new setup


Active Member
My big cfl 68 Watt broke during move now using 1 13 Watt 1 14 Watt 1 23 Watt cfl all 2700k and 1 t8 20 Watt pic when was set up n when I put her in there before lights were adjusted she was outside y she look like she streached from hell LOL here pics


Well-Known Member
As for the stretching problem even though you don't have a picture up, that is due to you using 2700K lights during Vegetative stage. You should either use a mixture of bulbs or 5000K bulbs during Vegg for tighter internode stacking. I myself have a T5 flourescent fixture with 2 2700K bulbs and 2 5000K bulbs for my seedlings as well as Vegging plants and it keeps the internodes very tight


Well-Known Member
It was outside n it was streaching bad
Hmmmm....was it out in strong, full sunlight with no shade? If so, for how many hours? And are you bringing them in after the sun goes down to give them more light under those CFL lights? If so, make sure the CFL's are about 3" away from the top of the plants at most....

OH wait lol now that i re-read your first post, looks like you are just giving them CFL light now only and not taking them outside anymore? That's why they are stretching bro, they were used to the intense outside light from the Sun, and now you brought them inside and are giving them weak light from those CFL lights....


Well-Known Member
oh yea buddy if those lights are anywhere further away from the top of your plant than 2-3" then thats why its stretching. That setup is basically losing 50+ % light just because it has nothing reflecting the light back.


Well-Known Member
Man I just pulled the other male I had n it did smell this 1 reacks of bud

lol smell doesn't tell sex. Males can smell just as bad as females. But in all are either gonna have to do something with those lights or more that plant somewhere different. Cause growing like you are in that picture is not gonna get you much more than a couple grams at the most; believe me I have been there and done that. You need to put the plant somewhere that has walls on 4 sides so the light stays enclosed and can be reflected back towards your plant, NOT out into open space. So basically a cabinet or closet or something. And the walls need to be either solid white or you need to buy some mylar to reflect the light back towards the plant.


Active Member
I was just gonna switch to see its sex for now I plan on getting more lights and some Mylar ( might use tin foil) I can still switch to 13/12 for 2 weeks till I know sex with this set up right once I know sex it might go hack outside