Well-Known Member
I decided to rate this thread one star only to find out that I had already rated it one star.. I just wanted you to know that Kaendar.
I mean immigrants to this country.
Thats what I said earlier in this thread, that all humans come from Africa anyways. At the end of the day I dont care who comes to this country. As long as they take advantage of the opportunities and luxuries here, im all for it.i know, like is said in my last post, your ancestors were immigrants. native americans were recorded to be the only people who came before the europeans, but where do you think the native americans came from? africa. so we're all immigrants. we'll pin the blame on a different race every century/few decades, it was the irish, then african americans, and more recently hispanics. im sure there was plenty more before that but im just trying to make a point here, nobody rightfully owns this country except the earth, we all originated from africa.
Thats what I said earlier in this thread, that all humans come from Africa anyways. At the end of the day I dont care who comes to this country. As long as they take advantage of the opportunities and luxuries here, im all for it.
There probably are more whites on welfare than blacks or mexicans..there are more white people...
Unfortunately that is way to logical and simple to ever happen.There probably are more whites on welfare than blacks or mexicans..there are more white people...I just wish Obama was not so wishy washy with this...give the ones here amnesty and tighten the borders and make entering illegally a serious crime.,Deport all the violent felons here illegally and get down to the real issues like cutting the defense budget in half and bringing all the troops home...Immigration and gays marrying and abortion are all smokescreens from the real problems here.
I don't either but I do watch Real Time and Bill says it is so. I do not remember how long ago maybe a month or two a baby was born that tipped white people into the minority.No I do not watch the news, you sure about this?
AI watch real time too, does it bother you how over the top bill is with his obama love?...he needs to call out obama more..would romney be worse? yes in my opinion but bill gives obama a pass on pretty much everything.
we're a diverse country but i believe its mostly white(but it depends what your def. of "white" is), doesnt matter the color of your skin any race is just as likely to be on welfare. its about work ethic, that goes back to parenting and possibly even culture in some cases.
Hispanic people with light complexion are caucasians. It is only in the US that white is considered (not of hispanic origin). As neighborhoods gentrify attracting more people such that housing prices rise and only the affluent are able to afford to live in that area, nearby areas actually become cheaper. We know of this phenomenon as Ghetto life. When immigrants want to move to a city, at first, and quite often permanently, they take up residence where they can afford to. The ghetto has something in common with immigrant communities in that the rest of us don't really give a shit about them or want to see them in our nice affluent neighborhoods. Leaving them in the ghetto is just as good as deporting them, actually better, that way they can take a bus to come clean my house and then go back to their ghetto. What I don't understand, is why someone who is clearly not an immigrant, doesn't just get a real job and live in a non-immigrant neighborhood. I mean if you like it there, why complain?
Or you know, if you don't like a stratified socioeconomic system, you can fight the inequality. You Kaendar, are a contradiction and you don't even know it, you hate like a rich white guy, but your just another poor brown guy. I would hope you know how to vote in your own best interests.
wait, when did i become poor and brown?
i take it you don't watch the news , it is official whites are not the majority in the us any longer we are in the minority so when do i get to blame the majority for any little thing that goes wrong with my life
Not you, I'm pretty baked lol, just woke up. I wrote the long thing yesterday and the response I got was in third person just like that. I was trying to juxtapose a careless bigot attitude with explaining why there is inequality.
Wrong. Whites make up 72.4% of the US population.i take it you don't watch the news , it is official whites are not the majority in the us any longer we are in the minority so when do i get to blame the majority for any little thing that goes wrong with my life
And you came to this conclusion how? Do you know what caucasian means? I think you mean to say light skinned hispanics want to be caucasian.Hispanic people with light complexion are caucasians.