The 12-12 From Seed Thread

I have a bit of a problem. Got a phone call today from the landlord saying he wants his 6 month inspection at the start of July, which mean my plants would of been budding for 6-8 weeks so will be absolutely stinking(hopefully) Anyway other then moving them all out for the day and then bringing them back in once he's gone has anyone got any other suggestions what i can do???

I know you want alternative answers....but I would take them out for the day if you could! Not worth it to risk it, in my opinion. If they're out of the apartment, you have no worries about him maybe smelling something, or accidentally opening something. I'm glad my landlord doesn't do inspections...never heard of that!
Don't see a situation whereby your plants and landlord being in the same room at the same time without him asking what "that" is... Unless you feel confident enough you can disguise it as something else and contain the smell (filter air fresheners etc)

contingency plan is to hire a van and move everything into it at night. Fucking ball ache and i know you said without moving them.. but it is a solution.

pretty lucky, the landlady has been around like 3 times in the last 5 years and only when something goes wrong, gonna be tough to find again if moving.
Don't see a situation whereby your plants and landlord being in the same room at the same time without him asking what "that" is... Unless you feel confident enough you can disguise it as something else and contain the smell (filter air fresheners etc)

contingency plan is to hire a van and move everything into it at night. Fucking ball ache and i know you said without moving them.. but it is a solution.

pretty lucky, the landlady has been around like 3 times in the last 5 years and only when something goes wrong, gonna be tough to find again if moving.

The van is a good idea...need to keep that around for future reference.

Mantiszn, I just found another reason to like you...your sig quotes Aldous Huxley :)
Yeah i thought about getting a van in for the day but a bit worried about the neighbors seeing me take aload of boxes in and out.

So whats wrong with a load of boxes? Snoopy neighbors will always be snoopy but no one can see through boxes.

I suggest U-haul (or similar depending on location) they have wonderful boxes that are big enough for even the most robust plants.

A good bleaching will hide any residual smell and have the added effect of sterilizing your grow room.
Yeah man, fuck those nosey neighbors. I have some too.
But as mentioned, who cares what she THINKS is in the boxes. She'll never KNOW.

Is it cool if I ask where your grow room is located in your apartment?
I have a bit of a problem. Got a phone call today from the landlord saying he wants his 6 month inspection at the start of July, which mean my plants would of been budding for 6-8 weeks so will be absolutely stinking(hopefully) Anyway other then moving them all out for the day and then bringing them back in once he's gone has anyone got any other suggestions what i can do???

LadyJ said:
I know you want alternative answers....but I would take them out for the day if you could! Not worth it to risk it, in my opinion. If they're out of the apartment, you have no worries about him maybe smelling something, or accidentally opening something. I'm glad my landlord doesn't do inspections...never heard of that!

Take them out. There is no other sound advice. The van is an excellent idea.

I own a rental house and in every lease with every tenant I have had, there has been a provision in the lease that allowed me to inspect...without advance notice. Now I have never exercised that power, mostly because I try not to be dick so long as the rent check comes on time and I don't get letters from the HOA.

Be happy that she gave you advance notice. Inconvenient, but much better than the alternative. If she found your grow and you are not licensed or even in a medical state, she would be obligated to report you just to cover her own the owner, she bears responsibility for what goes on in the place.
agreed, although believe here in the UK there is a minimum notice period of at least 24 hours or something, on most lease agreements anyway, mine is a month I think..

Take them out. There is no other sound advice. The van is an excellent idea.

I own a rental house and in every lease with every tenant I have had, there has been a provision in the lease that allowed me to inspect...without advance notice. Now I have never exercised that power, mostly because I try not to be dick so long as the rent check comes on time and I don't get letters from the HOA.

Be happy that she gave you advance notice. Inconvenient, but much better than the alternative. If she found your grow and you are not licensed or even in a medical state, she would be obligated to report you just to cover her own the owner, she bears responsibility for what goes on in the place.
Thanks everyone for the sound advice, I'll probably go with the van idea which i think is really the only option. The grow is in the spare room and im in England so no medi card for me, although i could use one right now as i keep fucking my neck up. My landlord lives in Monaco and is absolutely minted so only ever comes over to England once in a while. This time next year i shouldn't have the same problem,hopefully we'll have brought our own place by then
Thanks everyone for the sound advice, I'll probably go with the van idea which i think is really the only option. The grow is in the spare room and im in England so no medi card for me, although i could use one right now as i keep fucking my neck up. My landlord lives in Monaco and is absolutely minted so only ever comes over to England once in a while. This time next year i shouldn't have the same problem,hopefully we'll have brought our own place by then

so sorry to hear about your situation SV. i feel your pain, i have been there and live that fear everyday. I get 48 hours notice these days.
Here was my solution at my previous local.... It got over on about 5 people. There was one jerk though whos sniffer was a bit keen and kept saying "what is that smell" ? what is that smell.?lol
I tryed covering the smell by painting the room with some really strong Paint but it didint even work. lol
This is putting the "secret" in a SECRET JARDIN 120 DR tent. take care mate and good luck!!!
the secret jardin secret 002.jpg
so sorry to hear about your situation SV. i feel your pain, i have been there and live that fear everyday. I get 48 hours notice these days.
Here was my solution at my previous local.... It got over on about 5 people. There was one jerk though whos sniffer was a bit keen and kept saying "what is that smell" ? what is that smell.?lol
I tryed covering the smell by painting the room with some really strong Paint but it didint even work. lol
This is putting the "secret" in a SECRET JARDIN 120 DR tent. take care mate and good luck!!!

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At least he gave me a fair bit of notice i should be grateful for that.
I remember when you did this last year, im not sure the room is big enough to hide the smell as the plants should be stinking by then