It should be legal to kill Democrats

Not a single air traffic death in 2010 if I recall. oh - ONE death due to e. coli? So the issue is this Neutron Sir. Do we trust unfettered unregulated commerce with the safety of our guts, our lungs and our children? Is that what you are intoning here? Or do you recall the Ford Pinto? Cars catching fire because the numbers didn't add up enough to correct the gas tank "problem"?

No air traffic deaths but how many legalized sexual assaults and thefts by the TSA?
Unfettered and unregulated? No. There has to be a minimum of regulation. The market reacts much faster than government, though, especially when said government is grotesquely obese.
I owned a Ford Pinto. You know what? It never once caught fire. I also owned a GMC pick up that had a gas tank behind the seat (also sensationalized) and it never exploded, either. I've handled fireworks without injury, ridden motorcycles without a helmet, driven cars without a seatbelt, drank whole milk, eaten fresh foods (garden grown and wild) without FDA inspection and taken illegal drugs, (among other things) and I'm still here.
The only incentive a government agency has is to itself. To make sure above all else, that it not only survives but thrives. I have seen this in action. A flurry os buying activity before the budget year ends. If you don't spend all of your budget, you don't get an increase the next year.
If you don't find any of the problems you were created to find, you get eliminated.
That's right, if you ignore the roll purging, the caging and voter obstruction, and possible voting fraud - if you just recount the disputed ballots, then Bush won, otherwise, Gore did and that is the more interesting result.
Oh brother....
I am so f'n glad you did not mention hanging chad !!
I'm not talking absolutes, either, I'm saying it's foolish to trust a government agency that has no incentive to do what is was created to do.
No mention of the foreign entanglements?
Clean air and water? The poles.

DDT and lead are found at the poles Neutron. We should never completely trust any institution or organization, so what? I don't, nor could I, trace the exact origins of every bite of food I eat, I have a damn good chance of surviving because of the regulations imposed upon industry. I have a choice, I can trust the incentives surrounding government or I can trust the incentives surrounding business. The business incentive is plain - profit, and profit at any other cost. Government incentives may just include protection of consumers.
No air traffic deaths but how many legalized sexual assaults and thefts by the TSA?
Unfettered and unregulated? No. There has to be a minimum of regulation. The market reacts much faster than government, though, especially when said government is grotesquely obese.
I owned a Ford Pinto. You know what? It never once caught fire. I also owned a GMC pick up that had a gas tank behind the seat (also sensationalized) and it never exploded, either. I've handled fireworks without injury, ridden motorcycles without a helmet, driven cars without a seatbelt, drank whole milk, eaten fresh foods (garden grown and wild) without FDA inspection and taken illegal drugs, (among other things) and I'm still here.
The only incentive a government agency has is to itself. To make sure above all else, that it not only survives but thrives. I have seen this in action. A flurry os buying activity before the budget year ends. If you don't spend all of your budget, you don't get an increase the next year.
If you don't find any of the problems you were created to find, you get eliminated.

But no air traffic deaths. TSA? that is all a result of fear mongering from the Bush administration and their bullshit attempts regulate emotions - namely terror. "there has to be a minimum of regulation"? you mean you don't believe in self regulation of industry?

that you owned a pinto and it didn't catch fire is proof of nothing, as indeed, Ford was aware of the problem. The fact is that people WERE burned alive, they were told their cars were safe but the Ford accounting department saw profit as more important than their customer base. why is it that we so often use ourselves as some sort of proof that everyone else is as lucky as we?

Government agencies are subject to the ultimate responsibility to citizens. You would trust a system that has a stated purpose of profit before you would trust a system that is eventually beholding to the people?
Oh brother....
I am so f'n glad you did not mention hanging chad !!

Nope, the hanging chad was an actor in the recount, I am talking about the widespread voter abuse in that state, it is well known and has been demonstrated to have existed - and it still may exist. Especially purging.
KILL DEMOCRATS!!! They can't fight back, they are weak and wholly dependent on the government. They can't stop us. KILL EVERY LAST REGISTERED DEMOCRAT. It's the last bit of genocide the world needs. Start with the ones from the Sea Shepherd.
I have a choice, I can trust the incentives surrounding government or I can trust the incentives surrounding business. The business incentive is plain - profit, and profit at any other cost. Government incentives may just include protection of consumers.

No, you do not have a choice. Now, if there was a choice, the incentive of profit keeps the business owner careful about what he produces. He does not want a bad product to ruin his business. Consumer protection is not an incentive unless there is a profit in it.
KILL DEMOCRATS!!! They can't fight back, they are weak and wholly dependent on the government. They can't stop us. KILL EVERY LAST REGISTERED DEMOCRAT. It's the last bit of genocide the world needs. Start with the ones from the Sea Shepherd.

KILL DEMOCRATS!!! They can't fight back, they are weak and wholly dependent on the government. They can't stop us. KILL EVERY LAST REGISTERED DEMOCRAT. It's the last bit of genocide the world needs. Start with the ones from the Sea Shepherd.

congratulations! youve officially made yourself look stupider than you already were! now go out and kill democrats, your doing gods work! yay genocide! JustAnotherSkinHead is the coolest person ive ever met on this site.
KILL DEMOCRATS!!! They can't fight back, they are weak and wholly dependent on the government. They can't stop us. KILL EVERY LAST REGISTERED DEMOCRAT. It's the last bit of genocide the world needs. Start with the ones from the Sea Shepherd.
Yeah you're probably on a list somewhere for that now...
But no air traffic deaths. TSA? that is all a result of fear mongering from the Bush administration and their bullshit attempts regulate emotions - namely terror. "there has to be a minimum of regulation"? you mean you don't believe in self regulation of industry?

Fear mongering? Have you not seen the videos or read the reports about what is going on in US airports? Behavior that would land anyone else in jail. TSA is not self regulation. I do think the airlines would be better at providing their own security.

that you owned a pinto and it didn't catch fire is proof of nothing, as indeed, Ford was aware of the problem. The fact is that people WERE burned alive, they were told their cars were safe but the Ford accounting department saw profit as more important than their customer base. why is it that we so often use ourselves as some sort of proof that everyone else is as lucky as we?

Where was the government? Why didn't they keep this rolling death trap away from consumers? also see Chevy Corvair

Government agencies are subject to the ultimate responsibility to citizens. You would trust a system that has a stated purpose of profit before you would trust a system that is eventually beholding to the people?

Government agencies are only responsible to themselves. They are not voted into office. They (for the most part) do not change personnel with each regime change. Were those GSA employees that made those videos mocking how much they get, responsible to the citizens? You would trust those people?
Fear mongering? Have you not seen the videos or read the reports about what is going on in US airports? Behavior that would land anyone else in jail. TSA is not self regulation. I do think the airlines would be better at providing their own security.

Where was the government? Why didn't they keep this rolling death trap away from consumers? also see Chevy Corvair

Government agencies are only responsible to themselves. They are not voted into office. They (for the most part) do not change personnel with each regime change. Were those GSA employees that made those videos mocking how much they get, responsible to the citizens? You would trust those people?

I didn't say TSA was, I said that it would appear that you believe private industry self regulation would suffice, the Pinto incident proves otherwisee. No they are not voted into office but they are still accountable to the public. If there were no regulations and no government standards for private industry we would have much more of that Pinto sort of mess than we do now.
KILL DEMOCRATS!!! They can't fight back, they are weak and wholly dependent on the government. They can't stop us. KILL EVERY LAST REGISTERED DEMOCRAT. It's the last bit of genocide the world needs. Start with the ones from the Sea Shepherd.

Politics is a performance, like Dallas. They pretend their are multiple parties to divide the country and make most people, including you, thinking their is a difference. Kill every Democrat, and you'll only see more red ties on the news. Nothing would change. But they depend on you believing them, not I. So yeeha. What Crazyhazey said.
KILL DEMOCRATS!!! They can't fight back, they are weak and wholly dependent on the government. They can't stop us. KILL EVERY LAST REGISTERED DEMOCRAT. It's the last bit of genocide the world needs. Start with the ones from the Sea Shepherd.

my wife is a registered democrat and could buy you. she'd robably sell you for scrap to some crafty mexicans though, they'd turn you into a pinata.
my wife is a registered democrat and could buy you. she'd robably sell you for scrap to some crafty mexicans though, they'd turn you into a pinata.

I'd rape that slut, urinate and deficate on her; and leave her for dead. Then I'll take a giant Obama, wipe my ass and take a nap.