and coco at the bottom and outside. i dont want to buy anymore soil unless i have to
Tight arse, dinnae worry about that. I recycle all my soil, coco and plants, compost everything from kitcehn and garden and re-use. Males get chopped up and composted, trimmed plants get chopped up and composted, mulch from bubble bags gets come round my house you need to worry that you'll not get composted as well, lol.
Crap!!!! lol. I jest lad, looking like you are getting some Amber in there. But don't be fooled just by trichomes on's a classic "I want to chop early and saw an Amber trichome so they must be ready" situation.....nooooo, they be ready when they be ready (calyxes swollen, hairs receeded, etc)....but that's just my opinion.
Tight arse, dinnae worry about that. I recycle all my soil, coco and plants, compost everything from kitcehn and garden and re-use. Males get chopped up and composted, trimmed plants get chopped up and composted, mulch from bubble bags gets come round my house you need to worry that you'll not get composted as well, lol.

i was thinking about getting a compost bin. have you got to spend much time on it or do you just throw it in and wait? getting rid of the dead part of plants takes up a lot of room in my bin
i was thinking about getting a compost bin. have you got to spend much time on it or do you just throw it in and wait? getting rid of the dead part of plants takes up a lot of room in my bin

I'd like to know the answer to this aswell mate, I've been thinking about getting a couple of composting bins but my grancha used to compost and he had 3 large bins for it, he used to have a perpetual of sorts going on with them once he filled the 3rd one up the first bin was good to use and so on but he used to take ages to fill them because of their size and they were always used for mulch and sometimes tilled into the ground depending on what he was growing, he had been doing since he was a young man and it was the norm to him, we had massive back gardens and there was always alot to compost with something being grown almost year round.
I wonder how useful it would be with a small garden and not alot of waste, we have lawn cuttings maybe 3 times a year and the plants that are grown in the attic, there would probably be more plants than anything else in there over a 12month period with the dogs eating anything we don't.
@DST does the smell from cannabis plants linger as they break down mate? worries me the thought of someone smelling it as my back garden backs onto a dog walking area where sometimes people hang around.
Eyup peeps!.....chedz hows them seedlings bro??

Fuckin sweet lad ill be pottin em up 2nite straight into the 6ltres airpots got a little stretch on but ill sort that out wen i pot em up might just pop the other gkxlivers and do more than the 40 this round i aint to sure just yet tho they ll be gettin a nice veg tho as i aint gonna switch the fuckers till i get back off me break which is in 5 weeks so it ll be 7 weeks veg and ill should be good to flower by then!!
Compost bins unlike your grow is not something you need to spend a lot of time on. The internet will tell you what to put in and what not to. I live in an apartment but I am lucky enough that it has a roof terrace and for me a compost bin is a no brainer.

I think even if I stayed in a small apartment I would still compost. It's too easy.

All you need to add is some sort of accelerator to get the organisms to do their job. You cna go and buy stuff, or even use things like dry dog food (which is also great for the compost as it has bonemeal, bloodmeal, etc, etc in it.)
Or you can just pour a bottle of organic beer in there and that will start to do the trick as well. (Best to get a couple of shovels of soil, pour the beer in, let it sit overnight, and then add that to your compost). Simples,

i was thinking about getting a compost bin. have you got to spend much time on it or do you just throw it in and wait? getting rid of the dead part of plants takes up a lot of room in my bin

I'd like to know the answer to this aswell mate, I've been thinking about getting a couple of composting bins but my grancha used to compost and he had 3 large bins for it, he used to have a perpetual of sorts going on with them once he filled the 3rd one up the first bin was good to use and so on but he used to take ages to fill them because of their size and they were always used for mulch and sometimes tilled into the ground depending on what he was growing, he had been doing since he was a young man and it was the norm to him, we had massive back gardens and there was always alot to compost with something being grown almost year round.
I wonder how useful it would be with a small garden and not alot of waste, we have lawn cuttings maybe 3 times a year and the plants that are grown in the attic, there would probably be more plants than anything else in there over a 12month period with the dogs eating anything we don't.
@DST does the smell from cannabis plants linger as they break down mate? worries me the thought of someone smelling it as my back garden backs onto a dog walking area where sometimes people hang around.

I wouldn't worry about that lad. Your compost heap should have a sweet smell to it. The broken down MJ plants initally just smell like wet grass as the chlorophyl dies off, so I have never noticed dankness coming from my compost bin:)

I turn my compost every few days, I also run a hose through it that allows me to pump air into the middle of the pile as well. That's about it.

EDIT: And if you add fish bones then nothing is going to be overpowering that smell;)
Fuckin sweet lad ill be pottin em up 2nite straight into the 6ltres airpots got a little stretch on but ill sort that out wen i pot em up might just pop the other gkxlivers and do more than the 40 this round i aint to sure just yet tho they ll be gettin a nice veg tho as i aint gonna switch the fuckers till i get back off me break which is in 5 weeks so it ll be 7 weeks veg and ill should be good to flower by then!!

them will be very big mr cheese ;-)
Im fuckin soakin wet but its all good lol just had confermation of the new tv being here sumtime the end of the week goin to av sum more work done on my sleeve which is dragging on a little but wots a man to do wen all he does is work haha other than that im just to dam busy lmao yourself!!!?