1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Could be a mixture of a few things still in the coco then mate actin like bushmaster any1 know the main ingredients of it? could check your stuff mate.
Yeh mate i always was told rinse/flush in double strength cannazym then spread out an let it sit for a day or 2 turnin it abit. and its good to go but only use for your final pots cos can be a little hot still for young uns.
yeah that seems the most likely explanation though i thought the ripen stuff would flush all the nutes out but maybe not?! i'm going to start buying fresh coco for each run from here on i reckon.
I straight up recycle coco, then recycle most of what is in a pot even if it's mixed with compost / soil. Then I just mix it up with some calcium mix, then add myco and some slow release for connifers of all things, lol. Mix that up and then straight into another pot. No washing or owt. Just water for a couple weeks though.
Funnily enough i'm looking at getting a compost bin, the local cuntcil want an extra £20 bar a year off me to collect the broon bin so i telt them to stuff it. after paying my tax for years without a garden they can swivel for 20 sheets. am actually thinking of chocking the broon bin up oon bricks and putting a tap out it's arse end.
Bushybush will know . Remember Bushybush? I will contact him immediately regaurding both the issues with your pllants and hair.
cheers DAT, i do remember bushy bush and his crazy art. give him my regards!


Well-Known Member
Donnyyyyyyy!! wats goin on man? =) how ya been? got the cherry cheese x lviers flwoering. been in about 2 weeks now. maybe 3 i forget. lol. starting to show sum frost! =) the smell.... is very interesting... never smelled anything like it before.. almost like candy and Parmesan cheese...... lol. the candy smell is stronger thant he cheese smell for sure... it grew very slow.. i think that that was partly my fault too.. i only had 1 germed soo i kept it.. even tho it was a slow grower.. adn then wen i sprayed the miticide on it.. and it burnt the shit out of it... that didnt help... lol... it took a while to recover from being topped as well... but it is finally taking off. =) and it smells DELICIOUS!!! =D

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
alreet chris man,

you've got the same pheno that amber has, it is a slow grower yeah but she'll pack on late in the game. i've been calling it the dog shit then caramel pheno. that's what it smelled like before and after the cure... glad she's pulling round man! i'm not sure topping it is the best bet but i'll be interested to see how it's getting on topped! you got pics up in your journo?


Well-Known Member
yeaa i got a couple pics. these are from last week tho. ill be takin new pics this weekend. but heres wat it looked like last week. =) *u can see the leaves that were burnt from the spray... but they recovered. the newer leaves look so much better/healthier. =) ill be sure to post the new pics here once i take them.

Cherry Cheese x Livers.jpgcherry cheese x livers 2.jpg

theyre not the best pics... but as time goes on. and she gets further into flowering. ill be takin many more! =D took a small clone as well. waitin for it to root. thanks donny. =)


Well-Known Member
also. u were right about the topping.. she doesnt look like she liked it too much. hahahaha. lesson learned. =) the purple pineapple took to it VERY nicely.. thats a special plant.. i can tell. youll have to check out the pics this weekend wen i do the update. the shade leaves are gettin frosty already.. its only 3-4 weeks into flowering. really excited for this strain. took 3 clones.. at least 1 of them has to root. lol. got the seeds from SomeGuy13 or 15. always 4get the numbers. lol. he made it himself. blackwater x pineapple express. seems like a keeper..

soo the cc x l has a caramel smell after cure? Mmmmm sounds tasty!!
Man you touch you plants a lot....leave them alone as much as possible. Putting your fingers on them is putting bacteria, dead skin, and anything else you may have touched, directly onto your plants. Just leave them alone besides watering lol. Anyways nice plants man!


Well-Known Member
Peronsally I like to get involved with my plants. There are a lot of people who think that touching plants helps them, I think it's something to do with electromagnetic connectivity. Unless you been sticking your fingers in places they don't belong then I highly doubt a little bit of dead skin falling on a plant is going to harm them. Just my twee cents.

I would suggest you get a fan though, Don would help strengthen up those stems somewhat, lol.

Man you touch you plants a lot....leave them alone as much as possible. Putting your fingers on them is putting bacteria, dead skin, and anything else you may have touched, directly onto your plants. Just leave them alone besides watering lol. Anyways nice plants man!


Well-Known Member
Depends, it's better to lick them after being down on the missus:shock: that tends to give them a more spicey aroma, lol.....

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
how are you feeling today cowboy? im hear if you need me.
in fine fettle Doc, it's friday, and everything is irie

i made weed cupcakes for my mate/boss had one last night slept like a baby. thought i'd have one for breakfast. been smashed since 10am. an 8th of green and a gram of kief for only 6 cup cakes.

cheers Doc
yeaa i got a couple pics. these are from last week tho. ill be takin new pics this weekend. but heres wat it looked like last week. =) *u can see the leaves that were burnt from the spray... but they recovered. the newer leaves look so much better/healthier. =) ill be sure to post the new pics here once i take them.

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theyre not the best pics... but as time goes on. and she gets further into flowering. ill be takin many more! =D took a small clone as well. waitin for it to root. thanks donny. =)
ah man she's bouncing back!
bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilieLONG LIVE SMELLY CHERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
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Peronsally I like to get involved with my plants. There are a lot of people who think that touching plants helps them, I think it's something to do with electromagnetic connectivity. Unless you been sticking your fingers in places they don't belong then I highly doubt a little bit of dead skin falling on a plant is going to harm them. Just my twee cents.

I would suggest you get a fan though, Don would help strengthen up those stems somewhat, lol.
i concur! more fans :lol:

Went to see Elton John on wednesday, he's absolutely shot to fuck. can't hit notes any more. to the tune of £50 bar a ticket too :(

It's absolutely lashing down in the toon, handy we've got the olympic torch passing the pub...

have a good weekend all!


Well-Known Member
yeaa i like to touch and feel up my plants as well. lol. cant help it. but its good to be able to get a good feel for everything.. and get to see how sticky she may be.. the smell early on.. see how the leaves feel.. and i mean.. you NEED to check for buds... and its pretty much impossible to check for bugs without touching the plants...


Well-Known Member
Morning Don, I am with you. Woke up this moring with a bottle of single malt sitting on my chest (metaphorically speaking), couldn't get back to sleep.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Morning gents,

went for a birthday meal after sinking more than a few. chose unwisely a hot home style curry, it was that hot i could't eat it even as pissed as i was. i will never learn...

heed banging, ring stinging, general feeling of wrung outness. and my farts have been declared unlawful by the Geneva convention.