First Grow-hps & Bag Seeds...


Well-Known Member
nice, looks bomb none the less tho! and youll have some for 420! Ill be chopping that weekend :(


Well-Known Member
cheeeea boi 4-20-08 is rite around the corner!!! and a few of my boys r having a qp party...100$ a head,7 people=4 oz's of some dank nugg...SMOKE OFF!!!


Well-Known Member
i harvest one plant..cut the top the 12th and let it dry for 5 days..its been cureing for 3 days....the bottom buds i choped the 15th and let dry for 5 days..i started cureing them today..i just smoked a sample from the bud thats been cureing for 3 days...still kinda has the hay taste but it got me stoooned!..i'll try to post some pics asap!


Well-Known Member
i still gutta take pics with my cam. sorry about the shitty quality!..

shits bomb!..i found a few seeds in it though...w/e im still happy with it for my first grow!...still got the 2 other ladies flowering..prob let them go for another week!


Well-Known Member
shitty camera?? your buds are so awsome that it make your cam quality a couple 100,000 pixels better:mrgreen:....and those seeds you found are very likely to be girls:peace:


Well-Known Member
shitty camera?? your buds are so awsome that it make your cam quality a couple 100,000 pixels better:mrgreen:....and those seeds you found are very likely to be girls:peace:
lol thanks man! i really appriciate it!...i just dont like the way my phone takes pics compard to the cam. i had!...and about the seeds..i was thinking the same thing.."that they might be fem. seeds!"...only 1 way to find out rite!
lets all remember this is my frist grow! still new to alot of if u have any htought or idea on what i should do..throw them to me!


Well-Known Member
The curein is seems to be comein along nicely!..dry weight was 16.5 g's..i smoked 6 on 4-20-08...theres still 10.5 curein...smells stronger every day! lemme know what u think!


Well-Known Member
looks good homie, hows the moisture in it? still really dry? How long has it been curing fo?


Well-Known Member
So one plant weighed 16.5 grams dried? was a lil over 2 feet tall..the buds wern't to fat..but they r pretty dense..the other 2 plants r still flowering..there like 12 weeks in..i think im gunna chop soon..i know 12 weeks seems real long but i had the 600watt on them for about 6 weeks..i still see improvement everyday so ima just let it do its thing i guess..any thoughts?


Well-Known Member was a lil over 2 feet tall..the buds wern't to fat..but they r pretty dense..the other 2 plants r still flowering..there like 12 weeks in..i think im gunna chop soon..i know 12 weeks seems real long but i had the 600watt on them for about 6 weeks..i still see improvement everyday so ima just let it do its thing i guess..any thoughts?

Hmm, seems like you could get at least an ounce out of one plant, no? I have yet to read through all your journal so I got a couple questions. Did they go through any stress at all? What kinda nutes are you using?

Yea like ru8fru said, if you wait to long the high will be less potent.

@ ru8fru

What did one of your plants come out to all dry bro?