Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

indy, tives, or brid

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Well-Known Member
Medshed your plants always look the coolest! That plant is crazy/out of control. I will hand the "unique and wild genetics" award to Centennial.... that Otto#1 plant and the Waipi o Hapa strain I grew out for a dispensary are some of the wildest looking plants I've seen!

Always inspired by all you good folks, keep it up everyone!
Thanks bshdctr.


Well-Known Member
Does anybody know if i need to Water and let my soil "Bake" Like Super Soil to let the micros break down? Heres my ingredient list again
1 Bale Of Promix
8 Cups Bone Meal - Phosphorus source
4 Cups Alfalfa Meal - Nitrogen Source
1 1/3 Cups Epsom Salt -Mag Source
3-4 Cups Dolomite Lime -Cal & Ph Buffer
1 Tsp Azomite - Trace Elements
4 Cups Kelp Meal
25LBs Worm Castings
1.5 Cup Oyster Shells
1 Tsp Humic Acid
I would also say yes. Not only does the "baking" allow for the microbes to flourish, but it also gives time for the powdered amendments to dissolve and diffuse throughout the mix so you don't have any pH problems. I always let my mix sit for a month, remix, and sit for another month. Can't wait to see how your mix does :)


Well-Known Member
I would also say yes. Not only does the "baking" allow for the microbes to flourish, but it also gives time for the powdered amendments to dissolve and diffuse throughout the mix so you don't have any pH problems. I always let my mix sit for a month, remix, and sit for another month. Can't wait to see how your mix does :)
Yeah Nugbuckets over on Sub's forum is KILLING it and he suggests even cooking his bags of base soil along side his super soil.
I am also stoked to see how this mix does for ya Hotsause!


Well-Known Member
We can make that.. Ec got the p98 I've got a pack of querkle and sause has a fem if he'd reverse it,,, done.
Those pics I just took looked like shit cuts of the light. Ill shoot in the morning yo!
I also had the thought that if anyone finds a good male in the Qush seeds (CAS I believe you might be running some?) we could backcross it to the Pre-98 Momma ( I also have access to her) and get a 75% Bubba seed line with a little Spacedude action added! Whatya all think?! :lol:


Well-Known Member
I also had the thought that if anyone finds a good male in the Qush seeds (CAS I believe you might be running some?) we could backcross it to the Pre-98 Momma ( I also have access to her) and get a 75% Bubba seed line with a little Spacedude action added! Whatya all think?! :lol:
Good idea. Unfortunately I just killed my 2 Qush males last week.

chef c

Well-Known Member
Finally... Here some from the room. Btw total fucking pain in the ass getting my room dialed again... Anyway.. I'd day this is a winner... PS sorry their blurry.. Its hard shooting in the dark.



Well-Known Member
new format sux again, cant wait till our own thing gets rolling. chef - nice pics of the IC bro, love her profile


Well-Known Member
yeah, she suprised me too. @ wk2 she was showing nice early frost, by wk3 buds and tric production were really taking off. she'll be starting wk6 on monday

not sure how today is looking, worked until 2am last night, same for tonight and tomorrow night. need some more sleep for sure, 4hrs ain't gonna cut it. we'll figure it out ;)


Well-Known Member
*Sigh* So My Uncle went to Hospice today. He has Prostate Cancer but it was discovered to late and had already spread. His 60th Birthday was last week and i gave him some CBN oil hoping to alleviate some of the pain. Honestly i dont know what to do or say at the moment. It feel like god is playing a sick joke on me.... Lost more friend and family in the last 4 years then i can count on my fingers

Anyway heres some pics of the Ladies
Afgooey Day 34

Querkle Day 40
My favorite of the 4 Main Colas


chef c

Well-Known Member
Hey sauce, I think that everyone here is pretty shocked and that's why no one has replied... But were all here for you. If there's anything we can do, let us kno.