can you b to high?


Active Member
I was fucked up off my edibles at the park. Hours passed and a one night stand passed by and in the morning sprinkler hits my face shes gone and all im left with is one last cookie, ate it checked my phone, and left wet haha. later on that day I realized thats the second time i fucked my sisters friend. hahahahahaha :eyesmoke:stoned me = sex hahaha everytime:lol:


Well-Known Member
hey. sorry for going of topic. but the Doberman in you're avatar. lovely looking dog. ive got a bedlington terrier. rotty. bull terrier. all fed on the barf diet. lovely looking doberman thou


Active Member
i remember when i was on shrooms and i was hanging at a friends house, my friends sister was hitting on me but i was way too fuckin shroomed to do anything with her.

the next time i came over i was just stoned and we end up conversating and she goes on about how i couldnt tell that she was hitting on me; and i was like "uhh to be honest i was shroomed out of my fuckin mind, i didnt want to make myself look foolish in front of you" and one thing leads to another... smoosh time.


Active Member
yuea i got three american dobes and two euros on pedigree to, wanna go raw meat but after i sell my females
hey. sorry for going of topic. but the Doberman in you're avatar. lovely looking dog. ive got a bedlington terrier. rotty. bull terrier. all fed on the barf diet. lovely looking doberman thou


Well-Known Member
Not really too high, jsut depends strain and how i smoke it.. I pretty much enjoy anything with super high CBDs etc.


Well-Known Member
i was sick around my birthday but i said fuck it im getting high on my bday lol so i smoked some unknown sativa i grew awhile back it fucked me up i was laying in my bed wishing i didnt i guess between the medicine and the weed it didnt mix well so there is a thing as to high


Well-Known Member
It depends on what you are doing. If you are a working professional, on the job, then yes, you can be to high. If it is the weekend and you don't have anything that you MUST get done, then nope. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
i personally cant get too high no.....i just get tired. not pass out tired but i really want to go to bed tired. but i can push through the tiredness if i have too. usually smoke more and it'll wake me up a little bit


to much indica swets stomach like i was gonna loose it and nodding off.the nodding reminded me when they gave me some ms contin before back surgury, thats like 4 hits in half hour,blueberry kush