NorCal Mother charged with Child Abuse


Well-Known Member
how manys should the cps visit before someone gets their shit together?

i know if i had a vist from cps and there had been a problem i sure as hell would make sure there was nothing for them to complain about at the second visit if someone isnt capable enough to do that much then you have to wonder about their ability to care for kid
Why would you let CPS in your home? I would tell them to fuck off and shut the door in their faces. CPS doesn't have the authority to run roughshod over your rights.


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't use statistics that come from a poor source and are written in error.

According to CDC there are 30 child deaths related to poisoning PER DAY!!!!!!!! There are 800,000 children brought to E-Rooms PER YEAR for Accidental poisoning.

In 2009, 31,758 (76 percent) of the 41,592 poisoning deaths in the United States were unintentional

Get the facts.
lol the 31758 number is the total poisonings not the children perhaps its not 30 but it certainly isnt 30000

Among those who died from unintentional poisoning in 2009:

  • Men were nearly twice as likely as women to die;
  • American Indians/Alaska Natives had the highest death rate, followed by Whites and then Blacks
  • The highest mortality rates were among people 45-49 years of age; and
  • The lowest mortality rates were among children less than 15 years old because they do not abuse drugs as frequently as older people.1"


Well-Known Member
lol the 31758 number is the total poisonings not the children perhaps its not 30 but it certainly isnt 30000
No, 41,592 is the total number of poisoning deaths , 31,758 is how many were ACCIDENTAL.
I agree 30,000 CHILDREN per year is a bit excessive, I too should have read more carefully. That is the problem with these government reports, they are created by government employees. Most Gvt employees score in the bottom 40% in IQ.


Well-Known Member
Inspired by Uncle Buck's insistence on blind love for Obama, even in MMJ issues I came across this appalling story. Defend a Medical Marijuana patient being arrested for felony child abuse for breast feeding! Dr William Courtney had to freakin testify. What What about only those not in compliance with state regs BS?? This is one of the cruelest things I've seen done to a patient and her children!
Obama is by far the most liberal on cannabis that has sat in the Oval Office since prohibition started. You are using emotionally charged depictions to argue for what, not supporting the guy who has done more for MMJ than anybody? If this would have happened in 2007 that woman would be paraded in the media by the GOP as Satan reincarnate. It sucks, it is wrong, I wish Obama would just do what needs to be done instead of being so paralyzed by poll numbers.

Progress = steps in the right direction, not instant end to prohibition. Besides, call me on this later, I am predicting that Obama will reschedule cannabis in his 2nd term.


Well-Known Member
if and when you have your 3 yearold kid taken away from you because you think its healthy for him to get high the state would have my full support
what about all the parent that smoke and in danger there children s life's. not on purpose but by ignorance to the real fact. what you take there's. also apply that to us all who have a drink in the house and not had it locked hing a a cabinet. umm ost would go to. come here mate. also from my EXP the est role models parents are parents who have had real life experiences. ok some real. but once they move on and learn there knowledge and exp can be vital for a child and also to the next gen. but in you're case they would never get that chance ans are system as a whole would still be full of txt book educated fools like a said main the first page. are you with it yet or shall i start again


Well-Known Member
Obama is by far the most liberal on cannabis that has sat in the Oval Office since prohibition started. You are using emotionally charged depictions to argue for what, not supporting the guy who has done more for MMJ than anybody? If this would have happened in 2007 that woman would be paraded in the media by the GOP as Satan reincarnate. It sucks, it is wrong, I wish Obama would just do what needs to be done instead of being so paralyzed by poll numbers.

Progress = steps in the right direction, not instant end to prohibition. Besides, call me on this later, I am predicting that Obama will reschedule cannabis in his 2nd term.
I only said inspired, Uncle Buck needs to not make arguements that get my brain spinning in such a manner:

Wait, so All the patients and coop owners who were raided were not complying with state regs? Really? Does he mean that sweet lady I knew in SD? Oaksterdam? Wow Oaksterdam, Damn you'd think they'd be on top of shit... but wait what about that one in Mendo I heard about....

So I happen upon this in my spinning head. Obama broke my heart, I've love to have him win it back so I really want some real arguments!


Well-Known Member
how manys should the cps visit before someone gets their shit together?

i know if i had a vist from cps and there had been a problem i sure as hell would make sure there was nothing for them to complain about at the second visit if someone isnt capable enough to do that much then you have to wonder about their ability to care for kid
Do you have kids? I fucking hope not those poor souls...


Well-Known Member
I only said inspired, Uncle Buck needs to not make arguements that get my brain spinning in such a manner:

Wait, so All the patients and coop owners who were raided were not complying with state regs? Really? Does he mean that sweet lady I knew in SD? Oaksterdam? Wow Oaksterdam, Damn you'd think they'd be on top of shit... but wait what about that one in Mendo I heard about....

So I happen upon this in my spinning head. Obama broke my heart, I've love to have him win it back so I really want some real arguments!
Cannabis is still illegal in the USA lol, I think. If the Holder memo was an experiment, it was a raving success. That Holder becomes a pariah is fitting. Now people want prohibition over more than ever and have shown it by passing laws in a third of the country. This is how change occurs, the whole mess of prohibition was bad from the start, and after they drop it, cannabis will obviate demand for many products. It will be as bad for the economy as a cure to cancer.
If this is true it leads me to believe that alcohol poisoning was included and in fact predominant but we wouldn't want to say that out loud now would we.

  • Men were nearly twice as likely as women to die;
  • American Indians/Alaska Natives had the highest death rate, followed by Whites and then Blacks
  • The highest mortality rates were among people 45-49 years of age; and
  • The lowest mortality rates were among children less than 15 years old because they do not abuse drugs as frequently as older people.1"

Originally Posted by ginjawarrior
if and when you have your 3 yearold kid taken away from you because you think its healthy for him to get high the state would have my full support.

You are a black hole of bad karma. I don't wish you ill will but you will be unable to avoid it.

there is not set amount of times the cps should visit to make someone "guilty" the question is erroneous
You iterated that they had been visited by the CPS before.

you got that from just the newspaper article and the emotive screaming youtube vid?

you know enough about the "real idea about the thing/person/situation" to "judge" yourself already?
Look in the mirror motherfucker.


Well-Known Member
what about all the parent that smoke and in danger there children s life's. not on purpose but by ignorance to the real fact. what you take there's. also apply that to us all who have a drink in the house and not had it locked hing a a cabinet. umm ost would go to. come here mate. also from my EXP the est role models parents are parents who have had real life experiences. ok some real. but once they move on and learn there knowledge and exp can be vital for a child and also to the next gen. but in you're case they would never get that chance ans are system as a whole would still be full of txt book educated fools like a said main the first page. are you with it yet or shall i start again
with your drinks cabinet example the moment you start telling me that "its healthy" for your 3 year old kids to get drunk i would repeat the same thing to you..

it is a tragedy that the state ever has to get involved but there are some people that shouldnt be fucking up their kids lives.
that might or might not be the case in the op but it wasn't as simple as the hysterical "breastfeeding = felony" that the op was trying to blame on obama


Well-Known Member
You are a black hole of bad karma. I don't wish you ill will but you will be unable to avoid it.
why thank you i take it your one of the ones that thinks "its healthy" for little kids to get stoned?
Look in the mirror motherfucker.
because i dont immediately join in on the "everything the cps does is bad" and the "obama is to blame for everything" bandwagons?


Well-Known Member
ginjawarrior:7578359 said:
what about all the parent that smoke and in danger there children s life's. not on purpose but by ignorance to the real fact. what you take there's. also apply that to us all who have a drink in the house and not had it locked hing a a cabinet. umm ost would go to. come here mate. also from my EXP the est role models parents are parents who have had real life experiences. ok some real. but once they move on and learn there knowledge and exp can be vital for a child and also to the next gen. but in you're case they would never get that chance ans are system as a whole would still be full of txt book educated fools like a said main the first page. are you with it yet or shall i start again
with your drinks cabinet example the moment you start telling me that "its healthy" for your 3 year old kids to get drunk i would repeat the same thing to you..

it is a tragedy that the state ever has to get involved but there are some people that shouldnt be fucking up their kids lives.
that might or might not be the case in the op but it wasn't as simple as the hysterical "breastfeeding = felony" that the op was trying to blame on obama
Wow those stupid Europeans no wonder their children are better adjusted better educated with mych lower addiction rates or wait... Huh? I imagine if you'd seen Jesus turning water into wine at that wedding you would have stoned him for serving minors.


Well-Known Member
Wow those stupid Europeans no wonder their children are better adjusted better educated with mych lower addiction rates or wait... Huh? I imagine if you'd seen Jesus turning water into wine at that wedding you would have stoned him for serving minors.
they dont give wine to 3 year olds in europe you fucking idiot


Well-Known Member
they dont give wine to 3 year olds in europe you fucking idiot
Some people dip their baby's pacifier in spirits (whiskey being popular) to help numb the pain in their gums when they're teething, should they be locked up for "knowingly giving a minor alcohol"?


Well-Known Member
Some people dip their baby's pacifier in spirits (whiskey being popular) to help numb the pain in their gums when they're teething, should they be locked up for "knowingly giving a minor alcohol"?
that is bad parenting to do so and i bet if they tried to do it in front of cps they would be told as much and its not just the "numbing" but also sleepyness that the whisky on dummy is used

but that is a different issue from mellowfarmer claiming that europeans share drinks with 3 yearolds


Well-Known Member
that is bad parenting to do so and i bet if they tried to do it in front of cps they would be told as much and its not just the "numbing" but also sleepyness that the whisky on dummy is used

but that is a different issue from mellowfarmer claiming that europeans share drinks with 3 yearolds
Yeah they don't share drinks with kids, but you were probably raised with Gripe water or a liquor pacifier so what's wrong with the old ways? And what's the difference between my example and letting kids drink in the eyes of such rules?

All this PC "kids have rights" and "the State should have a say in the raising of your child" is a crock of shit. You can't even smack a kid with the wooden spoon on the hand anymore.

Thats why the newest generation are all so stupid and fucked in the head, theyd no real discipline.

Either way, the House Invading State pigs need to leave families alone, natural law forbids one from interfering in the family of another, it's nature and ultimately it's none of their fucking business.

So having a kid now basically means you can't smoke pot under this logic? Fuck that shit.