First contact....
Your talking about growers and government in joint partnership to attain a happy medium I believe (am I mistaken?)
Sadly this can't happen until old laws are abolished, then a collective can form and put forward a list of expectations and review a governments list of expectations, finally in a happy pot law free society we can come to an arrangement that benefits both growers and law.
A process like this has been and still is being argued, fought for, and told to hurry up and wait for.
Matt Mernagh, the provincial pot champion is fighting for his right to medicine. In order to fight a law in Canada, you must first be charged under that law and prove that the law is unconstitutional in court.
Matt did this and won his first and possibly second rounds.
Now the case is heading to appeals which I hope but doubt will change because of our Prime Minister Steven Harper.
His antiquated view of marijuana makes legalization a distant hope rather than an inevitability. He has stated emphatically that Marijuana will never become legalized while he is in power and based of his track record, he'll do the most absurd things to prove his point (even to the point of proroguing parliament)
In all my years of being a Canadian, I never thought of Canada as a dictatorship until Harper won his place by fluke the first time, avoiding impeachment by proroguing parliament and election fraud his second term.
These are well known and provable facts, oh dear god why were we so blind when Harper came knocking at our door.
Anyhoot, back to my point......
A honest discussion based on mutual respect of each individuals rights would be wonderful but is a pipe dream.