Oaksterdam university


Well-Known Member
So I was thibking of either attending a semester class at the cali campus or a few weekend classes at the one in michigan. I live pretty much smack dab in the middle of both of them and feel like it would be a good fun enjoyable experience that will help me in the future with cannibis and everything from cooking to grow to the legal issues. Has anyone gone thru it liked it didnt waste of money was worth it what.

I dont want trolls saying dont go its a waste of money if you havnt completed any classes.


Well-Known Member
Thats actually something that helps when I was reading on their site they said they help to get a job in that type and like budtending or a grower for a ppl/dispencries.


Well-Known Member
So how much does it cost? Can you just take the classes you want, or do they give you the whole nine yards? I've only seen bits and pieces on TV, but they appear to be the real deal!


Well-Known Member
You have to take a basic seminar to get a certificate then you can take the advance corse. They have a few electives too around 100-300 and a seminar 13 week class was like 700 800 for the class its a relitive cheap and for teach you ins and outs of the laws cooking growing all that good stuff.


Well-Known Member
didn't they get raided a couple months back? bunch of people got arrested. are they still open?
i was thinking the same thing. i dont think i would go to a college where they just teach you advanced botany on a specific plant, thats all your doing when you pay for classes on growing weed if you really think about it. try taking botany at a community college maybe, its much cheaper, gardening is great for hands on experience, i learned how to grow marigolds, tomatos, basils and other acid loving plants before i really got into growing mj, its just like any other plant but its prohibition makes it somewhat of a forbidden fruit you could say. people over love this plant more than anything, i would really just let mother nature take her course, but some extent of care is necessary.
as for the other stuff they teach, i think its like glass blowing, cooking with mj, and all that, nothin you couldnt learn online but once again hands on is great. only take the classes you find necessary, if youve got money to blow and you wanna be able to say "i graduated from oaksterdam", go for it. if your tight on cash, i would give it some thought.


Active Member
MedGrow Cannabis College in Michigan is where I went I really did learn a ton of stuff especially regarding the laws. I enjoyed my experience there.


Well-Known Member
They did get raided and now excepting donations lol, but im nore hands on. And for cash. I got some to use but im not planning on doing everyclass they have to offer. If anything just the first semester and a few electives then a year ish later take the advance corse, as for the one in michigan I heard they only have weekend classes set up


Well-Known Member
They did get raided and now excepting donations lol, but im nore hands on. And for cash. I got some to use but im not planning on doing everyclass they have to offer. If anything just the first semester and a few electives then a year ish later take the advance corse, as for the one in michigan I heard they only have weekend classes set up
shit i wonder what all got taken from them, and if any of it was returned. maybe they're using the raid as leverage haha who knows.
i wouldnt do any classes you couldnt learn on here, whats their advanced course?


Well-Known Member
They did get raided and now excepting donations lol, but im nore hands on. And for cash. I got some to use but im not planning on doing everyclass they have to offer. If anything just the first semester and a few electives then a year ish later take the advance corse, as for the one in michigan I heard they only have weekend classes set up

lol backyard...come on down to Costa Rica and i'll teach you classes for free. haha.


Well-Known Member
haha sounds like a plan. ill save up for a few years
you won't need to save too much. just enough for the airfare which isn't too bad if you time it right. it's only a 2 hour flight from miami. my frieds get tickets from NY sometimes as cheap as $400. once you get here all you gotta buy is food and beer. i've got plenty of condos you could use. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
lol a friend went to oaksterdam, spend 2500$ taking several classes. he spent a weekend here and felt he learned 2x as much. ( i say here i mean on the forum) oaksterdam is a waste of $$ a joke, and a slap in the face to anyone trying to stay afloat in the industry. it sucks they got raided and all but they were kinda asking for it.


Well-Known Member
lol a friend went to oaksterdam, spend 2500$ taking several classes. he spent a weekend here and felt he learned 2x as much. ( i say here i mean on the forum) oaksterdam is a waste of $$ a joke, and a slap in the face to anyone trying to stay afloat in the industry. it sucks they got raided and all but they were kinda asking for it.
exactly what im sayin, your payin top dollar for forum knowledge taught by 1 person, grow knowledge(especially on cannabis) is pretty biased 99% of the time, theres not many wrong answers so you gotta find the method that suits you, just take all their advice with a grain of salt and ask a few of the experienced growers on here, it wont cost you anything.

btw, is that cat eatin spaghetti?


Well-Known Member
I'd suggest saving your money and reading and learning alot of trial and error on your own, learning on forums and sites, and asking questions will be way worth more then what you would get from that, and your paying a ton of money, donate a few hundred to the forums that help you out. Just my 2 cents.. I think it's crappy they got raided but yeah


Well-Known Member
I bought the ed rosenthal book marijuana growers hand book its the official course book of oaksterdam univirsety its got alot of info but their just teaching you from the book how to grow its only like $20 bucks at amazon while your at it you can buy every marijuana grow book they have and you will learn more than going to those classes cause they teach you how to grow ed's way and jorge cervantes book is different but its still good you will learn more reading books and on forums plus the money you save can buy grow equipment


Well-Known Member
you won't need to save too much. just enough for the airfare which isn't too bad if you time it right. it's only a 2 hour flight from miami. my frieds get tickets from NY sometimes as cheap as $400. once you get here all you gotta buy is food and beer. i've got plenty of condos you could use. :bigjoint:

perfect haha ill start saving uop a bit tho so i have a lil cash to spend when im there.