not another teen shooting!

lol damn i keep getting confused and thinking im talking to one person not two...guy who posted he wants to be a cop good luck sentence is to you
cop is a good job, If i was not a felon I would be one...I would be like the bad lieutenant though(harvey keitel)
Well yea they polygraph you but I plan on bein honest, like yea im a medical marijuana patient and I smoked within the last year, but I dont plan on doing it anymore if I get this career. The LAPD is a good department, they are pretty understanding. And yea some of you guys are getting borderline racist, im black myself so watch they way you say things. Black children are still feeling the psychological effects of slavery. We live in a society where black men are raised to not look at themselves as equal human beings, we see at an early age that we are at a disadvantage from the get go. And someone was right when they said there are too many niggas having babies and not taking care of them.. but you know why? Because there father did the same, and his father as well, and his fathers father, and his fathers fathers father, and his fathers fathers fathers father, who was beatin with a whip regularly in front of his family, and eventually sold to another plantation leaving the woman to raise the family, and creating a cycle of young men not knowing how to be responsible. And just a little update, this morning around 5 AM there was a shooting right in front of my house. I recovered a few .25 shells. The guy that was getting shot at ran to the Shell station on the corner I guess.. no police showed up just a helicopter to see if anything was still happening. The police dont show up unless someone actually got shot.
is cali a nice place to live though?? around me everyone wants to move their, we see it as sunshine and beaches and happy that a bad assumption?
California is a beautiful place to live! Even here smack dab in the middle of the city there is plenty of palm trees and cool stuff to see, and your never far from the beach. We have plenty of landmarks, obviously. Anything youve seen in movies its cool to see in real life.. Plus MJ is legal here!! You can feel free to walk down the street and smoke a joint without having to worry about going to jail! And the women! OMG the bitches here are the shit!! Lol.. the only negative is all the hispanic gangs and shit.. they fuck it up for everyone.. like those cholos that beat up Bryan Stow at the Dodgers game.. but stay clear from the poor Mexican areas and you will be fine.
damn soon as i have the chance im headin west!...lets just say right now i live in one of the top 5 statistically most unhappy states...and one of the most corrupt
The problem with black neighborhoods is the lack of parenting for the most part..too many selfish men making babies all over the place that they can't/won't take care of.

if you was in that kinda situation and didnt have money you'd be fuckin girls as much as you can too just to entertain yourself. the parents are only as good as they parents did with them no matter what color you are.
gotta disagree man.... I was not born wealthy..I am not wealthy now and probably never will be...I don't make babies..fucking is fine but pull out or wear a rubber...I have good friends who are black that have multiple kids with multiple broads and they were raised like me..Black women for some reason for the most part do not take deadbeats to court for support, so the kid suffers...I know one dude who has over 20 kids and he probably makes 20k a year..that is just fucking selfish and stupid.
i think i shot a teen by accident once too. you see i was ramming a lesbian and the window was open right around that time school gets out...
illinois has become a police state...cameras and cops everywhere...hands down the most corrupt state in the country..and crook county is the most corrupt county in the country...highest energy prices and gasoline prices too.not to mention 44 people shot in Chicago last weekend to kick off summer leaving 9 dead.
illinois has become a police state...cameras and cops everywhere...hands down the most corrupt state in the country..and crook county is the most corrupt county in the country...highest energy prices and gasoline prices too.not to mention 44 people shot in Chicago last weekend to kick off summer leaving 9 dead.
I used to live in Whiteside County. You get caught with a gram of weed and ur ass is in jail.
never heard of it, not surprised though...I know 2 guys who killed someone..both were out of prison in under 4 years ...I also know half a dozen guys in Prison or on parole from the state of Illinois..not federal- state that got 5-7 years for moving lbs of weed!...crazy! makes no sense.