How old were yours before you sex'd them??


We now have on 9 plants of unknown strains that are all in veg. 4 of them are older by about 3 weeks. Yesterday we just topped off those 4. I was just looking to get some input as to when others started to sex and flower. I read somewhere that if youre doing strictly indoor grows you only want your plants getting around 1 ft tall before you start to flower. Does anyone else agree with this or is this complete bull?? please let me know what you think.
Heres where our plants are at now.

,This is VIRGIL

I know that these arent too good of pics to tell size and age.. just like showing my babies off ;-)


Well-Known Member
They appear to be Indica's of some strain. How big of pots do you have them in? Is this an indoor grow? Are you using some form of light other than setting in the window sill? The plants you say are three weeks old look younger. But you should see some sexing begin around week 4 to 5. Remember that with bag seed roughly 50% will be males. If you are using any sort of artifical light you can go 12/12 till they sex and then go right back to vegging, remove the males so you don't waste time and money on them, unless you want to get polen to get seed.

Happy Growing!!


Well first of all, the plants pictured are all around a month old.. the other that are about 2 weeks are not pictured. This is an indoor grow, I just had them set in the window because i was doing a little construction on the grow room. As of now we're using 2-100W CFLs and 2-200W CFLs with 3860 lumens. Also i have two 75W Florescent Grow lights that i like to keep next to/under the plants so the underside of the foliage gets some light. I keep them on 24hr light. Heres a pic of that the room looks like.
The tallest of all these plants right now is about 4-5 in.... imo way too small for their age. Idk what im doing wrong or what else i can do to speed up this process.. Ive hit a wall. Can anyone help me find a way around it?:wall:


Well-Known Member
IME, sexing under 24 hr of light will take about 9 weeks from sprout.
You will want to learn how to spot the earliest preflowers.
There are excellent pictures around the web of male and female preflowers.


Well-Known Member
I am growing Bubblegummer from Female seeds right now and they were popping out preflowers by my 3rd week of veg. Never seen anything like it.


Well-Known Member
Well, not knowing how big your pot size is, or what kind of nutrients you are using. I would repot to a larger pot and stick them back under the light at 18/6 or 20/4 and can even go 24. Give them a couple weeks in the new pots and let the grow more, then see if they sex on their own. If not do the 12/12 for a few days and once they show go back to veg to get the heigth that you want and then go into flower. Unless you just want really short plants, pot size will help determine that.


Also i have two 75W Florescent Grow lights that i like to keep next to/under the plants so the underside of the foliage gets some light.
just FYI, this is unnecessary, as plants don't photosynthesize from the bottom of their leaves, you're just wasting your light down there, put them up top or on the sides.


Well-Known Member
hey i was a PA grower lol east PA though chester county. but i moved. those walmart grow lamps, put them on the sides of the plants like hyperan says and also pull off the covers.. i got 2 of them also i dont think they do much but more light the better right? but the covers are blocking light, they come right off its like one clip i think and another sweet thing you can do is go to a dollar store, get 4 or 5 of those whote poster boards and line your grow walls with em. good luck to ya :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
IME, less than 1% of plants will not show preflowers within 9-11 wks under 24 hours of light.
They might not have shown under 18/6 either. Not sure.