Audrey 1 (my first grow log - comments/help welcome)


Well-Known Member
Word up Hubes.

When I got up today my new lights had sagged down a bit.. I was afraid of that. They didn't get too close to the plants though.

I went out and got a PH tester, some hooks and string. My water tested a little high (7.3 :() so I'm going to start using bottled water. I got the thermometer going and its at 80F and 30% humidity.

I put my babies on the window sill for a few hours while I redid the lights.. they seem to love the sun and fresh air. I put hooks in the ceiling to hold the lights up- not taking any more chances!

A couple of the plants have these little brown spots on the leaves.. and one looks a little wilted. The plant I was worried about looked a lot worse today.. I gave it the ax. Nice little root on it. I'm hoping the spot will go away when I start using bottled water. I'm not sure how well you can see them in the pictures, I tried to show you what was going on. The plant in picture 3 got the ax, 4 might get the ax next. #5 is a morgue shot.. reminds me of when they put out those photos of Saddam after his execution.. all battered and beaten. Ok, maybe thats not a good analogy.

Just a couple thoughts- I have a lot of spiders I've noticed.. not in the grow room itself but it still makes me worry. Also.. should I be thinking about changing the light schedule to 18/6?

Thanks everyone for your feedback, please keep it coming!

Happy 420! Keep it Irie!



Well-Known Member
Just a couple thoughts- I have a lot of spiders I've noticed.. not in the grow room itself but it still makes me worry. Also.. should I be thinking about changing the light schedule to 18/6?

Thanks everyone for your feedback, please keep it coming!

Happy 420! Keep it Irie!
Spiders won't hurt your plants, and they might help get rid of anything that will. You can go to 18/6 it won't have a negative affect, but IMO 24/0 gets things going a little faster.

As for your Ph, it's very likely to drop once the nutes are in it. Once you start using the nutes check your Ph again, you may not need to use bottled water.


Well-Known Member
I shouldn't be concerned with a few plants that seem to show a little brown/yellowish spots and drooping tips? This is only happening to a few of my plants so it doesn't concern me much I just want to fix it.


Well-Known Member
No I have not given them any nutes yet.. I still need to buy some. I didn't think I needed them till they started flowering..

As far as soil I'm using Miracle Grow Organic.. I posted a picture of the bag earlier.
I'm hoping to get some Fox Farm when I transplant to a bigger pot.

What kind of nutes/soil do you use?


Well-Known Member
No I have not given them any nutes yet.. I still need to buy some. I didn't think I needed them till they started flowering..

As far as soil I'm using Miracle Grow Organic.. I posted a picture of the bag earlier.
I'm hoping to get some Fox Farm when I transplant to a bigger pot.

What kind of nutes/soil do you use?
Those brown spots look like burns...I haven't use MG before but I'd check to see what it's got in it. Your plants are indeed too young for ferts, that could be the culprit.

I use DNF now, but I've used AN and GH products in the past. For simplicity GH Grow, Bloom, and Micro are among the best, but it's all up to preference really.


Well-Known Member
I've been trying to think of a way to get my whole operation closer to the ground and more secure. I put up a picture of my ghetto duct tape creation, and a picture of the shelfs on the other side of the room. Think I could rig something up there? I was thinking of nailing in 2 vertical boards to have more to clamp to. If it went well I could even make 1 shelf for vegging and 1 shelf for flowering.



Well-Known Member
You're right watts don't mean anything to plants, but neither do lumens. People use them as a way of loosely guaging how much light they have, without a meter watts seems the easiest. Most bulbs (of similar type) have comparable outputs/per watt, so watts, although irrelevent to the plant do provide a way to guage. That being said lumens can be used equally, neither really gives any usable information...but we need something to use :confused:
Yea i agree with that, but what im saying is watts add up, lumens don't.. you can have 2 100 watt bulbs, say both with 1000 lumens, there are 200 watts beings used, but only maybe a 1020 lumens. and most grow books talk about lumens just for this reason.


Well-Known Member
I definitely will be doing some low stress training. I'm going to try to get the most out of the CFL's that Ill be using. In a week or so Ill be pulling out the weakest seeds leaving me 5 of the strongest and biggest. I want to let 1 or 2 grow without LST but like i said before I think it might maximize my bud potential.


Active Member
i'll be waching you lol nice plants man i just started a grow but i dont have a camra so maby next grow i will.

:joint:happy growing:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i'll be waching you lol nice plants man i just started a grow but i dont have a camra so maby next grow i will.

:joint:happy growing:bigjoint:
It'll be interesting to see how this grow turns out. It was kind of thrown together fast but things are coming together more and more each day. I can't wait to see how this shelf idea is going to work. I really like the idea of having a shelf for late veg/early flower while the other shelf starts clones from the sexy mother plant. Getting way ahead of myself though. These are just bag seed. In a few months I'm going to pick out something tasty from a seedbank. take care


Well-Known Member
Yea i agree with that, but what im saying is watts add up, lumens don't.. you can have 2 100 watt bulbs, say both with 1000 lumens, there are 200 watts beings used, but only maybe a 1020 lumens. and most grow books talk about lumens just for this reason.
I don't want to lead this thread off topic, and I explain myself a little better in this thread anyway. Any questions/facts about lighting you have I'll be happy to discuss in that thread. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Audrey seems to be doing pretty good. I axed another 3 plants today.. they didn't look like they were beyond repair, but I only want 10 plants until I can sex them.. then Ill cut down to 3-4.

The biggest plant looks very sick. I posted a pic of it. I also posted the sexiest plant.. and it looks mutant! See that extra leaf? The 3rd picture is one of the stronger plants.. most look like this. The 4th picture is a group shot of the sick plants (3 of which got the ax).

I tested a bottle of Aquafina bottled water and it was 6.5 PH.

Now I'm off to buy some polywrap to start setting up my shelf grow spot!



Well-Known Member
Couldn't find any Polywrap so I put up some white paper.. I figure its better than nothing. I fed her bottled water today and she looked so good I had to take some pictures.. take a look!

(can anyone tell me how to use a moisture meter?)



Well-Known Member
yes but what number should I water at? I am trying to get more in touch with the plants and not need the meter, but I'd like to be able to read the meter for back up. Should I water when its at 1?