The UK Growers Thread!

na the wife wants us to go out with it being fathersdaY,,ANDSHE WIL JUST THINK IM BEING LAZY if i dont go,she dont undertsand how i feel inside,,i never had a issue before

got to sit her down and chat to her about it......we do listen you know, well ok some times but its a 2way thing ;-)
maybe its called anxiety, now fuck back to the toke n talk n chat some shit ya nobjockey...................

Whoo, upset you there did i Mr big internet tough guy? Do you ever listen to yourself or even look what you write, you sound like a complete loser and i'm sure that you are one..........:wall:

Nobjockey? - Only an idiot would use that word, therefore you have proved my point......:lol:

Cheers mate.....
Whoo, upset you there did i Mr big internet tough guy? Do you ever listen to yourself or even look what you write, you sound like a complete loser and i'm sure that you are one..........:wall:

Nobjockey? - Only an idiot would use that word, therefore you have proved my point......:lol:

Cheers mate.....

i did just laugh like fuck when i read your sig. its something my misses would say
yeah mr big e-thug me lol go play with ya yanks in toke n talk n the seed strain thread, u dont no shit bout ic3 and your just mocking him saying ''lay off the weed and get out some more'' ya fucking muggycunt to some hes a friend of ours he dont need shit like that which is why u got the reply you did!
yeah mr big e-thug me lol go play with ya yanks in toke n talk n the seed strain thread, u dont no shit bout ic3 and your just mocking him saying ''lay off the weed and get out some more'' ya fucking muggycunt to some hes a friend of ours he dont need shit like that which is why u got the reply you did!

You are talking propper shit now. Dont forget, this is a yank site and you are in a uk growers thread, which has been here and i have posted in long before you arrived.

Also, it's nice that you sticking up for your friend, because i'm sure he cannot do by himself..... oh yeah he did reply to me and he didnt have a problem you jump up little loser.....
Heres a pic of the hash i was talkign about

good to see the UK asylum is still rolling with a smile.

@UNLUCKY yeah i'm good cheers love I love those drying racks, didn't have the choice of different colours just got a white one but I reckon I could pull off a pink one lol.

Fucking hell was catching up reading the last few pages I don't usually bother, you girls sound like you've had a rough time of it! Atleast you can leave the assholes in the past and get on with finding a tidy guy, there's a few of us about, not many but fingers crossed for you you'll find one.
long before i arrived did you say????

think ya wrong about that aswel...............twat.

What you been up to today mad man? Ibeen working this mo sorting the misses mother's bathroom out been putting the steamer over all the grout, thought it would only take 5mins turned out to be few hours but it's looking good again now all white and new looking.
well that's my quota filled for the day time to put me feet up and wait for my cooked dinner to be delivered, ordered out so should only be about an hour, finished the hash last night so no more smoking for me for a little while, time to try those blues out and see how they work, gotta be careful though got some work to do in the attic about 7 so gonna be a quiet one and well behaved......................fucking sucks being de-total, bring back the crazy days.
You are talking propper shit now. Dont forget, this is a yank site and you are in a uk growers thread, which has been here and i have posted in long before you arrived.

Also, it's nice that you sticking up for your friend, because i'm sure he cannot do by himself..... oh yeah he did reply to me and he didnt have a problem you jump up little loser.....
it was a bit harsh for no reason,but ye man up you cunt!!!(joke mate)so what if ppl want to get shit off there cheast,thats how its the UK thread and not yank,we are diffrent,stick together,Thats how we owned half the world,