Whats your opinion on immigration??


Well-Known Member
Since this was kinda offensive ill just say I probably know alot more on the subject than you do. How can I be an advocate to my peers if im ignorant on the subject? That wouldnt work out would it?
I have to disagree.. If you knew alot about cannabis you would know it's a drug. I have a feeling ol goat man knows more.


Well-Known Member
I only felt like reading the second one. Everything he says is in his own opinion. He has the same views as you.
Copy and pasted:

Drugs are associated with addiction, habit and problems. Cannabis is associated with none of these. "Cannabis is not dope, it's everything from rope to hope!"

End copy and paste.
That's an opinion.. Not a fact.
And even then, I'd have to disagree. Sadly, cannabis is associated with problems and is widely known as the "gateway drug".
Ahh dude no you didnt go with the gateway drug thing. Us activists have been trying to get that shit out of ppls heads for years. Look heph, watch some documentaries, spend some time on NORML, talk to some ppl in the community, you will learn all about MMJ activism. Your a smart kid, I just think your kind of on your own over there. You have a PC im guessin? Torrent all the episodes of the show called Weed Wars. It takes place at Harborside Health Center in Oakland. Once you get past that there are some other good documentaries like Grass.


Well-Known Member
I have to disagree.. If you knew alot about cannabis you would know it's a drug. I have a feeling ol goat man knows more.
Dont base that on the whole drug status thing. Thats like judging someones intelligence based on if they believe in aliens or not.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
raw cannabis does. Trust me. Someone like 3 years ago was arguing this shit with me so i ate like 3 grams of chronic. 1 hour later I was TOO high. Never again. And heat is not the same thing as combustion.
I don't believe I brought up combustion specifically but applied heat in my previous posts... which covers smoking, vaping and cooking...

I just did some research and apparently non fresh cannabis with disturbed/destroyed trichomes very slowly change from THCA to THC... so you ate some old ass weed with wrecked trichomes it suggests...

And you seem to be relying on the argument that people make about a drug is addictive and habit forming etc... which as far as know is not an accurate definition of a drug... I have never in my life before now when reading the articles you provided heard such a fucked up definition of drugs...


Well-Known Member
You guys are just arguing semantics now.

From wiki:

"A drug, broadly speaking, is any substance that, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily function."


Well-Known Member
Ahh dude no you didnt go with the gateway drug thing. Us activists have been trying to get that shit out of ppls heads for years. Look heph, watch some documentaries, spend some time on NORML, talk to some ppl in the community, you will learn all about MMJ activism. Your a smart kid, I just think your kind of on your own over there. You have a PC im guessin? Torrent all the episodes of the show called Weed Wars. It takes place at Harborside Health Center in Oakland. Once you get past that there are some other good documentaries like Grass.
Realize that I said "sadly".
I don't agree with it being known as a gateway drug. It's just not. I know plenty of people that have only smoked pot. They won't even touch alcohol, just pot.

I can't say much since cannabis was my first drug and I've tripped on plenty of other drugs after the use of cannabis.

I think alcohol is the true gateway drug.


Well-Known Member
You guys are just arguing semantics now.

From wiki:

"A drug, broadly speaking, is any substance that, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily function."
I was too lazy to go google the drug definition lol. But yeah, that's what we're trying to tell K.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Since this was kinda offensive ill just say I probably know alot more on the subject than you do. How can I be an advocate to my peers if im ignorant on the subject? That wouldnt work out would it?
I'm sorry if you were offended Kaendar as that has never been my intention with you and desire to keep the conversation as civil as possible...


Well-Known Member
i think all of you immigrants should leave, and let us Lakota go back to hunting Watonka and praying to Waken Tanka

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Pot is not a dangerous drug, and in the colloquial sense it is not a "drug" at all...

That is directly from the second article you posted Kaendar... even the things you use to prove your point argue against your stance on it...

So once again I will state that you are ignorant about what a drug is and put forth again that willful ignorance that leads to obvious lies does not help affect change when you are the underdog... It would do more good to talk up the positives of it as a drug...


Well-Known Member
I don't believe I brought up combustion specifically but applied heat in my previous posts... which covers smoking, vaping and cooking...

I just did some research and apparently non fresh cannabis with disturbed/destroyed trichomes very slowly change from THCA to THC... so you ate some old ass weed with wrecked trichomes it suggests...

And you seem to be relying on the argument that people make about a drug is addictive and habit forming etc... which as far as know is not an accurate definition of a drug... I have never in my life before now when reading the articles you provided heard such a fucked up definition of drugs...
It was pretty fresh, like just came out of the curing jar fresh. And dude all im saying is that if cannabis is a drug technically, we dont want it to be lumped into it. If you call it a drug by the books then eating certain foods or even playing video games cud technically be a drug.


Well-Known Member
It was pretty fresh, like just came out of the curing jar fresh. And dude all im saying is that if cannabis is a drug technically, we dont want it to be lumped into it. If you call it a drug by the books then eating certain foods or even playing video games cud technically be a drug.
I'm sure you know why cannabis is well more known as a drug than certain foods right?

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
You don't ingest video games... like wtf..? seriously this is how you defend your stance by pulling out random un associated things in an attempt to divert the conversation...

If you don't want it to be called a drug is one thing, but to flat out deny that it is a drug is ludicrous in my opinion...

I would love to hear your argument as to why and how it isn't a drug... not a copy and paste job or links to articles but how exactly you believe that it doesn't fall into the category of drugs...