I got busted today.


Well-Known Member
Come on guys. You really think I made a bad call letting them in?
helllll ya bad call the dog is for looks man they cant even bring it on your property without a warrant....even if you made them go get the warrant you could have trashed and flushed your plants by then...remember nothing is illegal about your grow unless their are marijuana plants as well.....live and learn man, if your going to do something like this you should read up on the law


Well-Known Member
get yourself a good lawyer and tell this story to him...he may have a loophole, like if they only took legal items you can say their werent any plants at the time or maybe he can get you off with illegal search and seizure you need to say you didnt tell them they can come in but yet they claimed they had to come in to check for people so you stepped out of the way and they walked in...


Well-Known Member
South east
Ok, why aren't you fucked then? I am assuming you are white, sorry too many we hate brown folks threads on here today but is the truth... are you not from there? They usually don't pick on their own and if you lived there long you'd know you were fucked I imagine from my 8 year long ass stay... I have never seen such blatant in your face racism but I digress...


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear dude that seriously sucks. I have gone to a great deal of trouble trying to make sure know one at all knows about my little bedroom grow. Good luck hope it all gets better for you.


Well-Known Member
get yourself a good lawyer and tell this story to him...he may have a loophole, like if they only took legal items you can say their werent any plants at the time or maybe he can get you off with illegal search and seizure you need to say you didnt tell them they can come in but yet they claimed they had to come in to check for people so you stepped out of the way and they walked in...
and you need to tell your lawyer thats what happened and stick to it...you cannot tell the lawyer or anyone else but us here that you actually allowed them in that is likely your only way to get the case dismissed and will depend on your jury!!!!!the cops will say no he said this he did this you have to stick to it ...THEY ARE LYING they wanna get me in trouble and they know they circumvented the law...you have to stick to that!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok, why aren't you fucked then? I am assuming you are white, sorry too many we hate brown folks threads on here today but is the truth... are you not from there? They usually don't pick on their own and if you lived there long you'd know you were fucked I imagine from my 8 year long ass stay... I have never seen such blatant in your face racism but I digress...
Yeah i'm white. Well, tan white and well spoken.

Yeah the racism down here is something fierce. I mean who calls bruno mars a N? I know people that do.


Well-Known Member
God I hope i didin't get duped.lol. Doubt I'll get any time. Probably just probation.I mean, the jails are FULL.They must be at like 140% capacity.

I will be talking in depth about it with attorney, I assure all of you.


Go to 28 minutes


Well-Known Member
trust what i said man....i cant reveal the reasons i know this stuff but trust me do what i said if you want to walk with nothing...and make damn sure you get rid of the rest of your shit!!! they will likely be back again with a warrant...and admit to NOTHING if they try to question you you need to tell them sorry lawyer i have nothing to say to you guys


Well-Known Member
he said south east and the jails are full so im thinking LA or whatever state it was that got nailed by the hurricane :twisted:


Well-Known Member
God I can't wait til I can move to California or Michigain.Colorado maybe? Unless I die 1st, I'll be doing some legal growing in my future. Wish it could been sooner..


Well-Known Member
THey didn't ask me to snitch but I figured they were going to. I think they still might. On who? I guess whoever. The funny thing about that is that I don't know people. I don't buy weed from people because I grow my own, and I have never sold much because I like smoking it and never have enough to smoke and sell. A 4 by 4 room won't get you rich :-) Besides,I'm not the snitching type. Man up to your consequences and don't be a pussy about it. I knew the deal when i started this that this might happen. I'm cool with it. In my state with what I had, there is no mandatory minimum, so I"m good. Most likey get probation, absolute worst case is a year or 2. Its not the end of the world.
I think a lot of times they don't ask someone to snitch..I just think people do to get the heat off of themselves.


Well-Known Member
i hear ya on that one, this will all blow over soon enough and im sure youll have some grows in your future.


Well-Known Member
I think a lot of times they don't ask someone to snitch..I just think people do to get the heat off of themselves.
Nah man, God I hate to have to type all of this.

I asked the cop who snitched on me. He said that he couldn't tell me that, and when I said somehting about "discovery" he said it didn't work like that. That they are annyonmis. He proceded to tell me how it would work like if I did it. I would get a cell phone and a number and would call when I'm making a deal and they'd bust him after it. I know I misspelled. Smoking on some very good shit. I had been down to sugar leaf for the last week. This bud is SO good.:-D Very well may be the last for a very long time.

Have to make clear that I would never participate in such activities with the police.