1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

mr west

Well-Known Member
Morning Donny mate lol. Happy birthday chum. I was up at 5 this morning chuffing on quick dried bud yay lol.


Well-Known Member
Just a normal day for you then lad!;)

And soz, it's your Bifday? kept that one quiet.....Happy Returns.


Well-Known Member
Swanky new interface we got lads. I think the finally realised all the holes and exploits was because they were running a version of vbulletin that was years out of date

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
new interface same old shizz eh lol.

potting up today, going to man handle the sativa diva into a bigger pot. the rest will get bigger pottage too. isolate some males in their own enclosure, and a major prune for a lot of them...

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i'm the 19th.

I've just been and chopped 3 surplus males down and isolated two dog males. put a canny dent in my numbers :( talk about an unlucky streak. potted up my bigger girls DOG/ amethyst/ ace of spades. the sativa, i tried to pot up on a sideways slant but it was having none of it so i've just stuck it in an old coco bag. 1st hempy style grow lol.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
seems to be leveling out, flushed everything with about 3 x the water in the pots, probably do the same again in a couple of days when they dry out.

brains trying to escape via the frontal lobe today. sambuca is the devil. black sambuca is his piss. mrs put the sick bucket by the bed :shosk:.not used it, but the hangover suggests i should have.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
transpires my lass had to stop me pissing in the corner of the bedroom, then the wardrobe. then i went to the bathroom and pissed up the wall.

don't worry, i'm paying for it now. got to brave the supermarket :(


Well-Known Member
Well Don, if it's any consolation, you make me feel a lot better about my drinking antics, lmao.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Just another one to the list lads. I'm not even bad by my circle standards. At least I hadn't managed to piss on my birds clays. That wouldn't have blown over quite as easy.


Well-Known Member
no, I don't think that would have been so good. One of the lads from Glasgow did a similar thing. His brother told me he woke up (they shared a room) and saw his brother pissing in his cupboard all over his clothes, he then proceeded to hawk up a greener and spit that into the cupboard before turning to go back to bed, lol.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahahah thank the lord i didn't pull those shenanigans..

it's really weird for me though. i've never done it before. saying that though i'm not surprised.

my drinking partner is in the bad books too. some Korean bird was trying to crack on to us and set me up with her mate. i couldn't make head nor tail of her pigeon english but after she'd walked away my pal says Don, i think we could have both ticked a country off our list there mind. fucking near miss if you ask me. you couldn't kick butter the shape of her mate :shock:

think he got a number off the korean lass. his missus was going fuckin spare. i'm best man at his wedding in a month an a half

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
turns out he didn't get her number. he's in bother for wandering about naked in the night. apparently he tried to get into bed with one of his lasses girl mates who was stopping over!

i will never drink sambuca again.


Well-Known Member
Haha sounds like a good night lad......must be somethin in our brains that says corner an wardrobe lol cos thats where i aways go too! lol.....last time i was at it i was stark bollok knacked havin a fag on the porch lol why do you always end up starkers when bladded?......