Lighting Questions?!?!?

Green on Green

Active Member
I am confused and need assistance.

I have a grow box separated into two 4' deep x 3' wide x 5' high spaces ( I was thinking SOG but thats another story) I have 6 sprouts currently that are, from my research on RIU, stretched ridiculously. I had them under a single 100 watt CFL. I know now that the were too far from the light. This was a test grow from bagseed and I now have 25 seeds germinating and I'm planning to set them up in the grow box.

I have searched the forum and havent found a satisfactory answer to my CFL questions.

What watt/color spectrum light should I use from sprout to veg?
What watt/ color spectrum should I use for flowering?

Any help, advice, criticism would be greatly appreciated/resented depending on the tone you take with me.......... j/k ............a little :joint:


Well-Known Member
using cfl's at least 250watts of light. don't burn ur plants.

Blue spectrum for veg, red spectrum for flower
HIDs are the best. MH (metal halie) for veg, HPS (high pressure sodium) for flower.

Happy 4/20!

with 25 seeds you're never gonna get anything good unless u get a SHIT load of cfl's or a 400-1000w MH or HPS. You can run either an MH or HPS throughout the entire grow but it's not the optimum way to do things.

Green on Green

Active Member
Define "shitload". I'm not planning on growing all 25, just the strongest 15 (remember they will be in 2 separate growing areas) Anything but CFL's currently is too expensive/ time consuming for me. I;ve read about the ups and downs of CFL growing and I'm prepared to take my chances, I just havent been able to find specifics on growing with them.

Thanks for your help


Well-Known Member
Define "shitload". I'm not planning on growing all 25, just the strongest 15 (remember they will be in 2 separate growing areas) Anything but CFL's currently is too expensive/ time consuming for me. I;ve read about the ups and downs of CFL growing and I'm prepared to take my chances, I just havent been able to find specifics on growing with them.

Thanks for your help
15 plants? Thats a big area. HPS/MH is needed to cover that area effectively. 4X3 can be done. (typically 1 SQft per plant min 12 plants with 15 cramed in) But lighting is gonna be key. TO get the light to get down to the lower section (don't forget these plants grow up as well as out) ya need powerful lights. (lots of little lights isn't the same thing)

I'd suggest vegging via CFLs, taking clones and flowering them in a lower concentration. That you might be able to pull off via CFLs.
Check out the CFL sub forum under the Indoor Growing forum

Green on Green

Active Member
15 plants? Thats a big area. HPS/MH is needed to cover that area effectively. 4X3 can be done. (typically 1 SQft per plant min 12 plants with 15 cramed in) But lighting is gonna be key. TO get the light to get down to the lower section (don't forget these plants grow up as well as out) ya need powerful lights. (lots of little lights isn't the same thing)

I'd suggest vegging via CFLs, taking clones and flowering them in a lower concentration. That you might be able to pull off via CFLs.
Check out the CFL sub forum under the Indoor Growing forum

Thanks just answered all of my lighting concerns with one simple post.....