Malawi - Landrace Sativa 130+ days flower

Dude, you are so lucky to be able to get some real deal Malawi..The high sounds so fantastic that I am slightly envious. I was going to buy Malawi seeds from Afropips but apparently I can't ge them stateside anymore, otherwise I was planning on growing this strain matter how long it took to flower.

I unfortuntely settled with a 100% Sativa WOS Kilimanjaro.

Thank you for the report and I loved your description of the smell and taste of your made absolutely no sense and that pretty much made my day :lol:!
there will never be afropips' seeds. brother is blazing with G now. as always, +rep in peace AP. everyone that grew his gear said it was the real deal. as far as i know, he was the original breeder that brought it to the market if not his durban poison too and other african IBLs.

you can still get it from holy smokes. it's under $50 and at attitude (don't forget their newsletter freebies this weekend or next) and they give more freebies away with your HS orders. i got 2 mozambique poisons, 2 mulanje golds as well as an extra 2 malawi's with my order. i had problems with both soil fungus and sprout dry out on the 4 freebies, but what i sampled before my malawi died from lamp heat when i forgot to turn my fan on one night for a few hours proved VERY promising. it was stretchy like an IBL and had an unusual claw shaped inward leaf curl, but it flipped to flowering much faster than nirvana's full moon highland thai that is a REALLY fussy dive true to it's IBL hermie origins.

i waited almost a year for afropips' malawi to go back into stock anywhere before finding out about his passing last year. i always wanted to make a lemony haze that's better than all of the modern strains that started out as afghani hybrids like skunk #1 and use compact malawi gold and C99 to get fast results with zero couchlock.

now, i want to cross it with 9 week jack's cleaner 2 as that shit is NICE! it has a stony edge to it, but nice euphoria and a really cool touchy feely sensual buzz that had a weird trippy effect where i could imagine invisible waves of color radiating from whereever i touched myself. that's the trippiest bud i've ever smoked that i can put a name to. i hope the HS malawi lives up to it's visuals rep and has that IBL no couchlock buzz that makes trippy strains pure fun.

while not an IBL, high quality seeds' haze skunk is NOT shabby either. it's for sure the most potent sativa i've ever smoked. it wasn't the trippiest, but it did have psychoactivity, but the buzz was pure euphoric motivation, the buds sticky, the buzz wicked long with even a hangover that built as more gets in your system with little tolerance dropoff. didn't care for the mild cigar wrapper notes in the flavor, but it was a kickass high that had better couchlock resistance (tolerance) than trippy ass columbian gold with more resin & potency.

i'll report on HS malawi this fall. i have really high hopes for it. i'm hoping i get the classic lemon pheno from that and something really nice out of putting some faster finishing lemony JC2 up in it.

other than the potential in the malawi and fussy highland thai in my archives, i'm keen on working with jack's cleaner 2, haze skunk, & DNA genetics' NICE fruity sweet haze which is a glue making machine a step above a bunch of jacks & hazes i tested this winter/spring. i really hope the malawi lives up to it's rep and thai comparisons better than nice but mild durban poison.

down the road, ace seeds' panama red is alleged to be legit. i might try that, but have found that i could be happy with any of the other strains i like along with 8 miles high when that's back in circulation next year, sativa trans love & crosses with C99 & C99 x A11 and testing of mosca's (or is it bodhi's?) A11 genius. everyone was calling apollo & super silver haze "the best" indoor thais back around '05. i like more clear headed C99 well enough, but melower & trippier apollo sounds nicer. i just could never get anyone to give an honest description of that one's couchlock level that i'd expect to be closer to neutral than stony, but at least finishes in under 60 days with low odor.

i get so enthused seeing all the interest in strains that actually get you high here that i never see on the streets and not so much in many forums. i hated getting stoned IMMEDIATELY the very first time i bought two fat grams of the first wave of the indicrap infestion of the 1980s for just the $8 i had in my pocket. i was pissed off mumbling under my breath all tired at how no high and ripped off i was. my contempt has only deepened over the years.

it really sucks that you gave to DIY if you want to get high or move to cali at least. you should be able to get BOTH indicas & sativas from dealers as there's a definite preference for weed that doesn't suck shit out of adead skunk's ass when people are GIVEN A CHOICE.

if you want to try some malawi, i can at least say that there's definitely worse gear than holy smokes' version. it was definitely telling me it wanted to get me high more than the highland thai that took forever to turn hermie on me and that was nothing but stone at the start of flowering. malawi starts out more energetic and happy to bud for sure. whether it can unseat fucking awesome for a 63 day strain jack's cleaner 2 as my favorite strain on the market. following the "good things come to those who wait" mantra, it should.

once i get a nice doable strain with a trippy edge and a balanced THC profile with euphoria that's neither stony nor too racy 7 paranoid either, i'll probably stop looking for better gear. too much potency from IBL sativas, and you will get bit in the hiny begging the room to stop spinning. there's such a thing as too much of a good thing.
I actually got the Holy Smoke Promo before you even posted.

12x Mulanje Gold
2x Afghani Peshawar
2x Nepali Rukum
2x Bhutanese Thimphu

All 100% non-hybradized, IBL landrace sativas. The real deal. Should turn out good since I grow organically!

OP, you are one lucky SOB to have such special bud on hand. Get that clone ASAP!
do share how all of those goodies compare. i really want to see what lemony 9 weeks to trippy jack's cleaner 2 does with holy smokes malawi gold. that should be some sick trippy lemonade for sure. if it lives up to it's reputation, holy smokes will be a favorite breeder easily.

there's little reason that there shouldn't be a bunch of malawi crosses out there competing against the same old same old haze recipe. there are plenty of fast flowering indoor strains to shrink it without doing the damage afghani did for so long. malawi and cindy or apollo (or whatever's even better these days) and a lowryder should produce something way better than skunk #1.

i really want to hear how trippy any of this stuff is and how it compares to each other eg. one's more euphoric, one's speedier and malawi is the trippiest.

all i know is full moon thai is one fussy bee to grow and holy smokes' malawi likes to make seeds in a hurry. i'm going to put a couple of those in bondage in a few months.
It's nice to see so many people are looking to find the Malawi!
I just ordered up some Malawi Gold from Holy Smokes Seeds and some African Buzz from Seedsman seeds. I don't know if they will be as good as the Malawi in my report, but I will damn sure find out! Now if I can just get that dispensary to call me back about a clone!!!

I should add that I ordered for the first time from Herbie's Headshop since the Attitude was out of stock. So I guess I will be able to give feedback on their service as well :lol:
i can't wait to try 2x lemon malawi gold x jack's cleaner 2. that strain is happy and trippy too and the two's similarities should come from entirely different lineages. it should be the 1st IBL i finish. i'd think the strain would be great for adding some hybrid vigor to the columbian, panama, thai, afghani, NL5 gene pool. malawi & the best columbian or panama still around, or even better, cambodian, would be the start of something really nice with fresh genetics. the trippiest IBLs are the ones peeps should be out there SCROGging, but not authentic highland thai unless they have infinite patience.

if holy smokes' malawi lives up to IT's thai comparisons better than durban poison, i'll probably want to compare it against that other one. it's always what i've wanted to work with because no one else really has yet. malawi and little lemon burmese sounds like a good start for a compact haze with minimal afghani intrusion using something like quick couchlock free C99 or whatever's even better like maybe TGA's A13 vortex, but his own JC2 is pretty much already there at 9 weeks flowering.

as super nice if not exactly gourmet tasting haze x skunk isn't shabby, then a genuine lemony & trippy 75% malawi & 25% lemon skunk should be really nice and tasty as that's some good skunk. i think HQS uses a more indica leaning cheese skunk in their cross. sativa seeds' H19 skunk looked more like an IBL sativa.
00 gold & haze.jpg

i drew 3 out of 4 males to get that one lanky gal that tested very promising and proved way more indoor friendly than highland thai. the sweet haze wasn't shabby either. best fruity haze i've had yet. that's about 2 weeks after flipping everything to 12 hours i think.

is malawi the new gold standard? jack's cleaner 2 ain't shabby either way and i need to re-test broad leaved CH9 jack as i think that one had a potent buzz that got lost in the shuffle with over a dozen fruity jacks & hazes i tested. the sweet haze was top quality and sativa trans love was the fastest producing of the rest of the similar good stuff. all of the fruity more clean headed than trippy but euphoric haze buzzes were nice, but similar despite different genetics, was plenty nice smoke and fun comparing looking for standouts. rokerij's "amnesia haze" & female seeds' x-line auto jack are great bargain hazes and at around $10, kannabia thai fantasy is affordable too, but DNA sweet haze is worth that extra $4 or so at a whopping $11 for a fem. i'd really like to try their cannalope haze & chocolope too. strains that sell out are most likely to be the best.

i'm pretty sure malawi is at least better than HQS thai skunk if not their super potent $28 @ 11 haze skunk. that strain is a bargain & my 2nd favorite until i test malawi & sweet haze better. it's not the trippiest, but not shabby, but the potency, duration & tolerance are awesome.

i'm guessing holy smokes was a fan of afropips' gear. someone here was really interested in the mozambique poison. i'd bet almost anything with poison in it's name is at least a little better than power plant anyways. i think super thai is probably an hybrid. it didn't stand out like sweet haze did and i'd hoped for and expected. the other thai i tried was more hazey than highland too.

now that i have a heating mat, i might be inclined to give delta 9 a 2nd try on their mekong haze to see if it's as legit as it's rep when i gear up in a few months. that crossed with real malawi would be something not to be blazed in a hurry, know what i mean?

if you could aquire quality genes, mekong (2x cambodian) x malawi x the best mexican IBL out there would be a superior haze maybe even if you put 25% of the best "indoor haze" in the mix. i love heating domes for popping beans, but not so much when crowding a bunch of small pots that dry out or mold in the same batch, but they really speed popping up and i bet viability a notch or two as well. i just couldn't get tiny little mekongs to pop when i was having that problem with everything from everywhere in winter.

TGA's jack the ripper & sannies' killing fields should be on your short lists if you're into the idea of malawi. i'd love to buy either crossed with malawi if only the name was peace loving. hey, cross the two and call it "kiss & make out", even camo for short
I take it none of you have noticed the new seedbank with these African sativas

Seeds Of Africa
Home > Seeds Of Africa

SEEDS OF AFRICA – Africas’ premium seedbank Seeds of Africa is proud to present to you, A fresh range of authentic, native African cannabis sativa strains. Straight from the high mountains and valleys of beautiful Africa, Our seeds are hand selected and freshly packed, guaranteeing the highest standards in quality. With the purest genetics, our seeds are the perfect match for any creative cross pollination, giving you the freedom to create infinite varieties of your own. So, have fun and grow yourself a little piece of Africa.

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[TD="align: left"] Durban Magic


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[TD="align: left"] Malawi Gold


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[TD="align: left"] Swazi Gold


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[TD="align: left"] Zamal Reunion



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that strain has stayed on shelves for a while. i already have a C99 blueberry, so it didn't interest me like pure malawi. when stuff started going out of stock, i thought about getting some C99 malawi. i can just make that now, but something trippier than cindy would be better.
if you have trippy C99, i' guessing you have mosca's C99 BX. joey weed's was very clear headed & motivational euphoria not unlike kali mist. i got no paranoia off it and like kali mist, it was more about getting things done than relaxing & enjoying them. i intend to keep it around for activities, but like trippier strains that add sensory effects to music & movies etc. JW C99 doesn't do much in the way of heightening reality.

jack's cleaner 2 is much closer to what i'd hoped for from C99 though it has more stone, but not so much it isn't functional. that shit is for real trippy. me likes!

even though it looks like an afghani, i think CH9's jack is trippier than C99 too. i plan on re-testing that the next time i order beans. i'm also interested to see if their jack 33 is more like a trippy A11 than cindy or if TGA's A13 vortex is that new "indoor thai" i always dreamed of. JC2's that for me for now, but i'm trying to speed that up with cindy & apollo.

C99 is a good strain, especially for how fast it finishes, but there's many trippier and mellower strains you can have more fun with. even crazy potent and motivational haze skunk has enough stone so you can sit still on it better than textbook cindy as well as much stronger psychoactivity. it's a 12 week strain though.

i love it for activities, but think the buzz is a little on the boring side of not as boring as getting stoned. i really like it for trying to breed OUT stone in other strains and/or speed their flowering times up without adding anything funky to the flavors or odors. no matter what, it's WAY BETTER than what most people are wasting money on outside of cali.
if you have trippy C99, i' guessing you have mosca's C99 BX. joey weed's was very clear headed & motivational euphoria not unlike kali mist. i got no paranoia off it and like kali mist, it was more about getting things done than relaxing & enjoying them. i intend to keep it around for activities, but like trippier strains that add sensory effects to music & movies etc. JW C99 doesn't do much in the way of heightening reality.

jack's cleaner 2 is much closer to what i'd hoped for from C99 though it has more stone, but not so much it isn't functional. that shit is for real trippy. me likes!

even though it looks like an afghani, i think CH9's jack is trippier than C99 too. i plan on re-testing that the next time i order beans. i'm also interested to see if their jack 33 is more like a trippy A11 than cindy or if TGA's A13 vortex is that new "indoor thai" i always dreamed of. JC2's that for me for now, but i'm trying to speed that up with cindy & apollo.

C99 is a good strain, especially for how fast it finishes, but there's many trippier and mellower strains you can have more fun with. even crazy potent and motivational haze skunk has enough stone so you can sit still on it better than textbook cindy as well as much stronger psychoactivity. it's a 12 week strain though.

i love it for activities, but think the buzz is a little on the boring side of not as boring as getting stoned. i really like it for trying to breed OUT stone in other strains and/or speed their flowering times up without adding anything funky to the flavors or odors. no matter what, it's WAY BETTER than what most people are wasting money on outside of cali.
It is very very trippy...does not induce any paranoia in ME, but saw it on everybody honestly op;en eyed visuals and not and acid trip per-say but you konw...and believe it or not it is the C99 from Female IS true trippy C99 and pineapple, fruit punch and taste like mangoes but way trippy...energetic as well...I despise indica dumb down or couchlock...I wanna get high not stoned

PS- In speaking with Mobius, Jack's Cleaner 2 is super trippy so am interested in many of your production were super trippy? Also I have found intense uvb supplementation tween 200 - 400 ug/cm2 to increase trippiness dramatically especially in known trippy strains
i think i had 2 JC2 males and both were awesome. i didn't have enough to do serious testing and had to shut down when lamp heat finished stressing out gals that had been topped & prune SCROG style and that eventually started shedding their fan leaves for energy to make seeds. i gave up when everything got burned polka dot burns from my forgetting to run the fan one night. it was a bad grow from the beginning. i had to wait for seeds, it was started at the beginning of january, was having neighbor trouble (every fucking where i fucking live to the point you just want to beat people with a louisville slugger until they finally STFU)

every growing experience is a learning one though. i'm just glad to have learned there's at least one very doable indoors trippy strain out there, though haze skunk, sweet haze & 8 miles high are great too and there's a ton of nice enough fruty jacks & hazes out there too.

JC2 impressed the shit out of me because it had a very unique trip to it. it's touchy feely like diesel onyx with a similar warm euphoric glow, but it made me laugh my ass off once i realized that the massage i was giving my arms & chest was producing imaginary ripples of tied dye colors eminating from wherever i touched. oh shit that's hot! there's no doubt in my mind it's the kind of gear that makes movies jump out at ya like they're 3D. the only competition it has that i've tried so far sadly is columbian gold and something i bet was at least based on gold as i recognized that wheaty flavor instantly as well as the spinning room get mne the eff out of here nausea effect made worse by someone playing guitar hero and making me want to smash their play station to make it stop. i had to split. the metal & nausea weren't agreeing with me, but it was a real high.

EVERYTHING else i've tried just isn't as good. durban poison? WEAK! haze skunk? potent, but not as trippy. and trippy levels only go down from there.

you'd probably be better off getting jack the ripper instead, i just went with JC2 because i don't like ripper's name. that's supposed to be better if the lit says people call it the best 9 week haze out there. if it's better than JC2, oh shit! it should be though. someone who's tried a few of TGA's strains said his sativas are legit and not the same watered down fare other breeders dare call haze or jack etc. and his indicas are purer too. all i know is i believe the hype now. JC2 would make any old schooler miss the good old days or rejoice to the new good ones ahead