Help me out please, Did she turn hermie?


Active Member

The first two pics are the same site from different positions
The third picture is the pistils growing, pistils are popping up everywhere except that one site.
edit: sorry for poor quality have to work with what i got, thank you all for your help .


Active Member
Pic 1 & 2 seems like a sac to me... sorry
Figured as much.. Damn i kind of expected this the start of this plant wasn't easy.
I have one more question this is literally the only site that has shown male sex, every other part of the plant has pistils on it, is it possible just to pluck this one sac off and continue the grow?


Active Member
Get it outa your grow or you will have this issue with everything you grow in that erea for ever. Hermis are the scurge this is why there is so much shit weed and shit seed. A grower that suggests picking the hermi flowers off of a hermi is a fool. Get rid of it, unless you have xray vision and can see all vermin pollen in your grow. Don't cultivate flawed genetics indoors, If you want to ever grow non hermi weed there..... rookies. damm!!!!
Its not showing male sex!! I'TS SHOWING THE THIRD SEX, Hermorphidite.


Active Member
Get it outa your grow or you will have this issue with everything you grow in that erea for ever. Hermis are the scurge this is why there is so much shit weed and shit seed. A grower that suggests picking the hermi flowers off of a hermi is a fool. Get rid of it, unless you have xray vision and can see all vermin pollen in your grow. Don't cultivate flawed genetics indoors, If you want to ever grow non hermi weed there..... rookies. damm!!!!
Its not showing male sex!! I'TS SHOWING THE THIRD SEX, Hermorphidite.
i appreciate your response however im moving out fairly soon to a new place so the grow room wont be that much of a problem and i only have one plant going at this time because of the move out date being so close.
The only concern i have at this time is will it still produce decent weed or is it not even worth keeping alive?


Active Member
Hey kosherboy, please don't take what I say as "expert advise" cause I'm a first-time grower myself...

Currently, I have 6 females and they are about 5 weeks into flowering. At 3 weeks of flower, all my ladies were looking nice except one of them was starting to show MALE PARTS. BUT, it was only on the main stalk and on lower branches (about 4 separate spots). I sterilized a razor and very carefully cut off those sacs; they were still very small at the time. It's been about 3 weeks since and to this day, I have yet to see any more sacs growing on that plant. I don't know if I got lucky or perhaps later down the road it will show more MALE PARTS. Either way, I keep a close eye on it everyday and inspect it carefully...

Since this is your only plant, keep it and continue to remove any MALE PARTS. Maybe it'll do what mine did. From research I've done, it seems once the female cannabis flower is pollinated, it stops producing THC and uses it's energy to produce seed... Just keep an eye on it and keep us updated!

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I just recently had a plant do this to me. I have found some male flowers on many plants in the past, but when it is this early in flower you know you have a bad batch. You cannot contain this plant at the rate it will drop pollen. Just be happy that it isn't 4 weeks in, that sucked to find. Continuing to grow it wiull be a waste of time. You will have seedy weed at best. I didn't want to believe it either especially since the seeds are rare and there was only one and everything else was a pistil, waited a week or so and kept checking it and there were multiple nodes with sacs. Do what I did and plant something new.



Active Member
Well its been a couple days and no more male parts have shown how ever the pistils are still still popping up and the plant is getting frostier everyday. Maybe i got lucky or maybe im just heading towards destruction either way its to early to tell.

Thank you all for your advice im not going to stop growing it because either way i cant start a new grow being that im moving in about a month and these seeds take about 60 days.