Well-Known Member
Am I safe to say whatever I want then? Or will the Secret Service swoop out of the American Embassy in Dublin and skull fuck me?
hahahaha they're gonna skull fuck you. no, i dont think any of us would be watched by the secret service, or any other association. ive heard buying nutrients with a credit card can put you on a watch list, but im sure this is another misconception since you could literally be growing anything, some people like to take care of their tomatos with jacks classic but you can grow some killer weed with it, so i dont think they would have any evidence. people are even starting to grow their produce hydroponically so theres not much evidence to be found if they do track your purchases, although something with a suggestive name like "bud candy" might seem appealing to the feds, just a thought. but they're not gonna bust anyone unless they're doing a gigantic grow, and even then photos arent enough evidence to send out copters looking for these people, im pretty sure obama will be cutting the funding for these people who continue the genocide of a native plant, it doesnt make any sense really, its like if they wanted to eliminate every oak tree in america, they wouldnt be able to do it before more started to grow, same goes with mj and any other plant that reproduces at a high rate.
when you start saying your gonna kill people though, thats a different story.