UMMMM? point of thread?
UMMMM? point of thread?
What's up lucky done causing trouble today
i think he means he has erectile dysfunction and is always flaccid.
aaaack i just watched it on youtube. what the fuck?!?! why would ya wanna do that to your beloved plant?????
So unlucky, care to tell me where you heard that stabbing your plant stems makes them better?
says the knob who cant grow cuttings hhhhhhhhmmmmmmmm jog on
i'm back to 90% success rate, no worries about me.
let's keep the focus on you, dude.
oh damn... -facepalm- what happened to this thread?
& 3 weeks you say until piercing?
lol.. Unlcuky did you already stab your plant? Post a pic of it.
aaaack i just watched it on youtube. what the fuck?!?! why would ya wanna do that to your beloved plant?????
u have no plants do ya?