Seeds Vs. Clones


Active Member
So ive been doing alot of reading over the past year and half.
I have been experimenting with alot of different grow methods trying to see what works best for me.
First grow being DWC under T5's which was just used as a learning experience for me.
Turning out with results that were better than i had previously expected.

I am now doing my first hydroponics grow with 5 gallon buckets and hydroton.
Was tough at first to get the hang of it, had some problems at first, mag def, blah blah blah but its definitely doing alot better
check out my journal:
i will be posting new pictures today or tomorrow with the positive progress.

I am also experimenting with a soil grow at the moment thats doing incredible.
only thing is its a male, but thats what i experiment on and its turning out really well so im probably going to be switching to soil
if this hydroton doesnt pan out close to the results of how im doing my soil. ill be posting pictures of that in my grow thread above as well.

well, after alot of reading there is still a subject i'm kind of hazy on.
Seeds Vs. Clones.

I have heard so many different opinions on this from fellow growers close to me and people on the internet.

Making the argument that seeds are better because they develop a more established root system or if your using a seed it avoids the trauma of being cut for the mother.

& vice versa

Clones are better because you know the sex, they are more established and used to the nutrients you are giving blah blah blah

I would like some opinions to see what you guys thought about it.
I have read many threads before this and its just so back and forth.
I want to see if maybe with time more people have had experience with this.
Most of the thread ive been reading are from 2010 or before. mainly like 2006-2008.

ive been doing alot of reading, and i feel like this is a newbie question, so sorry for being a newbie

Thanks for reading and please reply with your knowledge!


Active Member
Seeds vs clones

which one is better

Making the argument that seeds are better because they develop a more established root system or if your using a seed it avoids the trauma of being cut for the mother.

& vice versa

Clones are better because you know the sex, they are more established and used to the nutrients you are giving blah blah blah



I like both, only reason i grow from seed if for breeding, if i want a large sensi crop i will def clone. The roots establish well with both if treated right, and the yield will be determined by strain. I never had too much issue with trama from cuttings, and the SOG is always clone, its the only way to ensure uniform growth. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...Well most seeds I start will keep living on through I am unsure of the can do the same with a seed that you can a clone...although they are sometimes harder to start training...requires a little more topping and manipulation sometimes...ooohhh and seed plants have hollow main stems, while cuttings main stalks are filled in...That is the only differences I have come across...ooohhh and clones when switched to flower usually start flowering a little faster, because they are a more mature plant...


Well-Known Member
I'll have a poke at this and try to paint a realistic picture:

From what I gather you're talking about starting off correct? Should you pop some seeds or fill your room with clones?

Seeds are great if you have the time, patiences and space. I just started 12 seeds and have 11 plants (6 in day 21 of flower, 5 in veg ready to flower) and thankfully I built my flower room to hold 12 so I'm not stressing about space. I grow legally and am a caregiver so I can have up to 30, I'll be taking 9 clones soon. I like seeds because I can inbreed and cross breed and always know I'll have beans around. I also like to pick my mother plant (this is the gray area).

With clones, if you've smoked the clone before, you know exactly what you're getting, if you have not you're hoping your clone distributor has top notch clones. I've had good luck with a Sour Diesel... horrible luck with a purple wreck (both bought from dispensaries). If you don't want to take the time to clone every plant started from seed, flower out your females, cure and smoke (mean while your clones are probably flowering) to determine which 1 or 2 you'll use as keepers and clone for generations, just get clones, if this sounds fun and interesting that start beans.


Active Member
seeds for variety and clones for uniformity ,seeds for simplicity and clones for femininity, seeds for money and clones for free, both of them are the dogs hairy swingers

:peace: :weed: :peace:


New Member
A seed will take longer to mature but I found that your first yeild off seed will result in a heavier bounty than her clones. Clones will result in a quicker turn around and will take some practice to get the yeilds close to mother's.

I use seeds as a emergency back up.


Active Member
So, from what Ive gathered so far. Seeds take longer, but yield more.
So my next question would be how many plants would you need to notice the difference in yield between seed and clone?
Im just looking for what would be the best way to repopulate a garden without reveggin previously harvested plants. I'm using 16 five gallon buckets. Would seeds be worth the extra time and hassle(breeding and weeding out the males)
i hope that makes sense


Active Member
So keep a couple mothers constantly vegging for clones or a male and female and breed seeds
thats what I'm trying to figure out


Well-Known Member
But it really is personal preference I guess. Some do 12/12 from seed and allegedly get quick turn around. I've never tried.


Active Member
Does anyone have any experience with no vegging period? My logic is telling me that no veg period isnt good for the plants.
Maybe not enough time to develop foliage and a hearty room system?
Any opinions on that?


Well-Known Member
So, from what Ive gathered so far. Seeds take longer, but yield more.
So my next question would be how many plants would you need to notice the difference in yield between seed and clone?
Im just looking for what would be the best way to repopulate a garden without reveggin previously harvested plants. I'm using 16 five gallon buckets. Would seeds be worth the extra time and hassle(breeding and weeding out the males)
i hope that makes sense
NO! Seed are not the best way to get the best production out of a 16 site set-up. If you are looking to get the best production you can out of good sized set-up like you have then you'll need a good mother. And to get the best mother out of a set of seeds it will take some work.

If you have a set of seed of a certain strain that you want to try out. Plant them all up to you 16 limit. If you have the head room veg them for at least 6 wks. Take a clone or 2 of each and label. Watch them grow and take notes to see which has the best growing characteristics. There are usually a couple of different phenotypes showing in a group that size, you want to keep the best, problem is the smoke test is after cure, but I'm sure you get the idea. Same with a male that will show up during the run, either grow the best original male out to pollen release and save for after you arrive at the best female or just save it's clone.

So now 2nd run. Let's say you noticed 2 distinct phenotypes, you'll want to run the clones of the best looking plant of each phenotype, and then fill in the rest of the sites with clones of known females. And of course take clones of the best in class again. Before the end of this run the smoke test will be complete and can be added into the notes. Now there is enough information to pick the best clone to be your mother.

Seeds = purist (I love to make seeds and see even node growth)
Clones = Production (repeated results)

Hope I didn't get too far off subject.


Active Member
Does anyone have any experience with no vegging period? My logic is telling me that no veg period isnt good for the plants.
Maybe not enough time to develop foliage and a hearty room system?
Any opinions on that?

awsome thread!...there are some big yields coming of 12/12fs m8, i do it myself but i go for small speedy indicas and not quantity, and i cram them in, but some people get 5 oz a plant ,


Active Member

awsome thread!...there are some big yields coming of 12/12fs m8, i do it myself but i go for small speedy indicas and not quantity, and i cram them in, but some people get 5 oz a plant ,
NO! Seed are not the best way to get the best production out of a 16 site set-up. If you are looking to get the best production you can out of good sized set-up like you have then you'll need a good mother. And to get the best mother out of a set of seeds it will take some work.

If you have a set of seed of a certain strain that you want to try out. Plant them all up to you 16 limit. If you have the head room veg them for at least 6 wks. Take a clone or 2 of each and label. Watch them grow and take notes to see which has the best growing characteristics. There are usually a couple of different phenotypes showing in a group that size, you want to keep the best, problem is the smoke test is after cure, but I'm sure you get the idea. Same with a male that will show up during the run, either grow the best original male out to pollen release and save for after you arrive at the best female or just save it's clone.

So now 2nd run. Let's say you noticed 2 distinct phenotypes, you'll want to run the clones of the best looking plant of each phenotype, and then fill in the rest of the sites with clones of known females. And of course take clones of the best in class again. Before the end of this run the smoke test will be complete and can be added into the notes. Now there is enough information to pick the best clone to be your mother.

Seeds = purist (I love to make seeds and see even node growth)
Clones = Production (repeated results)

Hope I didn't get too far off subject.

That makes a lot of sense, and seems very logical to me.
That's what im going to end up doing.
Thanks for your time!


Im going for quantity and quality just trying to find a happy balance between the two.
That thread is interesting, seems like a lot of people are too happy with the results?
What are other reasons that convinced you to do 12/12 off the start? just faster?


Active Member
i started it a few years ago out of pure impatience and the need to keep them under 4 foot tall, i just flipped them after a week and they went great, the next time i give them a couple of days veg and after that just went into flower from seedling.they just stretch for weeks and seem to take off better when you dont veg as opposed to the growth rate on 16/8
i found the thread on here when i joined last month and it seems people on there are getting amazing yields,they seem to be doing sativa dom, usually in coco and with air pots. i like speedy strains such as ak48 though and they finish very quick and are a lovely plant, the quality is the same though, just a smaller more compact plant, i find the smaller the pot= smaller plant= quicker finish. after reading that thread i will be switching to air pots and coco.