Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

no. in cloner slightly above pump is fine, but with veg and flower the bigger the better, and fill it up. i have a 27gal container i fill with 25gal to start. with small amounts you will work much harder to control ppm and ph and having to top off repeatedly, not to mention heat issues. and you really will not save on nutes because you will be using that same amount over the cycle of veg, because you will be having to add. it cost me less than $40 in nutes from veg to harvest, a great return.

well said.. I really didnt know the larger the rez the better.. This is makes me look at things differently
OK felllaz , this is one of my takes on how to make this system a beast.. This is a back burner idea...

My MAIN idea is top secret for now...

But you can see how much more space they have all around, even on the sides, and the best part is you can fit all that under one hps 1000 since its a hexagton helicopter design.

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it is a nice design. i would retink the amount of plants and cut one from every rail, raise the outside ends about 6-8" to allow end plants more light and aide flow. my big concern is plumbing and pump(s). for that much plumbing you will need a big pump or 2 big pumps, at least 650-900gph each, and that will increase res temp so go as big as possible on res. then use a big parabolic reflector.
it is a nice design. i would retink the amount of plants and cut one from every rail, raise the outside ends about 6-8" to allow end plants more light and aide flow. my big concern is plumbing and pump(s). for that much plumbing you will need a big pump or 2 big pumps, at least 650-900gph each, and that will increase res temp so go as big as possible on res. then use a big parabolic reflector.

yea I agree,

I just whipped it up real quick... 3 sites( 12 inches inbetween) would make it the gully 40 inches long. You can even go 2 site a pipe for 20-24" inches a gully. This would make the system hold 16 plants and it can be portable as well an take less space that the original but double the plants, same space
yes and ilike the manifold idea. use 1"up to the rails and then 1/2 for the sprayers, this will give better uniform pressure

what do you think about 6 inch gullies?

Hey, offtopic

If i did seedling straight to cloner, it would be 3 weeks in cloner without any nutes at all, until it transfers to the veg system?
hold off a week. i have a gal bucket cloner using a 396 pump and 2or 3 sprayers that i will use for seedlings until ready for veg. that way they are not in my way for regular rotations.
Not a big poster here, but I have seen SS progress for some time. I use the original system with no modifications. Started 18 months ago and am now getting dialed in. Last harvest 23 oz. Just pulled another and it will be light because of my screw up resetting my light timer. The next will exceed the 23 oz. Lost power for 4 days didn't loose a single plant. If you are here to learn, you will be hard pressed to find a better sensei than SS. BTW I bought stinks last book. some good stuff in it that I may alter, just as SS did. Actually the plans that are in the book have some things in it that I think SS may have used first. I don't know that for a fact, just my gut feeling. I know the upgrade reservoir (which I will be going to) was first used by SS. At least he is the first one that I talked to about them. One more thing, SS I still want some Bojangles dude.
Not a big poster here, but I have seen SS progress for some time. I use the original system with no modifications. Started 18 months ago and am now getting dialed in. Last harvest 23 oz. Just pulled another and it will be light because of my screw up resetting my light timer. The next will exceed the 23 oz. Lost power for 4 days didn't loose a single plant. If you are here to learn, you will be hard pressed to find a better sensei than SS. BTW I bought stinks last book. some good stuff in it that I may alter, just as SS did. Actually the plans that are in the book have some things in it that I think SS may have used first. I don't know that for a fact, just my gut feeling. I know the upgrade reservoir (which I will be going to) was first used by SS. At least he is the first one that I talked to about them. One more thing, SS I still want some Bojangles dude.

how come it took you 18 months to get the results?
dude, i am down for that. so good to hear from you. would love to get you some samples and are you still doing the scooters. get with me mid july.
how come it took you 18 months to get the results?
this was so new to everyone, we didnt have help from many like you have now, we had stink and what we learned on our own and shared. it took me a while to get what i was expecting but now you dont that much to worry about. i couldnt be happier, i never thought i would be pulling what i do from my room size every three weeks.
this was so new to everyone, we didnt have help from many like you have now, we had stink and what we learned on our own and shared. it took me a while to get what i was expecting but now you dont that much to worry about. i couldnt be happier, i never thought i would be pulling what i do from my room size every three weeks.

you deserve it. You have already helped me very much and its obvious how valuable you are to the community.

I just surfed over to stinkbuddies for the first time in a while and noticed it's gone...I'm sure it's discussed in this thread but I checked back a few pages and can't find what happened. Does anyone have a link to an explanation or was it the same old shit as last time, when stink thought he was losing too much control?

Either way, I was hoping to check out some top feed systems, as Ive run modified versions of SB's rails for a few years now, but never ventured into top feed. Just wondering how people are running them with the sprayers, what keeps them in place, how to size a pump with 1/4" hose, etc.

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I just surfed over to stinkbuddies for the first time in a while and noticed it's gone...I'm sure it's discussed in this thread but I checked back a few pages and can't find what happened. Does anyone have a link to an explanation or was it the same old shit as last time, when stink thought he was losing too much control?

Either way, I was hoping to check out some top feed systems, as Ive run modified versions of SB's rails for a few years now, but never ventured into top feed. Just wondering how people are running them with the sprayers, what keeps them in place, how to size a pump with 1/4" hose, etc.

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page 956 to see what happened
Stink shut it down. His version is Sheepfarmer screwed everything up. Other people's version is Stink shut it down to make sure info could only be found in his book. You be the judge of what you want to believe.
Bottom line is, since Stink shut it down without warning, nobody could recover their posts so everything is gone. It didn't seem to bother Stink so that can give you a little insight into his true character.
Fortunately, Superstoner has stepped up here and has been answering questions. some of the rest of us are doing the same but we all know that SS is the true Stinkbuddy master so we act more as support staff to him than anything else.

I just surfed over to stinkbuddies for the first time in a while and noticed it's gone...I'm sure it's discussed in this thread but I checked back a few pages and can't find what happened. Does anyone have a link to an explanation or was it the same old shit as last time, when stink thought he was losing too much control?

Either way, I was hoping to check out some top feed systems, as Ive run modified versions of SB's rails for a few years now, but never ventured into top feed. Just wondering how people are running them with the sprayers, what keeps them in place, how to size a pump with 1/4" hose, etc.

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Thanks for the info. That link to the archive doesn't accept my username and password. Just keeps saying "You need to fill in a username."

This is pretty much the same thing that happened a few years ago. I was really dedicated when stinkbuddies first happened after being a part of this thread, lots of karma, always helping out, really thinking I was connecting and pushing the development for the community. Then one day it was gone, no warning, just gone. The explanation at the time was that the site was heading in the wrong direction. The story we got from other members was that SB thought Gringoloco was taking too much control of the site, and he didn't want anyone to discuss other methods of growing. That's when I hit the sidelines. The site came back, but SB always seemed like a Napoleonic cult leader after that. I had totally bought his positivity and message as I'm sure most of you did, because it really is great, and should live on...but the hypocrisy is just too much. It's a shame it happened again, but at least there's an archive so all the info isn't lost for good. The truth is that we don't need stinkbuddies or SB, we just need each other and an open dialogue, whether here or there, or some place new. SB's system is just an Aeroflo rip-off / EZ-clone ripoff anyways. Now it sounds like his book is just a ripoff of the ideas from his sites members. I'm surprised he hasn't been sued.

I'll be around RIU a little more regularly as time allows, and I've been running stinks systems and my own versions of this system since 2009, so I'll try to help out also.