Help me troll thieves

Someone help me trim :-(

I just got my ass kicked at work, well not literally. My co-worker and I recieved and cooked 120 dinner orders in 60 minutes, and I came home to a big pile of weed that needs trimming...And I have to work for the neext 3 days....And I can't put it off cause it's dry and needed to be manicured and put into jars like 4 hours ago....Fuck.....
Ill help you if u share
tell your neighbor to put the word out that your going out of town for a few weeks - make sure the kiddies that jacked you somehow hear this. park your car at a gas station or grocery store parking lot and leave it there. walk back to your house and just wait pacitntly inside till the kids come back for a second helping. set up cameras to record the kids trespassing, breaking in, blah blah blah.. but leave the door or however they got in the first time unlocked so they get really excited.. pop out from a behind a door, closet or someshit - dressed like a clown or not that ones up to you - lock the door from the inside and whoop there monkey ass for a while. duct tape the kid up from the shoulders to his ankles and leave him on the football field at the local high school.. tell him if he snitches you have him on tape breaking and entering your house and will go to the police. then call him a bitch.. it's only fair lol

i think i would do clown suit. it seems right.
i wouldn't trust you to trim for me just based on your age and the look of your grows.
Thats funny. Im gonna have to share that at the trimming circle down at the dispensary next week. I just hope the asian guy doesnt buy the electric trimmer. I love trimming circles.
Thats funny. Im gonna have to share that at the trimming circle down at the dispensary next week. I just hope the asian guy doesnt buy the electric trimmer. I love trimming circles.

i'm just saying that based on your age and maturity level, i would not trust you in my house even if you were unaware that i grow. further, i would not even let you in or let you know where i live if you knew that i grow.

and based on your ways of thinking and attitudes toward others, i would not enjoy sitting around a table and trimming with you.

now kindly suggest a good idea for me to troll these punks rather than hijacking my thread with your personal insecurities about your trim-worthiness.. thank you in advance.
i'm just saying that based on your age and maturity level, i would not trust you in my house even if you were unaware that i grow. further, i would not even let you in or let you know where i live if you knew that i grow.

and based on your ways of thinking and attitudes toward others, i would not enjoy sitting around a table and trimming with you.

now kindly suggest a good idea for me to troll these punks rather than hijacking my thread with your personal insecurities about your trim-worthiness.. thank you in advance.
If only you met me in person.. I could probably say the same for you, most trolls are normal ppl with spare time on their hands. And age means nothing, I had to grow up at a young age, now I have a family and a stable income. I have to say im more mature than any other 20 year old ive ever met, but thats me.

And as far as the punks, imagine yourself as an government agent and them as a suspected terrorist. Make them have fear, but dont be so blunt that others will notice. Make them seem like nuts when they tell their friends theres some creepy guy showing up everywhere they do and no one believes them. Do scary shit dude, make shit dissapear, but only shit they know about. Also, make a fake facebook account and get real good with them. Agree to meet them at the spot they know where a guy is growing bud plants, or just get them to go back to your yard period. Sit in a dark corner. Wait til the little shit hops over and when he least expects it walk slowly up to him, or light a cigar and say some cliche shit like "looking for something?"
If only you met me in person.. I could probably say the same for you, most trolls are normal ppl with spare time on their hands. And age means nothing, I had to grow up at a young age, now I have a family and a stable income. I have to say im more mature than any other 20 year old ive ever met, but thats me.

And as far as the punks, imagine yourself as an government agent and them as a suspected terrorist. Make them have fear, but dont be so blunt that others will notice. Make them seem like nuts when they tell their friends theres some creepy guy showing up everywhere they do and no one believes them. Do scary shit dude, make shit dissapear, but only shit they know about. Also, make a fake facebook account and get real good with them. Agree to meet them at the spot they know where a guy is growing bud plants, or just get them to go back to your yard period. Sit in a dark corner. Wait til the little shit hops over and when he least expects it walk slowly up to him, or light a cigar and say some cliche shit like "looking for something?"

well thank you for contributing. i like your thought pattern on how to scare these kids without hurting them.
Get the neighborhood slut to give them herpes, Buck...What? You don't have a neighborhood whore? What kinda fancy lower middle class neighborhood do you live in!?

But in all seriousness, I would start by rolling by their houses, checking out where they live, see what sorta money their parents hve to work with. Fucking lowlife thieves!
And if you were to post their names and address', I might be persuaded to send them each a piece of paper thaat I've wiped my ass with.
so i found out who has been breaking into my greenhouse and stealing my plants.

the neighbors were over for a bonfire. we got to talking about the break ins, and the son mentioned one of his friend's facebook posts which read "stolen plants. #goodbud". it was posted by the same kid in the rastafarian hoodie who my neighbor saw gawking at my greenhouse.

well, i now have pictures, names, and addresses of the three kids involved in the thieving.

what would you do now?

first thought: knock on their door, talk to their parents.

second thought: my neighbor and i go to the police and report seeing them trespassing on my property.

third thought: elaborate troll prank that leaves them scarred for life (no bodily injuries).

so, what would you do?
Hmmm how old? I am leaning towards the scarring yet I cringe at who I was once and like to think we all have potential. Is your neighbor's kid a good egg?
Well if you must I highly suggest a little investigation into what it is this kid holds as near and dear as you do your girlz and if it's not alive destroy it while he watches tied to a chair eyes taped open then video it and send a copy on the anniversary of the theft every year till....