Carne Seca
Well-Known Member
Two weeks ago I had some employee forms that needed filling out. I sent them the paperwork with a request for confirmation once they received it. I usually expect about a 70% success rate while I spend the next four or fives days tracking down the other 30% and cattle prod their butts. I even mailed out reminders with a tootsie roll treat inside (with my own money) to get people motivated. I sent out 4 memos over the last two weeks that the deadline was by 3:00pm today. Well at 10 minutes to 5 I got hit by no less than 40 emails with the completed surveys. Plus. I have about another 10% I haven't even heard from (Admins and Supervisors).

Now my evening is going to be spent inputting the data. I had planned on setting aside time between 3-5 today to get this finished. Alas, it was not to be.
I think I'll make a game out of it.
DRUNKEN DATA ENTRY (not for the weak willed)
It's like Ninja Warrior but without all the sweating and breathing hard.
Anyway, I hate procrastinators.

Now my evening is going to be spent inputting the data. I had planned on setting aside time between 3-5 today to get this finished. Alas, it was not to be.
I think I'll make a game out of it.
DRUNKEN DATA ENTRY (not for the weak willed)
It's like Ninja Warrior but without all the sweating and breathing hard.
Anyway, I hate procrastinators.