-2 x gws perlite grow-

Check the babies this morning for a sec, they looked happier already so the next few days should be a good improvement :)
Tomorrow ill upload pics:) i checked after work and all the leaves have come to life! I chopped the ugly drained ones so they look pretty decent now :)
Tomorrow ill upload pics:) i checked after work and all the leaves have come to life! I chopped the ugly drained ones so they look pretty decent now :)
I think it is always good to leave all leaves no matter the health when the plant is young, there job is to provide food for the plant ;) (the more leaves surface area the more photosynthesis = faster growth. further along it won't matter with a nice bushy plant, i hacked mine to craziness! and i'd love to argue with someone who would try and say its bad to do!! :p I will be doing it every grow from now on.

all dying leaves will wilt and drop off naturally, as long as you clean them up all will be fine
Ok pics as promised, Looking alot healthier :) still some brown patches on leaves. Hopefully they wont get any bigger.







Haha yeah!

Turns out if you under feed your plants by less than half they dont like it! LOL who knew?:roll:
P.S in my uninformed opinion.. I'd leave every leaf.. No matter how fucked up especially when in veg, later in flower no worries..!! But the leaves are important..!!!
Great work Gorbzzz! makin me hungry :p glad i'm here to watch you grow! should be fun. Awesome to see a seed grown plant in a system like mine!

rep ofcourse!! +