Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


Well-Known Member
yeah i dont smoke sativas after 8:00pm
but i be liken the uplifteng functional creative side

this is one fuked up site been havin nutin but problems for about a month
an they are worryn about who is tradin seeds LO fkn L
get yo fkn priortys straight
lets get sum big time sponcers and get sum security



Well-Known Member
Plants looking good D, how is the APG smelling?? Thats a long flowering time but worth it IMO. Thats judging off BC99 APG I smoked and loved!


Well-Known Member
befoe it get here
i wanna be the firss
to wish all yo fathers
to have a happy daddy day you jive muthas






Well-Known Member
Danks bro they been throu a lot to be still standin
was like an endurance test
but all came throu

dese plants be sum tugh mauhfukas hard to actually kill
can endure sum shit like a pit bull terrior
a survivor like us - 1 luv

im jest a assist in the finish product i did very little- believe me or it would not be here - its the genetics - anything you see here that looks good just say-my dude got hold of sum genetics - cause im no ace gardener -fosure -and i never tried to lie - always told da truf - it aint me its da genetics -dats why i seek da best - cause me i aint shit - and dont pretend to be -minus 0001 ego level an no prob wit dat

gimmie sum good genets ill grow da shit outa it - anything that need a true gardener i need not appy - an im fine wit dat - im no gardener im a smoker that hafta grow - cant afforda any other way -
i had aplace before the decision had great shit had to buy in dimes only no weighjt i was buyin 100 dol a week no kick backs - wait a minuet there gotta be a better way


Well-Known Member
ur no english major either lmao...didnt know it was possible to type a thug accent....im only givin u shit man hope you dont take it personally :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
oh the happy daddy day is to all not just the good

also i include the bad and the ugly the ones no one considers
cause ther is no compassion for the ugly an def none for the bad

beautiful people need only apply -this is america


Well-Known Member
well a true gardener knows his plants
a true gardener can listen to his plants and determin whut there needs are and deliver the resquests
a true gardener can grow anything he wants with the help of no one
a true gardener can deal with any grow adversity or challenge

please corret me if im wrong
im highly rated in a total of none of these areas
if there was one for smokin maybe id rank up there

im not prepertratin a freaud
not tryin to be sumtin im not- an im man enough to rcognize
an give respect to those - that are - they are no threat to me cause i dont try to be

im just a weird guy
dat luvs to share

how weird is dat
da whole world should be as weird



Well-Known Member
It isnt weird to me.

I was taught growing up "Sharing is caring"

I think that anyone that knows me personally would consider me a generous guy.

Now trying to teach my almost 4 y.o. boy that he needs to share is a whole other story! lol


Well-Known Member
Now then D hows tricks you badass grower lol come on man give your self a little credit your amazin grower maybe these plants not your best with the larther spilage but everthin else be tidy as fook some sexy bitches all from the love you give um not just genectics. ive lernt a lot from you bro so you gotta no sumut lol cant teach the world if you no nothin your self. ive always thought you 1 of the best an wanna grow like you mate.

ps thanks for fathers day post its my 1st propa 1 with my new boy can wait!


Well-Known Member
well i think im a runner in afour man relay race

an first leg of race is run by genetics tha passes off to

mother nature to germ and bring forth life from a promise that nature keeps (in a seed) an mother passes off to

set up nutes lights an grow system that passes off to me

I try to babysit and make good judgments to give a good life wit nurishment
kep it alive let it grow and flurish then know when finish to chop trim and cure


Well-Known Member
i orchastrat the union between male and female to begot seeds

sum call themselves breeders for doing the same thing
but me im no breeder now my creator he is he breeds his azz off

i just allow them to do the things the mother nature has taught them to do
there job whut they were created to do -man has done very little when you look at whut really happens in this situation

im just a traffic cop
directing them off to the side
they meet and do whut they do
now did i make the baby do i get the credit

im just a traffic cop


Well-Known Member
you know kermit
i got 3 issues
1- i cant spell for shit but faked out a good living formyself in spite of it
2- i dont even try or look back to see whut came up (not worth it not a term paper )
3-an on top of it all i try to write wit my slang JRZ talk (dat dont help much)

so basically you be barkin up da wrong tree
if you cant read my scribble dont get a headach tryin not worf it -just move on -i ant mad at chu
my shit might not be fo errybody
i might not like yo syle eitha

but dats why we have so may options in thngs
clothes colors cars paint name it- lots of options in America
old days in china all drab gray and green all one style
not here a fken freeforall get used to it

sumtin for the good sumtin for the bad sumtin for the ugly
i try to luve them all an include them all in my well wishes
i send welll wisshes out to all all the time -to the good the bad and the ugly
regretfully you my friend are starting to sound of the ugly persuasion

peace out

stay ugly
