Big night tonight

so tell me how to do this?
and the only reason i said it seemed hard cause i looked it up and they were coming up with some crazy fucking things you have to do in order to grow
so tell me how to do this?
and the only reason i said it seemed hard cause i looked it up and they were coming up with some crazy fucking things you have to do in order to grow

It's quite easy if you can attain and maintain sterile technique. It's a sport for the fastidious. cn
There's a lesson learned. The same with me and codeine...
Dude I learned that lesson last night, and PM me dude I tried to PM you but you dont accept PMs or something?

Urca, seriously, here is my advice. Dont smoke if you dont want too.. I cant even do it much it makes me god awful lazy and paranoid after awhile.. I tend to lose my sanity when doing to much of anything. Dont fuck with dxm its just not good. Especially for woman. Not to be sexist. Do mushrooms. Mushrooms, LSD, MDMA, DMT. Just stick to those. The problem is it sounds like you surround yourself with retards who dont know the drugs they are taking. Never take advice from them I had this kid trying to get me to snort a whole 750mg of MXE saying DUDE I DO THIS CHEM ALL THE TIME MAN. I wouldve died. Like seriously lol They will sel you blotter that isnt lsd, youll believe them and think thats lsd, then youll eat like 10 one time and kill yourself. Look up dosages, do tests, be completely SURE of what your puting into yourself. Why wouldnt you be? X can never be trusted these days, what you had was probably caffeine or some kind of amphetamine.. I dont know though cuz your big pupils, there had to be somethin going on..

Psychedelics are the only drugs that ever did good to me. RC or not. But still there is nothing like some good ol' normal illegal drugs.. You cant die! But I will tell you there are some very magical RC psychedelics that are just.. Wonderful. I can help you with these too, I wanna help you, PM me... Its just like I want you to know what your taking and you might as well take RC's if you cant find real psychs. The tryptamine ones are the ones I reccommend seems as they literally break down into psilocin, which is what mushrooms themselves break dopwn into. So techniclly speking itd probably be the same high. Now with the phenthylamines, they are pretty. LSD like mescaline-y colors and brightnes. Id stay away from the DOx's they are just.. Its not the place too start lol
so tell me how to do this?
and the only reason i said it seemed hard cause i looked it up and they were coming up with some crazy fucking things you have to do in order to grow

i'm failry sure they don't sell spore syringes in the state of cali, and i think georgia is the second.. kind of crazy no sales in cali imo, but i'm sure you could get them if you're a lil creative.. :)
How so?????

well, when they ask for a referral don't you just send them a link to your riu account??

i know when they ask me what experience i have dealing with people, i tell them that i'm a mod on a pot forum..
no wonder i'm on unemployment atm.. :)
well, when they ask for a referral don't you just send them a link to your riu account??

i know when they ask me what experience i have dealing with people, i tell them that i'm a mod on a pot forum..
no wonder i'm on unemployment atm..
Right, lol I dont think theyd find this shit unless I was running for presidency or something..

'where do you see yourself in 10 years?'
'Ill be at 15 plants nig with 15k posts!'
There is talk about the UN taking over control of the internet. Your name and idenity will no longer be anyonmous. Jobs are getting harder to come by and A decent job will have many hundreds, if not thousands of applications. Companies are flush with money and they will be using that money to further implement a global outlook which means more competition. HR will have more money and tools available to sift through all the deadbeats and I am betting they will be able to link his to you in the near future.
This is not just my opinion, this is already happening. Google has the goods on all of us and companies will pay for access to the data mining tidbits

My local newspaper no longer allows you to comment unless you use a facebook account
that sucks, they are EVERYWHERE around me, just go pick 'em
You asshole lol

No but really can you seriously just go to a cow farm? I never got that desperate but there are cow farms within walking distance, I remember cuz I went cow tipping on LSD and it was the most freaky shit ever. I might end up buying a field ID guide and taking a walk today lol
I fucking hate the UN.

Thats not right at all. If they start doing that shit, stuffs gonna go down. Like that pisses me off to the point where I kinda wanna blow somethin up. Im not that crazy lol but there are poeople far far crazier than I

That seriously makes me angr..Like pot smoking matters..
You asshole lol

No but really can you seriously just go to a cow farm? I never got that desperate but there are cow farms within walking distance, I remember cuz I went cow tipping on LSD and it was the most freaky shit ever. I might end up buying a field ID guide and taking a walk today lol

not recommended unless you know exactly what you're looking for as there are probably thousands of different varieties of shrooms, many of which are deadlyy and or poisonous.. :(
lol i live in a big city surrounded by farms. weird i know.
thing about picking random mushrooms is that you can easily die
lol i live in a big city surrounded by farms. weird i know.
thing about picking random mushrooms is that you can easily die

yah, even i who has done some pretty crazy shit in my hay day would not eat some shrooms i found in a random cow pasture unless i had a very knowledgeable person with me at the time... cannabineer, mreduck and maybe a few others come to mind.. :)
yah, even i who has done some pretty crazy shit in my hay day would not eat some shrooms i found in a random cow pasture unless i had a very knowledgeable person with me at the time... cannabineer, mreduck and maybe a few others come to mind.. :)

Even though I live in a place with more cattle than humans, i have not been so fortunate as to encounter a single shroom. Must be the hot, dry summers. :( cn