there coming to get you now buckanother day of waking up to an uber hot greenhouse, followed by a trip out to sleep on the lawn.
today is the last day of school, so the little douche(s) that stole the plants will have all the time in the world to repeat his mistake now.
there coming to get you now buck
man or kid who will win...i have money on the
im sure you can find away to take care of
Awesome thread UncleBuck, Sorry to here about the plants and the punk kids. I'm with you about not wanting to catch them just leave your stuff only. Because I know me I would probably in the heat of the moment do something that ain't worth a few vegging plants, As long as You and your family are not harmed, lesson learned plus subbed to this awesome thread. plus rep for the loss.
wow just read through the thread and its sad to hear about this type of shit happening not once but twice!!! hope you pull off a good harvest i wont be leaving my house for september and october and ill be camping in the garden every night. i cant afford the loss i would be devastated. are you a trailblazers fan? im rockin my portland jersey as we speak
You need a paintball gun. cn
yes i love that idea over my more lethal approaches! craigslisting for a new paintball gun now
Hell yeah everything is looking great ub.
Your black domina is doing much better than mine outdoors.
Mines flowered as soon as I put her out and is just now getting back on track...
Keep it up man
Smart thinking I did the same thing a couple weeks ago now she has 4 main topsshe'll be smaller tomorrow. going to clone that top and a few other branches to get her bushing out.