1st grow, 20 days into flowering, opinions needed pls..


Active Member
This is my 1st grow, 20 days into flowering. I have 5 hempstar clones, 1 mother and 5 Nebula clones with 1 mother flowering right now under my 2X 400w HPS (pics attached). My room is 3.5' x 5.5'. Temp always between 65 lights off to 75 lights on. Humidity constant around 45%..Due to my programmable de-humidifier. I have set up in seperate location for 3 new mothers, 1 hempstar, 1 nebula and 1 blueberry. These are under 2X 125 watt (true) Compact flo. in a spot that is 2.5' x 3'...(pics attached)..
For nutes and watering,,I'm soaking them until there is about 1/4 of water in the bottom tray then letting them pretty well dry,,I can tell by the weight of the pots. Ends up being about every 3 days..For flowering I use a liquid 15-30-15 fertilizer, I follow products reccommended dosage and do use it everytime I water..Every 2 weeks I flush plants with water PH'd to 6.5. All my water is ph'd to 6.5 except for the clones which is at 6.0 ph..I use the same method for the plants I'm vegging except I use an orchid liquid fertilizer that is 25-10-10..I am using 1 tbsp per gallon of backstrap mollasses for the plants that are flowering. I plan of flushing them 2 weeks out from being ready so no doubt, Ill be back on asking when I'm approx 2 weeks out..
I have 12 clones getting ready right now to come in behind the plants im flowering..Clones are in a dishwasher I converted for this purpose.. The dishwasher is fully vented with 1x 125Wat(true) compact flo. with heating pad..Temp is 75 deg. all the time with light on 24hrs. Humidity is around 60% outside the dome and 75% to 80% inside the dome.(pics attached)..
I try to do as much research as I can and will always continue to do so. I'm looking for couple expierenced growers to please critique what I have set up and possibly give me some suggestions on what to change... and give opinions on what I already have set up. Thanks



Well-Known Member
Looking very good, it's nice to see someone who's done his homework and treats his ladies with love and respect. Keep up the fantastic work. Sorry about the lack of criticism. GOod luck with the rest of your grow(s).


Active Member
How has the blackstrap worked for you so far?
I've never used the mollasses because this is my 1st grow.but without usingit,,plants still looked good and I believe progressing well. When I started using it on the 11 day,,I checked in about 16 hrs later and every leaf on my plants were pointing at the sky... They propped right up.. The buds have grown at an unbelievable rate in the last 10 days.. I'm superstoked because everyday they are noticably getting thicker and longer....


Well-Known Member
Good shit. I have been using for about a 3 days so far, have a 1000w HPS flowering a Hasberry, White Satin, Medi Bud, some hydro and an NL Thai Stick. The first thing i noticed was an increase in trichomes, the thai's were starting to fill with resin but with the blackstrap theyre actually getting frosty now!